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How Rampage Jackson currently views the state of his MMA career

By Zach Arnold | September 2, 2010

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He is in Japan doing PR for the A-Team movie and did an interview with Sports Navigator (Yahoo Japan).

The interview itself was largely tame in terms of content. He talked about how he is very relaxed this time around in Japan as opposed to when he came to Japan as a fighter and was very tense and felt urges of volatility even during interviews as he was mentally getting ready for fights.

Rampage was asked about his future as a fighter and his current movie career. He said that his dream is to be like Oscar De La Hoya and fight once or twice a year and be able to also promote himself through movies. However, he acknowledged that he can’t do both activities at the same time and that there isn’t a case in which a world champion (like himself) could succeed also as an actor at the same time.

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