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Tuesday news clippings (4/8/08)

By Zach Arnold | April 8, 2008

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  1. The Southwark News (UK): David Haye eyeing MMA in his thirties
  2. Setanta Sports (UK): UFC top 10 pound-for-pound list
  3. The New York Daily News: Roy Jones Jr. disappointed that match-up with UFC star Anderson Silva is off
  4. Bloody Elbow: Fightlinker vs. Dave Meltzer
  5. Walrus Magazine: Roland Barthes vs. MMA
  6. MMA Predictions: CSAC releases numbers for 12 months of substance abuse monitoring
  7. MMA Junkie: Leonard Garcia discusses arrest charges
  8. Shu Hirata: The real MMA barbie – Carina Damm
  9. Steve Sievert: Cause of death determined in case of Houston fighter Sam Vasquez
  10. MMA Analyst: Monte Cox – quality over entertainment
  11. MMA Opinion: Marijuana and MMA – a big problem?

Topics: Boxing, Media, MMA, UFC, UK, WEC, Zach Arnold | 23 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

23 Responses to “Tuesday news clippings (4/8/08)”

  1. Rohan says:

    David Haye is an interesting and engaging character. I think he’s got a few obviously weaknesses in his boxing game but i can really see him picking up a world title in the next 18 months and then having a shot at unifying a couple of the belts if they can arrange the fight.

    And if that can make his name in the States roll on an entry into MMA with that year’s training.

    Incidently I heard his manager do a radio interview over here on the morning after he unified the crusierweight titles and he made several direct comparisons with UFC when discussing his view of boxing promotion at the moment. Basically he was say there needs to be stronger overall boxing cards headlined by A grade vs A grade fighters (even if that raises costs), but then having evenly matched up fights across the card. Looking at the resurgence of big time boxing this year promotors across the world have taken on board the first part of that lesson.

  2. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I’m lazy. Can someone else snag the six month numbers from CSAC’s last report and find out what the figures are for the last six months based on this twelve month report? I’m interested in trends.

  3. D. Capitated says:

    So Tim Sylvia and Fedor are going to fight each other, and no one says a thing? Wow.

  4. cyph says:

    Because it’s not happening.

  5. Grape Knee High says:

    D.Cap, given Fedor’s “Kim Jong Il”-type free agency antics, forgive me if I am a bit skeptical that this fight will ever materialize.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    Some interesting things.

    1. Affliction isn’t on HBO for their first card. What a shock.

    2. How is the event going to make money with Fedor making so much? Even with a $2 Million gate, I see it losing money.

    3. Will this card have any effect on the sport, with it being on HDNET? Highly doubtful.

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    I should also add that Sylvia/Fedor is a good fight. I actually favor Sylvia based on the way they match up. And honestly, I hope he wins. I just hate how fighters who avoid top competition for so long (Fedor, Rickson, F. Shamrock), get hyped up to mythical status.

  8. The Gaijin says:

    So 45 – when Fedor smokes Sylvia where will he rank on your HW top 10?

    Will you finally stop bitching about him not fighting top competition even though he’s 2-0 against the UFC champ?

  9. The Gaijin says:

    Actually, eff that…I will believe this fight happens when I see them standing nose-to-nose (figuratively) in a ring/cage with the ref giving them the final instructions.

  10. Dave2 says:

    Frank Shamrock was the shit back in 1997-1999 until he semi-retired from the sport and stopped fighting the best. Fedor had a godly reign in PRIDE from 2003 to 2006. After Hunt, his last fight in PRIDE, he hasn’t been able to fight top 10 competition. That would change in 2008 if he does fight Sylvia. So I wouldn’t put Fedor in the same category as Frank Shamrock if he does fight someone top 10 this year.

    I don’t see Sylvia beating Fedor. I don’t know why anyone would think Sylvia would have the better chance. Big Nog was a bad style match up for Sylvia and Fedor too is a bad style match. Both Nog and Fedor are submission-heavy guys except Fedor also has vicious ground n pound in his arsenal as well. Fedor was a bad style match for Nog and he’ll be even worse for Sylvia.

  11. IceMuncher says:

    I give Sylvia a decent chance against Fedor. It’s a dangerous fight for Fedor. Sylvia’s got a huge height and size advantage (6’8 260lb vs 6’0 233lb) with under-rated striking and good TD defense.

