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Dana White on Choi Hong-Man

By Zach Arnold | February 4, 2008

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Audio evidence here at the 6:20 mark…

Dana calls Choi Hong-Man “long duck dong.” Not since Phil Baroni mocked Yoon Dong-Sik as “pork fried rice” have we had quite an insensitive remark from a top MMA voice (outside of Japan, anyways — the garbage Yoshihiro Akiyama has had to put up with is ridiculous, as well).

Topics: K-1, Media, MMA, South Korea, Zach Arnold | 82 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

82 Responses to “Dana White on Choi Hong-Man”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    The biggest news in the sport today is the fact that the UFC sold 13,000 tickets already to their Montreal Show. And yet all people can talk about is this stupid stuff.

  2. The Gaijin says:

    I don’t think that’s a huge surprise, it’s the first event in Canada and MMA has become pretty damned popular here. Not to mention GSP is a Montreal boy who made his name in Quebec in the TKO organization.

    The biggest surprise is that the average price for a ticket was something re-donk-ulous like $550 – about double what they’re going for in Ohio(? – UFC 82). And quite frankly the card isn’t that great…they seemed to pull a few of the more intriguing fights and shoehorned in every Canadian they have on the roster.

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    The biggest news in the sport today is the fact that the UFC sold 13,000 tickets already to their Montreal Show. And yet all people can talk about is this stupid stuff.

    So you support or don’t care about White’s remarks?

    There’s a difference between making fun of a fighter and using an ethnic/racial slur. White should have known better.

  4. Sergio says:

    Zach, while White’s comment was definitely inappropriate, I wouldn’t define it as a racial slur.

  5. Chuck says:

    “That fucking dyke bitch Rosie O’Donnell got away with her racist remarks, and people defended her like her publicist saying “Oh that’s just her style.””

    HAHAHA! Dude, you just totally shot yourself in the foot here. You are talking about racism and whatnot, and then you call Rosie O’Donnell a “dyke”. I know it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity, but it is name-calling a group of people, and it goes against the tolerance point you were getting at.

    “If calling hime Long Duck Dong is racsit, and comparing it to others like the guy above did with Soko being called “Kunta Kinte”… then would you agree that calling a white guy “Billy Bob Joe” from “the trailer park” is racist?

    It’s the same damn thing. So if that’s not racist, then neither is “Long Duck Dong”. This crap goes both ways, or it doesn’t go at all.”

    Absolutely. I agree 100%. Not only is calling someone “Billy Joe Bob” demeaning to white people, it is also demeaning to people in the South, and anyone else living in “country” areas. And I do agree that either it should al be allowed, or none of it allowed. No special treatment to anyone.

  6. But he’s been held out of a fight since beating Werdum, Werdum is now next in line (tentatively) for a title shot and Arlovski is fighting on a prelim undercard for his last fight, against a human blanket no less.

    I’d say they’re definitely trying to “screw” his bargaining position as much as they possibly can.

    So is Arlovski “screwing” with Zuffa by not signing? Arlovski has his people looking out for his best interests and the Zuffa is looking out for what’s best for them. You can call this evil or “screwing” with someone, but this is what all corporations do and there’s nothing morally or ethically wrong with it if laws aren’t being broken and human rights aren’t being violated.

    Why do you think so many people that the UFC “screwed” resigned with them? Penn, Pulver, Okami, Ortiz, Shamrock. Couture (after the first time he left). Because they understand that its not evil for a company to protect its own interests. It’s not personal. It’s business as people like to say.

  7. D. Capitated says:

    You can call this evil or “screwing” with someone, but this is what all corporations do and there’s nothing morally or ethically wrong with it if laws aren’t being broken and human rights aren’t being violated.

    Yes, the ethics of trying to destroy someone’s selling power before resigning them are totally okay because it doesn’t break the Geneva Convention. Absurd.

  8. PizzaChef says:

    I didn’t shot myself in the foot. Simply cause that’s what Rosie is and she deserves to be called for that. Hell if she can get away with racist comments and insulting others on live TV, I should be able to do the same thing to that hypocrite. Yeah she’s a hypocrite cause she wants equal treatment for gays but doesn’t treat others equally. Chuck, are you more comfortable if I call Rosie a “raging heterophobe”? Is that less offensive for you?

  9. iain says:

    What you are all forgeting is that Dana White is a BUSINESS MAN. You see? BUSINESS! Don’t you know that racism sells payperviews? I bet you that these MONEYMARKS and stupid competitors just WISH that they could have thought of calling someone a chink…

    But seriously folks. The homophobia and racism in the comments is pretty stupid.

