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The obligatory Dana White ‘apology’ video

By Zach Arnold | April 3, 2009

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Update: The apology video has now been yanked, but USA Today transcribed what White said in the video clip. Someone has put the Dana White apology video on Sendspace (download link here).

He chose the “if I offended anyone” route. The fact that I merely point this out will guarantee me 50 hate comments and message board heat all over the Internet. This video message was also kept at a minimum in terms of who White apologized to — nothing about Loretta Hunt, who was the target of Dana’s wrath in the first place. Give him points for consistency, at least. Ivan Trembow points out the obvious:

(White) even offers a justification of sorts for his words against (Loretta) Hunt by saying, “Anybody who knows me knows that I would never, ever maliciously attack someone who wasn’t attacking me.” So if he perceives that someone is attacking him, then it’s okay for him to say all of those things that he said about Hunt?

Since ESPN is covering this story on their news ticker and Around the Horn host Tony Reali is an MMA fan, the chance that this story pops up on either ATH or Pardon the Interruption on Friday is probably a good bet to make. Plus, it should be noted that even though ESPN outsources most of their MMA coverage to Sherdog, the fact is that an attack on a Sherdog writer now will get the attention of ESPN — which is not a good thing for UFC.

Dana’s new video has been combined with a video message from Nashville:

Dave Meltzer is reporting the following tonight:

*White will be doing no more video blogs

*White has pulled out of doing a reality show based on his life that was scheduled to start filming

*He is going to cut back greatly on dealing with the media and greatly reduce his public role in the company

I expect that all of these bullet points will have an expiration date. A short one, likely.

One other salient point to make about the development of media coverage on this story — if it wasn’t for GLAAD and their organized set-up of contacting media outlets and getting the message out, this story would have never been picked up by the mainstream media. Perhaps Alex Marvez would have discussed it on Fox Sports without GLAAD talking about it, but once GLAAD started zeroing on this then everything else started to fall into place.

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52 Responses to “The obligatory Dana White ‘apology’ video”

  1. Ivan Trembow says:

    As I wrote in the other thread as well:

    Wow, this is rich. In Dana White’s quasi-apology on YouTube, he apologizes for the one thing that he was forced to apologize for (the use of the word “faggot”), while not apologizing one bit for the things that he was not forced to apologize for (calling Loretta Hunt a “dumb bitch” and “a fucking moron” who should “shut the fuck up” and saying that her story is “fucking retarded” and that everything that comes out of her mouth is “fucking stupid”).

    He even offers a justification of sorts for his words against Hunt by saying, “Anybody who knows me knows that I would never, ever maliciously attack someone who wasn’t attacking me.” So if he perceives that someone is attacking him, then it’s okay for him to say all of those things that he said about Hunt?

    Again, as Alex Marvez wrote on FoxSports, what would the head of any other major sport do after saying that a female journalist who covers their sport was a “dumb bitch” and “a fucking moron” who should “shut the fuck up” and saying that her story is “fucking retarded” and that everything that comes out of her mouth is “fucking stupid? And further along with that point, would they subsequently say that they were being attacked so it was okay to say all of those things?

  2. klown says:

    That’s a well-organized strike by GLAAD.

    And if they deem White’s ‘apology’ to be insufficient, there will be hell to pay.

  3. vid is down already

  4. EJ says:

    *White will be doing no more video blogs

    *White has pulled out of doing a reality show based on his life that was scheduled to start filming

    *He is going to cut back greatly on dealing with the media and greatly reduce his public role in the company

    I don’t have a problem believing the first 2 the last one is a stretch to say the least, Dana is the face of the UFC. So unless Lorenzo is going to start doing everything that Dana does on a daily basis that isn’t really realistic.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    What the heck? They took that video down, too? Fortunately, it was already transcribed in full by USA Today:

    “”So yesterday on my video blog, obviously I chose some words that offended and hurt some people. Anybody who knows me knows that I would never, ever maliciously attack somebody who wasn’t attacking me.

    “As far as the gay and lesbian community, my comments were not directed toward them. I have no problem with the gay and lesbian community. I’m actually a supporter of many of their issues.

