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Bout order for K-1 Dynamite 2007 card

By Zach Arnold | December 28, 2007

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As it stands for the Osaka Dome event:

U-18 tournament reserve fight: Ryo Murakoshi vs. Arata Fujimoto
K-1 rules: Takashi Tachikawa (former Chiba Lotte Marines baseball player) vs. Yoshihisa Inoue

  1. U-18 tournament: HIROYA vs. Kizaemon Saiga
  2. U-18 tournament: Kenji Kubo vs. Yudai
  3. HERO’s 70 kg: Kazuyuki Miyata vs. Joachim Hansen
  4. HERO’s 85 kg: Melvin Manhoef vs. Yosuke Nishijima
  5. HERO’s MMA: Minowaman vs. Zulu
  6. HERO’s MMA: Kiyoshi Tamura vs. Hideo Tokoro
  7. U-18 tournament finals
  8. K-1 rules: Musashi vs. Bernard Ackah
  9. K-1 rules: Nicolas Pettas vs. Kim Young-Hyun
  10. K-1 rules: Masato vs. Choi Yong-Soo
  11. HERO’s MMA: Bob Sapp vs. Bobby Ologun
  12. HERO’s MMA/135 pounds: Norifumi “Kid” Yamamoto vs. Rani Yahya
  13. HERO’s MMA/85 kg: Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Masakatsu Funaki

Topics: HERO's, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Bout order for K-1 Dynamite 2007 card”

  1. Mike David (Euthyphro) says:

    The Pettas/Young-Hyun fight seems surprisingly high on the card to me, especially when you’ve got Tamura or Minowaman fighting so early. I guess the idea was to keep the K-1-rules fights grouped together there.

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    Kim is going to be the next giant freak K-1 pushes (when you see his size, you’ll know what I mean).

  3. Jim says:

    Will TBS be showing the Fedor/Choi and Misaki/Akiyama fights, Zach?

  4. Cacti45 says:

    wtf happened to sergei vs Mo? They should have moved sergei to the Yarennoka card to rematch Aleks

  5. liger05 says:

    I must admit the closer it gets the more exited I am about Saku v Funaki. Is this Promoted as UWFI v Pancrase? UWFI v UWF?

  6. whowhat says:

    Seriously, when was Sergei-Mo cancelled and why was there not a single news article about it?

  7. salvatore says:

    with that many matches, that card is starting to look like the MMA equivalent of a Frank Goodman show

  8. Mike David (Euthyphro) says:

    Sergei/Mo was never officially announced. Plus, Mo looked pretty banged up after his Grand Prix fight. His legs took a beating.

  9. Oh my god. Sapp is fighting…..! 🙁

    Finally Pettas gets an opponent who is not top five! 🙂


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