  10. Sergio says:

    From a fan’s perspective, I hate the way they are treating Arlovski. He’s definitely a personal top 5 of man and has been since he destroyed Cabbage whose head is filled with “cement and stuff” (please)

    From the perspective of someone who understands business, icing Arlovski out, no title shot, and a final prelim bout makes perfect sense.

    Of course, watching pro wrestling for almost 20 years has gotten me accustomed to seeing Razor Ramon in a diaper with 1-2-3 Kid standing triumphant a scant three months before Scott Hall shows up on Nitro.

  11. Sergio says:


    Total Freudian slip. I have a HUGE mancrush on The Pitbull.

  12. Chuck says:

    “I didn’t shot myself in the foot. Simply cause that’s what Rosie is and she deserves to be called for that. Hell if she can get away with racist comments and insulting others on live TV, I should be able to do the same thing to that hypocrite. Yeah she’s a hypocrite cause she wants equal treatment for gays but doesn’t treat others equally. Chuck, are you more comfortable if I call Rosie a “raging heterophobe”? Is that less offensive for you?”

    HEHE dude calm down. I wasn’t offended at all by your comment. I thought it was kind of funny (like I did with dana White’s comment. The man has balls). I was just saying that you were posting about tolerance to other people, but you called Rosie O’Donnell a dyke. Yes I do think she’s an unfunny hypocrite. Most tolerance activists are hypocrites. If they want rights for a certain group of people, they don’t really care about others. Al Sharpton probably doesn’t care too much about Asians or whites. Louis Farakhan (spelling?) doesn’t care for Jews especially. I know for a fact most Jewish rights groups and people sure as HELL don’t care much for Muslims and Middle Easterners (I am Arab, half to be exact), and the adverse is true with these two aforementioned groups too. Hell, Mahatma Gandhi was a full blown racist against black people. Harvey Milk I’m sure only cared for homosexuals.

    It totally sucks I know, but it is what it is. Dana White’s comments are nothing to throw your arms up over, but it was an ignorant comment, albeit kind of funny. Rosie’s Asian parody was painfully unfunny though.

  13. Jeff says:

    The reaching of racist apologists is hilarious. What else is Dana White’s racist sputtering going to be compared to? We’ve had K-1, Rosie O’Donnell, and notable favored white targets Sharpton and Farrakhan.

    How that some how excuses White and makes him look less sloppy and unprofessional is at best osmosis. When Rosie, Farrakhan and any one else you care to compare to run a major fight promotion let me know. Otherwise you can throw that out with every other apologist effort for for White’s obvious racist overtones.

    Let’s be honest here White does it and UFC casual fans support it. If Bob Arum came out tomorrow and said ‘ Lil Pedro’ referring to Citron is a bum fighting Margarito what do you think would happen? The outcry would be so severe as a promoter Arum would be finished. Hence, no matter what Arum’s true feelings are that sort of banter goes on unspoken.

    Is Dana White in huge trouble for spewing his irrational rants with regularity now interspersed with racist overtones? Obviously not. While his audio clip has made the rounds of forums and blogs about MMA, most major MMA news sites haven’t reported the story at all. About 70 % of UFC’s target audience that does know of White’s ‘long duck dong’ statement don’t care or find it perfectly ok.

    It’s hilarious how one obvious and unshocking racial slur from White generates such out of context comparisons. One thing that is very revealing is the biggest promoter of MMA still has a stranglehold on the demographic that supports this mode of speech and approves of it. Dana White was precisely speaking to his audience.

  14. Chuck says:

    Whoa there cowboy! Are you insinuating that I am a racist and/or an apologist? I am not supporting White, and he should have known better. But his comments are no worse than when Bernard Hopkins recently said “I refuse to lose to a white man”. Don’t take such an asinine statement such as White’s seriously. Who really takes Dana White seriously with stupid comments like this? I commend White having balls to state such things, but it is nothing to celebrate or agree with. This isn’t cut and dry as to you either fully support Dana White, or you hate his guts because of it (there are better reasons to hate Dana White). There are shades of gray you know.

  15. Jeff says:

    Whoa there UK kid speaking on American race rhetoric. Yes, I am referring to you and all others trying to interlink Hopkins, K-1, Al Queda, Sharpton, and/or Adolf Hitler to Dana White’s spew. As if anything any of those people including Hopkins greenlights and racist overtures White feels comfortable spewing in a public forum.