    “The last thing that I would ever want anybody to think about me, or think is cool, is to go out and attack somebody because of their sexual orientation. That was not my intention. That’s not the way I said it.

    “I apologize for anybody that I’ve offended or hurt.””

    Again, he apologized for the one thing that GLAAD forced him to apologize for, and did not apologize for any of the offensive things that he was not forced to apologize for.

  6. robthom says:

    I think Dana must be feeling mighty embarrassed right now and this will actually cause him to scale back his shtick a bit.
    It cant be an easy thing to publically admit that you’ve acted a fool and apologize (definitely not as easy as uttering an errant word). So I’m not sure how fair saying his apology isn’t good enough is, or how much good its gonna do anybody to make a bigger drama out of this than necessary.

  7. Zach Arnold says:

    It cant be an easy thing to publically admit that you’ve acted a fool and apologize (definitely not as easy as uttering an errant word). So I’m not sure how fair saying his apology isn’t good enough is, or how much good its gonna do anybody to make a bigger drama out of this than necessary.

    Apology or not, the damage has been done and may continue. We agree on this point.

    However, if you’re going to say you’re sorry, just say it. Don’t say it like a gun is being held to your head — just do it. Short and sweet. By half-assing it (my opinion), you just drag this out longer than it needs to go (from a PR perspective).

  8. robthom says:

    I understand and agree with you. The only problem that I see, that maybe dana is wary of also if the ole “inch for yard”.
    If he gets too apologetic about it some people will use that to hype up the mob and milk the guilt train for all its worth. People are just like that, they take advantage. Next thing you know he’s crying on ellen, he’s hugging elton john, etc, etc.

    I dont need to see that.
    Short and sweet like you said should be enough for this situation.

    As “sweet” as Dana White gets at least I guess. 🙂

  9. […] youtube is both VERY appropriate and VERY inappropriate. Did anyone involved learn anything? Maybe! According to his holiness Dave Meltzer, Dana is pulling the plug on video blogs, canceling a reality show about […]

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    This is what happens when people try and make issues out of such small things.

    Now we have less access to backstage footage.

    I’m sure he will be at press conferences and those sort of things. But none of the real juicy behind the scenes stuff we have been getting.

    People might disagree with what he has said, and I understand that. But our culture’s constant ripping apart of anything is amazing and sad. And we wonder why we get politicians and president’s of companies who act artificial and fake.

    We have this wonderful thing called the 1st Amendment. And yet all we do is censor ourselves through public opinion and a media that thrives on 24/7 news controversy. It’s sad really.

  11. Dave says:

    This is just rich. We all know Dana won’t be out of the spotlight for long.

    This should also show people who actually has any sort of media say and power; not bloggers or MMA fans, but people with established connections.

    I’m sure Dana feels like a tool. The whole online community and bloggers he can hold hostage because they want something (credentials, and to be deemed important), but GLAAD has no vested interest in anything Dana White or UFC could do for them. It is about time somebody with the ability to hurt Dana has shown him he isn’t invincible.

    “Dorothy” has taken down “White Power Dana,” the wicked witch.

  12. Zach Arnold says:

    Dave – send me an e-mail, please.

  13. Rollo the Cat says:

    “This is what happens when people try and make issues out of such small things.”

    Unfortunately true. It is a combination of political “victim” groups and very jealous internet bloggers who think Dana owes them a job in the UFC. This is an example of the worst of journalism and politics.

    I doubt though that anything really comes of this besides what has already happned. The Dana and UFC haters will still hate him and everyone else will keep it in proper perspective.

  14. Jey says:

    If Dana didn’t have such a tendency to shit on the little people then the little people wouldn’t seize the opportunity to bite back and kick him whilst he’s down.

    Anyway, as has been pointed out before, this is not an overreaction, it is if anything an underreaction compared to what would happen in all other sports.

    As for scaling back his role. I have absolutely no time whatsoever for Dana but I liked to see backstage at events so always watched the blogs.

    In terms of the apology, if he had wholeheartedly apologised for everything he said he would not have meant a word of it, so I would honestly rather he just tried to worm his way out of it like this. It DOESN’T get him off the hook if he doesn’t apologise properly and that’s fine by me – I’d rather that happen than it just gets swept under the carpet on the basis of a false apology.

