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Updated K-1 12/31 Osaka Dome card

By Zach Arnold | December 18, 2006

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More bizarreness from K-1.

  1. HERO’s rules: Genki Sudo vs. Jackson Page (is this Damacio Page?)
  2. K-1 rules: Musashi vs. Randy Kim
  3. HERO’s rules: Ken Kaneko vs. Andy Ologun
  4. HERO’s rules: Norifumi “Kid” Yamamoto vs. Istvan Majoros (Hungary)
  5. HERO’s rules: Akebono vs. Giant Silva
  6. HERO’s rules: Hideo Tokoro vs. Royler Gracie
  7. HERO’s rules: Katsuhiko Nagata vs. Shuichiro Katsumura
  8. K-1 rules: Masato vs. Choi Yong-Soo
  9. HERO’s rules: Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Kazushi Sakuraba

Topics: All Topics, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Updated K-1 12/31 Osaka Dome card”

  1. The Gaijin says:

    What’s UFC’s final card for Dec. 30th?

    Are there any other fight other than Tito vs. Chuck? Does anyone even care about the other fights? lol

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    UFC card line-up. They’ve had all 9 fights announced since late November. They were more on the ball than the other MMA groups running on NYE weekend. Both the UFC & IFL cards are better quality than the K-1 show.

  3. BSP says:

    I just don’t get it. K-1 has the TV exposure… they have the money… and they don’t have PRIDE as broadcast competition this year… and yet this is the line-up they’ve pooped out? Is there more to the story here?

  4. K-1 has some great quality fighters with Akiyama, Yamamoto, Sudo, & others. However, I have never gotten the feeling that they have been 100% serious about MMA. If they were really motivated, they could dominate MMA in Japan, and maybe make a run at the world stage.

  5. JOSH says:

    Alot of the matches are based purely on ratings. It is free tv and they are trying to capitalie on star status to the common japanese viewers. Last year Ken Kaneko (who is an actor) and Kid Yamamoto got huge ratings…so they just put them with ho hum people (though Andy Ologun himself can actually bring in ratings…dont ask why) and there is your card. To be honest this card is more for casual fans then MMA fans. In hindsight it might actually be the SMART thing to do, as they can focus on actual compettive matches for the rest of theyear BUT the NYE show (which is more like a spectacle liken to WM) can be more of a squash show with celebrity stars than seriousfights.

  6. Jordan Breen says:

    Jackson Page is in fact Damacio Page. During the Yahoo! Live Chat, Sudo said he was heavily tattooed, and Tanigawa said he was a training partner of Diego Sanchez and was a WEF champion. Plus he’s a 143/145 pounder, and that’s how Sudo loves ’em.

  7. The Gaijin says:

    Thanks for the info…I knew there WERE other fights…I just meant they weren’t attempting to promote ANY of them at all…

    Relax Zach dont get your panties in a knot, no one’s chirping the quality of your beloved UFC’s card loverboy.

    The plain fact is they have not promoted ANY of the other fights and no seems to care either.

  8. Zach Arnold says:

    Relax Zach dont get your panties in a knot, no one’s chirping the quality of your beloved UFC’s card loverboy.

    You should listen to the radio show this week to understand how we feel about UFC. 🙂

  9. The Gaijin says:

    I fired it up right now – you’re a real promoter lol!

    This K-1 card is unjusiftifiable HORRIBLE…is it b/c they’re running unopposed this NYE?? That or they don’t care – its just awful.

  10. Zach Arnold says:

    The big question with K-1 is what is happening to them without Ishii. Ishii’s been sidetracked for a while trying to keep his hide out of prison, but his attempts failed. Tanigawa in the driver’s seat… I can’t imagine people are very happy with the job he is doing right now in that company. Certainly there has to be grumbling about what is happening there.

    If anything, this feels like a card that is completely booked by K-1 and not really influenced at all by Tokyo Broadcasting System, which surprises me (considering how hands on both N-TV and Fuji TV producers were with their events).

  11. grafdog says:

    Poor Royler, he’s got spirit but very little fight in him.
    Card wise this one has a beloved Japanese fighter in just about every match, so it looks good for ratings.

  12. JOSH says:

    Thank u grafdog…thats what I keep trying to tel people. To the MMA fans K-1’s card is horirble BUT to Japanese common fans…its going to get ratings.

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