    In regards to Hopkins – As a figher he is spewing his rhetoric to obviously hype a bout between Calzaghe and himself. It doesn’t make it right but that is his role in this: not as a promoter and certainly not as a president of a fighting organization no less the biggest one in MMA.

    You might note Golden Boy’s day to day ops are run by Richard Schaefer who is whiter than a ream of 100 count. In fact Hopkins often takes his marching orders from this very man.

    It is very cut and dry how White’s record of screwing fighters, Fertita Brother’s multiple investigations by federal agencies, the growing XYience scandal and White’s foolish rhetoric and his willingness to share it in general paints a poor picture of MMA and casual fans equate the UFC with MMA. Go find the grey area and share it with me when you’re done kidding yourself.

  16. […] White’s racial slur Dana White on Choi Hong-Man | – Your Global Connection to the Fight Industry. Calls Choi Hong-Man “Long Duck Dong” __________________ […]

  17. Chuck says:

    “It is very cut and dry how White’s record of screwing fighters, Fertita Brother’s multiple investigations by federal agencies, the growing XYience scandal and White’s foolish rhetoric and his willingness to share it in general paints a poor picture of MMA and casual fans equate the UFC with MMA. Go find the grey area and share it with me when you’re done kidding yourself.”

    Remember when I said there are many other reasons to hate Dana White? Yeah, these are good reasons. The shades of gray I was speaking of had to do with his stupid comment. I meant it like you can have the opinion that it was a stupid comment and that he shouldn’t have said it, but it was still kind of funny and you can give him creds for having balls for saying something like that. You don’t have to have either cut-and-dry opinion (that he is right for what he said or that he is a mean white guy for saying it).

    Funny you mention Golden Boy Promotions, because before Oscar De La Hoya created the company, he fought for Bob Arum, who is probably worse than Dana White. Do you remember whan De La Hoya left Arum? It was some years ago (I want to say 1999) De La Hoya said shit about Arum being a white guy. I forget what exactly (I only remember De la Hoya mentiong that he doesn’t have blue eyes and that he isn’t white. Like all white people have blue eyes). Who went up in arms for his comments? NO ONE!!!

    Oh, and did you call me British? How do you think I am British? I was born and raised in America jack (unless I was adopted and my parents would have some explaining to do).

  18. The Gaijin says:

    “So is Arlovski “screwing” with Zuffa by not signing? Arlovski has his people looking out for his best interests and the Zuffa is looking out for what’s best for them. You can call this evil or “screwing” with someone, but this is what all corporations do and there’s nothing morally or ethically wrong with it if laws aren’t being broken and human rights aren’t being violated.”

    My main “beef” with this situation is that were this any other sport, especially one with a union (or one that valued treating employees with decency), this would be a major grievance. They are pulling all these shenanigans with him with the sole and express purpose of depressing his free agent value (and possibly to make an example to other fighters who might test the free agent market).

    It’s not much different from a player heading to free agency and his team benching or scratching him for the remainder of a season to ruin his FA value, in order to keep him from signing with another team or to punish him by hurting his bargaining value. Another example might be back when there was no union in baseball and teams routinely screwed guys who were close on incentives bonuses by intentionally sitting them out so they could not reach those milestones.

    It would not be allowed to happen in any other “professional” sport – THAT is what bothers me.

  19. It’s not much different from a player heading to free agency and his team benching or scratching him for the remainder of a season to ruin his FA value, in order to keep him from signing with another team or to punish him by hurting his bargaining value. Another example might be back when there was no union in baseball and teams routinely screwed guys who were close on incentives bonuses by intentionally sitting them out so they could not reach those milestones.

    It would not be allowed to happen in any other “professional” sport – THAT is what bothers me.

    So a union can gurantee minutes from a coach/manager? What sports are you watching? Last time I checked, no union can dictate who makes the starting line up and not every player even makes the bench rotation. How many players in MLB, NFL and NBA get DNP in games?

  20. The Gaijin says:

    Buddy, pull your head out of your ass.

    Clearly there’s a difference b/w a player being sat for perfectly good reasons and a player being screwed over b/c they’re about to be a free agent.

    Sorry this doesn’t fit inside your little bubble universe inside your head – but the situations described above have been subject to union grievances and are the reason unions were needed in sports in the first place.

  21. The Gaijin says:

    For example:

    A few years back – the Pittsburgh Penguins were going to send a young player down to the minors b/c he was about to reach certain incentive clauses in his contract that would have hit big bonuses.

