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Ben Edwards says he’s fighting Alistair Overeem in October in K-1

By Zach Arnold | September 2, 2010

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His message on Facebook:

Ben Edwards … “is fighting Alistair Overeem in the K1 top 16 in Korea on Oct 2nd. This is a dream come true, I have nothing to lose. I can’t wait.”

Here’s what Alistair Overeem had to say yesterday about Fedor, Strikeforce, etc.

“@Bigfoot Silva; Everybody is talkin about me and Fedor, it’s not fair to you. Fedor should fight you in December, then problem is solved.

The real reason M-1/Fedor called me out is to distract attention of a possible match with Silva. He wants Fedor but M-1 don’t want Silva.

Topics: K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Ben Edwards says he’s fighting Alistair Overeem in October in K-1”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Alistair Overeem has been absolutely correct on his assessment of M-1’s antics these last few months.

    1) Fedor had a chance to call out Overeem for months an didn’t do so. Then when they find out he is going to compete in K-1, they then challenge him.

    2) The requests for drug testing are an attempt to duck the fight with Overeem. They have never requested aditional drug testing from potential opponents like Silva, Barnett, or Sylvia…. Who all happen to be proven offenders.

    I don’t think Japan has the money to put on a Fedor Emelianenko fight…. At least based on the money M-1 is use to getting for his fights. And Strikeforce really doesn’t have to bend over backwards for him either.

    It’s interesting…. With Werdum beating Fedor, it opened up more options for Strikeforce at Heavyweight…. And yet they have not been able to capitalize on any of them. Their Heavyweight Division has basically been inactive since June with no signs of it changing by the end of the year.

  2. Ivan IV says:

    if this is true, then that’s pathetic… fedor is a legend and he, or his management, shoudn’t duck real opponents (first overeem, now silva)… i think M1 is afraid of a second (possible) loss of their main fighter which would destroy the still available bankability of their champion… fedor isn’t a coward but M1, acting like this, are ruining that dude’s legacy…

  3. edub says:

    Good for Ben Edwards. Hopefully he shows well, and doesn’t go to sleep early.

  4. Steve says:

    Ben has a good shot at beating Overeem.

  5. Oh Yeah says:

    After years of seeing nothing but yearly comparison pictures of Overeem, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how calm, thoughtful, and well-spoken he is. Good on him for calling M1 out on their shenanigans.


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