  15. Zach Arnold says:

    Unfortunately true. It is a combination of political “victim” groups and very jealous internet bloggers who think Dana owes them a job in the UFC. This is an example of the worst of journalism and politics.

    I’ve never applied for media credentials or used any to go to an MMA show. I also don’t do MMA fighter rankings on the site. I think, all things considered, I keep things in perspective. Dana White doesn’t owe me anything personally or professionally.

    What he does owe to the general public that supports MMA is a respectable image on the mainstream level. He can’t have his cake and eat it too — he can’t have the mainstream sports writers and publications cover him and then not expect to get scrutinized for his actions or what he says. He’s the front man for the one major MMA player. If UFC = the whole sport, then why shouldn’t what White say or do be scrutinized? He can’t have it both ways — he can’t sit there and say that the UFC is going to be as the NFL or the NBA in 10 years globally, and then turn around and not expect to get slapped back for his behavior. With great power comes great responsibility. Any other major sports boss, from FIFA to the NFL to the NBA to MLB to NASCAR would be feeling the wrath of every sports writer in the country if they had said the same things Dana White did on that YouTube video about Loretta Hunt (a female sports writer).

    It’s amazing to me how Dana White has now become a more popular version of Paul Heyman this decade. Anything he does is labeled ‘edgy’ or ‘hardcore.’ “He’s in touch with his fans more than any other CEO!” The same slobbering remarks said by fans of Heyman in the 90s are being repeated now by supporters of Dana White who are so emotionally invested in whatever he does — good, bad, great, ugly — that he can never be wrong. He calls a reporter “a f*$&@&! b*@&!” and that somehow becomes a) a free speech defense, b) speaking “truth to power”, or c) standing up for his company and fighting against his ‘haters’.

  16. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Other sports commissioners would feel he wrath for saying wwhs Dana said. That is 100% true. But Loretta isn’t nearly a good enough writer to get a real job following those sports for a major publication. No on Sherdog is. Those guys would all be canned from a paper. They constantly write opinion pieces disguised as news stories. There is awful grammar and non-sourced stories all over that site. Read a Steve Sievert story on MMAJunkie for an example of how to write or any story on

    The same negative Nancy everything is wrong crowd that left pro wrestling is now poisoning the MMA web universe. Let’s look at he positives our sport is all over TV, it’s in the Press in a good light, has major sponsors and is in no danger of being outlawed.

    As far as Dana goes it has been my prediction for sometime that he will be replaced as he public face of UFC eventually. To a certain degree he is a liability with sponsors and if they ever go to network tv. At the same time people complain about David Stern and Bud Selig being phonies. Nobody makes that complaint about Dana.

  17. 45 Huddle says:

    Nothing beats Heyman. That guy convinced grown men to work for peanuts despite the fact that many could have signed on for bigger money in a heartbeat. Too bad Heyman didn’t have a financial backer like Dana White does. ECW really was something great. 1995 & 1996 were amazing years.

    Anyways, back to Dana White. To me, this isn’t as much of a Dana White issue as it is how the media handles everything. News today is entertainment more then actual content and in-depth discussion. They want the highest rated shows. They want the most page hits on their website.

    Not only that, but with cable and the internet, there is a need for 24/7 content. So an issue like steroids in baseball can fuel a website or TV for months worth of content. So it pays off for the reporters to get involved and keep drilling until guys like Roger Clemens are in jail. And then once the media knocks a guy as low as he can go…. Then they like to build him up again. It’s sick really. I don’t know of anybody who wants to see Clemens or Bonds go to jail. Yet those are the most likely scenario’s at this time due to this monster that is news media.

    The Dana White “issue” won’t be around by Monday. It’s not a big enough hot topic, and White doesn’t have enough name value to the general public.

    However, people watch sports to be entertained. A fight promoter saying crude things is about as offensive to me as a NBA Team Owner making a tirade. Neither really has an effect on the athletes or the sport. Yes, the media will force it to have an effect, but really, if you sit down and think about it outside of the crazy media bubble, White’s comments don’t really effect who is going to determine the outcome of Liddell/Rua.

