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Friday fight notes: Preparation for NYE MMA in Japan

By Zach Arnold | December 28, 2007

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If anyone is going to be able to record the TV-Tokyo feed of the Hustle show, the Tokyo Broadcasting System feed of the K-1 Dynamite show, or the SkyPerfecTV PPV feed of the DSE show in Saitama, please get a hold of me using the contact form. Thanks.

Here is an excerpt from Matt Hughes’ new book, in which he talks about the infamous Tito Ortiz/Lee Murray altercation in England.

M-1 Global has signed a deal with Total Sports Asia to help promote events. Total Sports Asia is/was the promoter of WWE shows in Japan.

Legal problems on the horizon for Rampage Jackson.

Georges St. Pierre says that he will win his fight or go to the hospital afterwards. Plus, Steve Cofield talks about Liddell vs. Silva.

Results from the Smackgirl 12/26 Korakuen Hall show.

Eddie Goldman says that it’s time for federal and state investigations of UFC contracts.

A UFC 79 event preview at MMA HQ. MMA Analyst also has a preview, along with MMA Madness and MMA Payout.

Topics: Japan, M-1, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Friday fight notes: Preparation for NYE MMA in Japan”

  1. liger05 says:

    The Lee Murray/Ortiz incident is described by Hughes just as someone who was there described it to me the day after it happened.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Eddie Goldman is reaching…. I mean really reaching. The UFC has made multiple millionaires. That only will keep basically any federal or state regulation away from them.

  3. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    If there is a problem with the contracts, then there is a venue for dealing with disputes, and most likely that is Nevada’s court system (by terms of contract, typically the contract states where disputes will be resolved).

    It’s not just reaching, it’s ridiculous, and shows that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about in this case.

  4. BigMike says:

    I have nothing really to add but every time I see Goldman’s name I think of Mixed Marxist Arts and it cracks me up.

  5. Stephan says:

    The second excerpt from Matts book is also now there.

    Tim Sylvia, suprisingly, is not liked by all!

  6. Jacobs Montgomery says:

    response to comment number 2: That sounds like something DW would say. I’ve made millionaires! I’ve made millionaires!

  7. Xtreme Couture MMA says:

    The IFO Fights tonight featuring Elena “Baby Doll” Reid and Dennis “The Piranha” Davis will be available free at:

    Show starts at 7pm Pacific.

  8. IceMuncher says:

    Obviously Goldberg doesn’t know anything about contracts.

    Hire a contractor and watch what happens if he builds your roof a foot shorter than the contract designates. He’ll still be in jail long after you’ve finished rebuilding your roof.

    They’re also not allowed to “resign” from the contract halfway through construction, at least without some serious legal ramifications.

  9. white ninja says:

    sad that M1 Global thinks appointing a web designer is something worthy a press release

  10. ilostmydog says:

    Just think about how big M1’s press release will be when they release their roster of fighters…..that was supposedly going to be released two months ago and never was. :p

  11. RussianMMA says:

    : white ninja
    That press-release was actually released by the “web designer” and not by the M-1. 🙂

  12. cyphron says:

    There must be gold in ’em MMA… every one is suing every one else.


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