    Rumours crept up that they were planning on sending him to the minors, for the express purpose of stopping him from reaching these numbers. The union threatened action if this were to come to pass and the Penguins had to back down.

    So again – my problem is that “professional” sports don’t permit this kind of conduct. Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to understand this argument or example because it might actually make sense.

  22. Dave2 says:

    “So a union can gurantee minutes from a coach/manager? What sports are you watching? Last time I checked, no union can dictate who makes the starting line up and not every player even makes the bench rotation. How many players in MLB, NFL and NBA get DNP in games?”

    If you’re a major league union player, you aren’t guaranteed action but you still get paid either way. In MMA, if you get iced, you don’t get paid. In team sports, they pay out weekly salaries because of the nature of team sports (you have training sessions with your team and you play a game at least once a week for football and soccer, almost everyday in baseball and about every 2-3 days in basketball and hockey.) But in fight sports, you get your purse and if you don’t get a fight, you don’t get paid. That’s not a big deal if you have a non-exclusive contract but when you’re on an exclusive contract, it is.

  23. Dave2 says:

    In the UFC, I would like to see them guarantee fighters three fights a year in their exclusive contracts to avoid this Arlovski crap. The only exception would be temporary replacement fighters (who are only needed for 1 fight, maybe 2). This would at least ensure that the top fighters remain active and the “filler” on the UFC roster gets weeded out or at least relegated to Fight Nights and dark matches. With the way that UFC currently does their business, it’s not common to see a stacked card like you would see with PRIDE. With most PRIDE cards, you were guaranteed good fights top to bottom.

  24. Grape Knee High says:


    I disagree that “icing” Arlovski is similar to demotion to prevent consummation of incentive clauses.

    They’re technically giving him an “easy” fight; Jake O’Brien is unranked. But then if he can’t handle a one-dimensional, unranked wrestler, does he deserve big money?

    They’re upholding their end of the contract. They’re giving him a last fight in the UFC and they’re letting him test the market. There was never a promise to Arlovski that every fight would be televised.

    Koscheck/Hazelett also won’t be televised. That is more disappointing to me than missing out on O’Brien lay and praying AA for a decision.

  25. Clearly there’s a difference b/w a player being sat for perfectly good reasons and a player being screwed over b/c they’re about to be a free agent.

    Sorry this doesn’t fit inside your little bubble universe inside your head – but the situations described above have been subject to union grievances and are the reason unions were needed in sports in the first place.

    When Larry Brown coached the Knicks in a disasterous season, he intensionally benched quality rookie draft picks, David Lee, Channing Frye and Nate Robinson for extended periods in the season. This not only lowered their market value, but also hampered their development as players.

    But whatever. I’m done. I’m tired of being insulted by you and this is a waste of time. You win.

  26. The Gaijin says:

    Did their rookie contracts involve certain “milestone incentive bonuses”? Were they eligible to be a free agent at the end of the year? And if yes to either, Was this done with the express intention of injuring their earning ability?

    No(In the above mentioned cases).You’re totally missing out on the point. *sigh*

    Go watch the movie 8 Men Out – you’ll understand what I mean. Pre-union era sports had management/ownership wilfully disrupting/injuring a player’s value or earning ability, for the sole purpose of injuring their value or ability to earn money. Not to “win games”, “make the playoffs” or anything other strategy even ancillary to that.

    Their EXPRESS and EXPLICIT INTENTION was to injure their financial position or earning ability. This is what is happening here, this is what is unacceptable.

  27. Boyd_06 says:

    This is no doubt racist! If a person from the targeted group finds the comment offensive then that qualifies it as racist. And as an Asian myself i am offended by what Dana said. End of argument!

  28. jorge says:

    saying some ones name wrong does not make you racist.

  29. Dav says:

    You all are stupid. Who cares if he was makng fun of someones name. I’d make fun of every race if I knew enough jokes. Doesn’t mean I’m racst. DUMBASSES!

  30. David says:

    Ching Ching Chang Ching a-wring wriny ding dang dong. What do you know! I’m racist now! I just made fun of how chinese people talk. I would make fun of the stereotype of how white eople talk too, If it were funny!

  31. Davd says:

    Am i pissing any stupid crybabies off that find every little word some one rights about someone’s race and calls them a racist off yet? I hope so! Because you all are a bunch of piss-ant LOSER BITCHES who think it’s a big enough deal to give a fuck! Jesus, aint like I got no nigga hangin in my basement or nothin, shit!

  32. Davd says:

    Hahaha! I just noticed I was a year of this conversation. Ain’t that a bitch!


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