    On the flip side of the coin, a station like ESPN not only loves scandal. They also love to live in the past, bring up 1,000 statistics, and try and make everything seem historical or bigger then it really is.

    It’s just another example of how the media is a monster. Dana White is likely experiencing that now. Which is a shame. Those video blogs were great. Sadly, in this day and age, NO COMPANY PRESIDENT can really afford to be doing them. There are so many groups that can be offended, that even a more mild mannered individual (which White is not), can catch themselves in trouble by talking enough. It’s just human nature.

  18. Alan Conceicao says:

    I still say I find the reaction more intruiging than the statements made. People calling any fight promoter, Dana included, “authentic” because he calls people faggots through Youtube over nasty things someone said about them on the internet is hellalulzy.

    At first, I hated the Heyman comparison. Then again, Heyman could get ECW fans to yell obscenities about wrestlers that were “good workers” like Ric Flair and then have them cheer guys that were abjectly bad like Sid Vicious minutes later. There’s a certain segment of the population that craps on what Strikeforce/EXC/etc have on but will admit to being interested in the next Tim Credeur or Dave Kaplan fight in the UFC. Shows the power of branding.

  19. Lester Grimes says:

    As lead Management of a private organization, Dana can run and SAY what he feels is right. It’s all about making money, the main reason why people get into business in the first place. All that really counts is the P-R-O-F-I-T-S. If PPV buy rates rise in the future, what Dana said in the past or future will be considered a success. If profits go down the toilet, it’s his fault. As a business owner, you take all the blame, and most important of all, all the glory. You can’t reap rewards by not taking any risks.

    A couple words by Dana words may hurt the feelings of a MINORITY of fans but this type of behavior has been prevalent in the fight game for years (boxing, wrestling, etc).

    Is the UFC a publicly funded organization? Does the government fund the UFC, like recently bailed out financial institutions?

    Boxing has had convicted murders, convicts, and rapists as their premier promoters and fighters. People still pay to see them fight all the time. MMA is no different.

    Welcome to the fight game, where MALE MACHISMO has HISTORICALLY ruled. This is reality not some washed out B.S. by the Liberal media.

  20. Zack says:

    The difference is that Heyman was an underdog. Dana is no underdog at this point.

    “We have this wonderful thing called the 1st Amendment. And yet all we do is censor ourselves through public opinion and a media that thrives on 24/7 news controversy. It’s sad really.”

    Yes…Dana has the right to call someone a faggot, and other people have the right to complain about it if they don’t like it. Free speech goes both ways.

  21. David says:

    Dana White does some strict business moves but he is damn entertaining…

  22. 45 Huddle says:


    I think you missed the point of that 1st Amendment comment. Nobody would say that people don’t have a right to complain about other’s.

    However, what happens with the media is that they center in on it, and basically create a series of restrictions on what a public figure can say or do. And if they do anything outside of that, they write articles and bash them. So despite the fact that people are allowed to say anything, small groups like GLAAD or PETA bring small issues and put a magnifying glass on it until enough people notice. It distorts reality and then public figures can’t be themselves.

    Free Speech is only as free as people allow it to be. And we really don’t allow it to be free in this nation.

    Bringing that back to the Dana White situation. Only somebody who fully understands the sport, the fanbase, and the angry blogger mentality can properly relate to the issue here. The mass media just wants a quick news story.

    Have they talked about Hunt being a bad reporter with a history of garbage? No! They just say: “UFC Head goes off on female reporter” because it makes a good headline. Most of the regular UFC fans have no problems with Dana White’s language. The hardcores have their pants in a bunch, but so is the case on a weekly or monthly basis.

  23. Bam Bam Gigalo says:

    Rollo the Cat is spot on

    Heres my post from Sherdog on the subject.

    Anyone else think that the whole controversy about Dana’s blog was blown out of proportion by Dana haters in hopes of brining him down? I doubt any person would be that offended by “***got” or “bitch”, You hear that language on the street every day by every person. I mean I doubt these punks would try to reprimand a guy on the street who said it. But since they’re safe behind their computer screen and tucked away in their mommies basement they could blow it up in safety and satisfy this vindictive grudge against White.

