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Fight Opinion Radio #39: IFL Week

By Zach Arnold | January 26, 2007

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Jeff decided that one of the biggest weeks for MMA news would be the week to decide to drink alcohol while hosting an important radio show. We strongly do not endorse alcohol consumption while recording a first-rate radio show, but at least there are some entertaining moments. This week is IFL Week on Fight Opinion Radio, as we have fighter Clint Coronel and Stephen Quadros on this week to break down all the happenings from the 1/19 Oakland Arena show (plus the latest IFL business deals). Clint discusses his controversial fight with Joe Martin and the suspension that Martin received after the fight from the CSAC. Stephen is on to give a big announcement regarding a new role in his professional career that is pretty exciting.

In addition to our special guests, we have an opening segment discussing the intriguing Dana White interview in The Baltimore Sun. So you want to be f—— family-friendly? And how about calling IFL & Elite XC rinky dink, yet considering PRIDE as a main rival? Also, we have a review of the Ultimate Fight Night 8 event (thankfully, Sean Salmon is alive). And here we thought that PRIDE fighters were going to raid UFC! In addition, the world-famous grab bag makes it return. Ross Pointon can fight in UFC, but Matt Lindland can’t?

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Topics: All Topics, BoDog, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, IFL, Jeff Thaler, Luke Nicholson, Media, MMA, podcasts, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | No Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

No Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #39: IFL Week”

  1. […] Just a brief note — if you haven’t already listened to this week’s edition of FOR, check it out here. It includes a recap of the UFN 8 show (taped right after the show took place) and has two interesting guest interviews. […]