    I can see it either ending the same way as Nogueira vs Sylvia ended or with Sylvia frustrating Fedor for a decision victory.

  12. Tomer Chen says:

    Honestly, I think either Fedor will get Sylvia down and G&P or (more likely given the size of Sylvia and comparative lack of reach for Fedor unless he reaches the mount) sub him or Sylvia will cut up Fedor’s face.

  13. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Apparently Jake Shields will be appearing at the Hip Hop Chess Federation’s April 12th event in Menlo Park.

  14. Mateo says:

    I would hope everyone would take a peek at the MMA Weekly’s headline for the Fedor/ Syvlia rumor. Isn’t that pretty damn responsible?

  15. cyph says:

    If the “rumors” of Fedor demanding 2 mil a fight is true, and the “rumors” of Sylvia demanding 300k a fight is true, then this “rumor” is as unlikely as hell. Unless the promoter(s) don’t mind losing a ton of money like Bodog did.

    Color me skeptical until the Russian officially signs on the dotted line and the event is booked.

  16. Dave2 says:

    Who is footing the $2.3 million bill for this? If Affliction, this promotion is in trouble because that company can’t absorb a financial loss like that. If Mark Cuban, that’s only 1/1000th of his wealth down the drain. He has $2.7 billion in worth so making up for that lost $2.3 million in his other businesses shouldn’t be a problem.

  17. Fedor’s “underrated” striking abilities may be the sole difference for that matchup. He’s got some lightning quick bombs he can throw, and Sylvia has proven that even Couture’s slower strikes put him to the floor.

    Most obviously though, Fedor’s ground game will dominate Sylvia, and I don’t believe for a second that Sylvia can keep himself standing. When you tell the world that you hate jiu-jitsu after being submitted by Nogueira, it will likely only get worse as competition gets better for Sylvia.

  18. iain says:

    I would love to meet 45 huddle in person.

    Well if this fight does happen I am excited. Why? because I am a fan of MMA. Mark Cuban is building up HDnet don’t forget that folks. Atlanta Braves and TBS type of a situation.

  19. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Only the Braves most likely came closer to making money on their own than most MMA promotions do (certainly closer than those who will pay $2 million a fight to anyone), and I think Ted was a baseball fan from way back living out his childlike dreams.

    Plus he was probably already a billionaire.

  20. Ultimo Santa says:

    WOW…I bet Tim Sylvia has some extremely warm nuts right now. They’re being hugged by half the people on this board.

    Why anyone would give Sylvia the edge over Fedor is beyond comprehension. It’s almost as funny as the pre-fight comments before the Nogueira fight.

    Fedor has never been KOed, and I don’t see Timmy being the first to make that happen. Fedor never been submitted, and Sylvia will never submit anyone who has anything higher than a purple belt in BJJ.

    What does that leave?

    Tim Sylvia’s only shot in hell would to score a referee stoppage from bleeding. If Steve Mazagatti is the referee, I’d say possibly Sylvia could have a prayer…

  21. Donny says:


    u guys r the most whinny little bitches ive ever heard.

    who gives a flying fuck how much money affliction will lose?

    who gives a flying fuck if affliction will go outta biz?

    all that matters is Fedor vs Timmy
    if thats the only fight affliction ever puts on who gives a shit?

    did they sign some 30 fight deal with affliciton that makes ppl care how long they will last?

    My GOD!

    Complaining is a female trait………

  22. Stanley Roper says:

    Fedor for the win.

    Money Mark Cuban is a billionaire living out his dreams via MMA, HD Net, basketball, etc.

  23. Chuck says:

    “Money Mark Cuban is a billionaire living out his dreams via MMA, HD Net, basketball, etc.”

    But you see, Cuban is a different breed of animal from other money mark types. Unlike many other money marks, he actually makes money, profits even. Most money marks (look up the name Billy Firehawk. He died in 2006) lose a TON of money because they have the business sense of a turtle.

    “who gives a flying fuck how much money affliction will lose?

    who gives a flying fuck if affliction will go outta biz?”

    Well this is a hell of a short-sighted viewpoint. Would you like to see more great fights and great fighht cards being done by people with the money that can make it happen? Well then you better “give a flying fuck”. Because no more money means no more fight cards, and no more fight cards means less work for the fighters. And less work for the fighters means less fights. And less fights means BYE-BYE to our beloved sport. Oh, it’s a hell of a domino effect…

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