    I mean I would really be interested to know what they have against Dana?
    -With out him MMA would be dead. There wouldn’t be MMA companies popping up everywhere.That means fighters would still be getting paid peanuts and no MMA on TV. Its back to shows in Indian reservations with fighters getting paid 2000/2000.

    -With out Dana there wouldn’t be all these MMA sponsorship opportunities for fighters to make money, no opportunities for movie roles for fighters like they have now, and you wouldn’t see all these MMA gyms pop up which is also lucrative for fighters.

    -With out Dana all those ***got MMA journalists who got on their high horse and criticized him wouldn’t have a job. If Dana didn’t popularize MMA CNNSI, ESPN, Fox sports, ect wouldn’t have anyone covering MMA.

    Dana’s done more for MMA than anyone bar none, and theres not even a close second. So I would really like to know what some of those Dana white haters have against him, I normally wouldn’t care but this controversy has led Dana to stop doing Vlogs which I thought were great and its all cause of those shit heads who blew his comments up.

    The only possible answers I can think of are
    1-Heart broken Pride nut huggers who are angry that Dana beat Pride.
    2-Jealousy that Dana’s rich, successful, and Important. While They’re are nobody.
    3-Just trying to be different, you know the type that bash anything thats successful and popular just to be cool. Its same douches that call all the new MMA fans Tuf newbs just so people will know that they were fans before MMA became cool and IE more knowledgeable about the sport.

  24. The Citizen says:


  25. 45 Huddle says:

    Great post Bam Bam. Very very good post.

    What does it say about these people? Why would they put so much time and energy into hating something? There is a special kind of stupid for those people.

    I’m not talking about the Dan Stupp’s & Zach Arnold’s of the world. I’m talking about Sherdog and Bloody Elbow type of writers.

    And for the writers, I think it is a combination of #1 and #2. For non writer bashing fans online, it’s a combination of all 3 (depending on the person).

  26. Zack says:

    “Dana’s done more for MMA than anyone bar none, and theres not even a close second.”

    Uhhhhh the Fertitas? That’s who purchased it and let him be pres, who let him blow $40 mil or so, and who overruled his negative feelings about a reality show and footed the bill to get it produced.

  27. 45 Huddle says:

    Article is still on the CBS Sports Main Page. Looks like it will be off soon, as it is the last of the mai articles linked.

    It is off of ESPN, Yahoo Sports, Sports Illustrated, and Fox Sports.

    Probably didn’t get enough hits to keep it going as a news story.

  28. ajz123 says:

    I will only say that I am speaking for myself, but I will welcome anyone who agrees with this.

    Here is my problem with this whole scandal. I am not at all offended he used the words he did, or really even in the way he used them. I use them the same way…sometimes. The problem is simply that there is a certain type of behavior that is required of the heads of major companies, like it or not. We can take the analysis of this whole debacle in a number of different directions as we have seen, but what it comes down to is simply professionalism. That is it. Dana White has none. If you didn’t know that already, you should know that now. As much as it may tick you off that White might have to censor himself, if he wants the UFC to be in the same league as the big boys of sports, he CAN’t act like that. The mainstream WILL NOT accept it. As MMA fans, we want the mainstream sport fan to support MMA. If White keeps giving them reasons to dislike the sport and its athletes, MMA will never get the acceptance it deserves.

    I think White has maxed out his ability to genuinely improve MMA as a whole. I hope he permanently cuts back on making sure he gets face-time wherever he goes and just focuses on running the UFC as a successful business.

  29. spacedog says:

    For all of those citing the First Amendment as a reason Dana can say what ever the F he wants, you clearly have no idea what the legal scope and purpose of the amendment is. Hate speech is not protected, nor is harassment (sexual or otherwise), or defamatory speech. Dana’s diatribe could easily fall into any or all of the above categories.

