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K-1 Unveils Reality TV Show

By Mark Pickering | February 3, 2007

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By Mark Pickering

K-1’s parent company, Fight Entertainment Group, has unveiled plans to launch a reality television programme aimed at discovering and developing fighters in Japan.

The concept, premiered in the first instalment of the hugely successful Ultimate Fighter series, has been adapted by an abundance of markets including Berlin-based MAX Fighters organisation, and American network, Oxygen TV’s Fight Girls series.

K-1’s adaptation will take the traditional form of an ongoing competition between two teams – one coached by four-time K-1 World Grand Prix Champion Ernesto Hoost, the second by South Africa’s three-time K-1 World Grand Prix semi-finalist Mike Bernardo.

FEG President Sadaharu Tanikawa said he hoped young Japanese fighters would flourish under the tutelage of two of K-1’s most prized veterans.

Viewers will follow their progress on the Fuji TV’s weekly flagship combat show, Special Ringside.

Topics: All Topics, K-1, Mark Pickering, MMA | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “K-1 Unveils Reality TV Show”

  1. A says:

    Well, that’s only about 5 years after a boxing-based reality show (“Gachinko Fight Club”) and PRIDE’s reality show “PRE-PRIDE” (which ran for at least 6 seasons) were aired in Japan.

    PRE-PRIDE spawned fighters of varying success, such as:
    Yushin Okami (winner PRE-PRIDE 4)
    Eiji Mitsuoka (winner PRE-PRIDE 2)
    Katsuya Inoue (winner PRE-PRIDE 5, Pancrase Welterweight Champion)
    Sokun Koh (winner PRE-PRIDE 1).
    Giant Ochiai was also an early participant, although that’s not saying much.

    There may have been more. That’s all I can remember off the top of my head.

    The PRE-PRIDE tournaments consisted of 8 fighters, selected through audition, that were essentially split into teams and would train at various gyms (Takada Dojo, U-FILE, Battle Arts, WKJ, Tsuyoshi Kosaka’s gym, etc.) for 6 months. The shows culminated in a one-day tournament held in Odaiba in which the fighters were cornered by the more famous professional fighters from their respective gyms.

  2. Bod says:

    Wow, I’m so looking forward to that show! Loved the Ultimate Fighter series.

  3. Chr says:

    Thats probably gonna be one awkward show considering the language barrier.

  4. monkey says:

    Chr, i dont think it is made for western audiences.

    since when was bernardo a prized veteran?!


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