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Site issues with links

By Zach Arnold | January 20, 2019

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You’ve seen the problems in the last couple of months with this site processing the various RSS links on the sidebars. The best way to describe the issue is that it’s like having a home with clay pipes that are clogged with tree roots. New plumbing is needed.

We will fix the issues. Hopefully, the sooner the better. A new site design and new processing for feeds is necessary. Complicating matters is that RSS is going out of style and trying to aggregate feeds is becoming a more difficult challenge.

Topics: Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Site issues with links”

  1. DJ TE says:

    I know you didn’t explicitly state it, but please don’t disable your own RSS when you ditch your wordpress RSS integrator. They’re not connected, but you mentioned RSS going out of style, and I was worried you might see that as a trend to follow for your own content. I follow you (and everything else) with Feedly and would be sad to lose such a perfect connection given your posting quality.

  2. Nepal says:

    C’mon Zack,

    Its been 6 weeks since you said you are working on it and asking for rss feeds.

    You don’t need to ask for rss feeds, after all these many years, you know exactly the sites 99% of your readers want.

    Its like Ryan Harness’ fight linker, it was the best site out there until Dana Becker or whoever took over. I still clicked on fightlinker for a while until I just got pissed off at myself for it and finally I never clicked on it again.

    Your site is the same, don’t insult us and ask for rss feeds and say you’re working on it.

    Put some ads in the side bar if you want but please fix your site.
    Thank you

  3. Columbus says:

    My relatives all the time say that I am killing my time ere at web, except I
    know I am getting knowledge every day by reading thes pleasant posts.

  4. Dr. J says:

    Hey Nepal,

    The links should be back up and running. Zach wasn\’t insulting anyone or blowing smoke. It was being worked on.

  5. Nepal says:

    Hey awesome.
    Well done guys!!!


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