  30. Ivan Trembow says:

    Wow, who would’ve thunk it? Maggie Hendricks has “forgiven” Dana White even though the only thing he apologized for was his use of the word “faggot” (not his use of the words “dumb bitch” or any other offensive thing he said towards Loretta Hunt), and Steve Cofield has a whole article defending White. It’s not like Yahoo Sports makes more money when White’s company sells more PPVs online… oh, wait a minute, never mind. It’s amazing that people still don’t think of Cofield & Co. in the same way that they think of Kevin Iole. Cofield is just a more subtle version of Iole at this point.

  31. Ivan Trembow says:

    On a related note, Mike Freeman of CBS Sports hits the nail on the head with this comment: “still he [Dana White] is not challenged for his behavior (mostly) by the media that covers him because they’re either afraid of White or worried about losing the money he doles out to various sycophants in the press.”

  32. robthom says:

    “As MMA fans, we want the mainstream sport fan to support MMA. If White keeps giving them reasons to dislike the sport and its athletes, MMA will never get the acceptance it deserves.”

    Good post, but sometimes I’m pretty sure that I could live without that.
    Mass acceptance necessarily entails mass compromise and pandering. Look at the people that we vote for, or the condition of modern pop culture in general.
    The day the UFC becomes the next george clooney or american idol I’m out of here.

  33. Bam Bam Gigalo says:

    “Uhhhhh the Fertitas? That’s who purchased it and let him be pres, who let him blow $40 mil or so, and who overruled his negative feelings about a reality show and footed the bill to get it produced.”

    Uhhhh Dana owns 10 percent of the UFC as well. And he was the one running the company for years while the Fertitas worked mostly on their casino.

    And investing 40 million dollars doesn’t mean he blew it, in business to make money you have to spend money. Dana also convinced them not to sell the UFC when they were 40 million in the hole.

    Dana built the entire MMA industry period. All these new orgs popping up, clothing line companies, and fighters making a killing on their gyms owe thanks to Dana.

  34. Ivan Trembow says:

    Please don’t feed the trolls.

  35. Zack says:

    Didn’t realize he was trolling until that last response. Bam Bam…either be more subtle in your trolling or just go full blown delusional like 45.

  36. Ivan Trembow says:

    Zack— Don’t feel bad. I didn’t realize the extent to which 45 Huddle was willing to take his trolling until the past couple of days.

  37. Ivan Trembow says:

    Dana White gives an interview to in which he says that he’s sorry for using the word “faggot” but makes it 100% crystal clear that he’s not sorry for any of the things that he said about Loretta Hunt (calling Hunt a “dumb bitch” and “a fucking moron” who should “shut the fuck up” and saying that her story is “fucking retarded” and that everything that comes out of her mouth is “fucking stupid”), and Luke Thomas’ response to that interview is to write, “We need him, we trust him and we look forward to him leading the UFC. I’m glad White said this and I’m glad it’s over as quickly as it began.”

    As an MMA fan and an MMA journalist, I find that to be just plain embarrassing.

  38. Ivan Trembow says:

    … and why on earth would ESPN Page 2 do an interview with Dana White in which they (rightfully) ask him about his use of the word “faggot” but do not ask him one question about his attacks against Loretta Hunt… especially since he made it crystal-clear in the interview that he was only sorry for his use of the word “faggot” and was not at all sorry for anything that he said about Hunt?

  39. 45 Huddle says:

    I was listening to The Savage Podcast, one of his past shows. Savage is gay and gives out sex advice to both straight and gay people. I made sure to listen if he used the word fag or faggot.

    He did. At one point, it was multiple times within a minute. And it wasn’t always in a positive context.

    Like I have said before, this isn’t much of an issue. GLAAD got their panties in a bunch along with the self hating hardcore MMA Fans.

    And I’m glad White didn’t apologize to Loretta Hunt. She is an embarrasement to good journalists out there. And I have bashed her before this specific indicent. She is horrible.

  40. 45 Huddle says:

    And Hunt is gutless…

    She’s the main writer at Sherdog, yet that article is by, not Loretta Hunt. She needs to grow a pair and put her name on articles.

  41. Ivan Trembow says:

    Okay, I know that I just said “Don’t feed the trolls” a few posts ago, but I can’t help myself.

    45 Huddle— Even if one agrees that Loretta Hunt is “an embarrassment to good journalists out there” (which I certainly do not agree with), would that mean that it’s okay for Dana to call her a “dumb bitch” who should “shut the fuck up” and saying that her story is “fucking retarded” and that everything that comes out of her mouth is “fucking stupid”?

    Are you seriously taking that position?

  42. Fluyid says:

    Dana showed so little class in the way he addressed his disagreement with that article and its author that I can’t believe it. It’s very disconcerting that people aren’t more disappointed in that aspect.

    On an unrelated note, how disgusting is this picture?

    *Contacts GLAAD*

  43. Bam Bam Gigalo says:

    I agree 45, Its difficult finding MMA journalists worth a damn. I just want facts with out peoples opinions or biases thrown in. To me the only MMA journalist whos opinion I actually value is Meltzers.

    Not saying his is the only MMA news site I like, I think MMAweekly and MMAjunkie also do a good job providing news. But for just an opinion piece Meltzer’s is the only one I trust and care about.

  44. ANONYMOUS says:

    I emailed Bud and asked for a response:

    Dear ———–,

    Thanks for contacting Anheuser-Busch.

    The comments by Dana White were inappropriate, insensitive and out-of-line. We have spoken to Dana about the gravity of this issue and communicated that our company maintains a corporate commitment to zero tolerance for discrimination. Anheuser-Busch is guided by the belief, ‘Making Friends Is Our Business,’ and that every consumer is important, regardless of race, sex, religion, color, sexual orientation, gender identity national origin, age, disability or veteran’s status.

    It is our understanding that Dana has posted an apology for his inappropriate comments. We thank you for contacting Anheuser-Busch and allowing us an opportunity to respond. Please let us know if you have additional comments or questions.

    Your Friends at Anheuser-Busch
    1-800-DIAL-BUD (1-800-342-5283)

  45. Alan Conceicao says:

    The problem for the people who wish this was a story capable of snowballing and taking out Dana is that Dana White isn’t important enough for the media to give a crap for very long. The inevitable apology came and its all over. On to more pressing issues in the sport like, I dunno, how crappy the guys on TUF 9 are.

  46. The Citizen says:

    The gay comments were second in nature to the direct attack on Loretta Hunt. This “sport” has some of the most bizarre fans in it. (some of them post their comments on this site)
    I never would have thought that these would be the issues that we would be facing in America as things moved over here from Japan.
    Fight Opinion, do you recall any of the Japanese heads putting out stuff like this in the East?

    Ed. — No.

  47. EJ says:

    Dana White gives an interview to in which he says that he’s sorry for using the word “faggot” but makes it 100% crystal clear that he’s not sorry for any of the things that he said about Loretta Hunt (calling Hunt a “dumb bitch” and “a fucking moron” who should “shut the fuck up” and saying that her story is “fucking retarded” and that everything that comes out of her mouth is “fucking stupid”), and Luke Thomas’ response to that interview is to write, “We need him, we trust him and we look forward to him leading the UFC. I’m glad White said this and I’m glad it’s over as quickly as it began.”

    Good to hear that Dana isn’t changing his tone it’s what’s helped make the UFC as successfull as it is today. Fuck the PC police and all the crybabies getting over sensetive because someone swore at a horrible writer that deserves to get crapped on I applaud that.

  48. Ivan Trembow says:

    Ah, I can’t dispute that. The UFC is as successful as it is today because of Dana White calling journalists “dumb bitches” and “fucking morons” who write “absolutely fucking retarded” stories.

  49. Mr_Mike says:

    I’ve come to the conclusion that the UFC, Dana White and, this whole MMA thing is nothing more than entertainment and, ultimatly meaningless in the overall picture. Instead of spending so much time being so emotionally involved in something you have no control over, do youself a favor and, join a Boxing, Muay Thai Judo, or BJJ school and do something meaningful for yourself, whith tangible benefits. Be a participant, not a couch potato.

  50. Steve4192 says:

    LOL at Ivan using Mike Freeman as an example of a reasonable response.

    Isn’t Freeman the guy who constantly compares MMA to human cock fighting and refers to MMA fans as depraved troglodytes?

    Sadly, I beginning to think Ivan really does share a lot of Freeman’s opinions regarding MMA and it’s fans.


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