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Tuesday media notes

By Zach Arnold | December 18, 2006

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Choi Hong-Man vs. Bobby Ologun, Tim Sylvia uses EBay to hawk PS3s, and Randy Couture says no fight on the horizon with Vanderlei Silva.

  1. K-1: Choi Hong-Man vs. Bobby Ologun announced for the 12/31 Osaka Dome card line-up. (Look at this picture)
  2. UFC Junkie: Tim Sylvia finds new ways to annoy fans
  3. Victorville Daily Press (California): UFC’s Joe Stevenson to host clinic today at Silverado
  4. North Jersey Media Group: IFL Fight league shares break free
  5. Poughkeepsie Journal: Exposed logo raises TV ethics question
  6. Column: MMA Wrangling – Shuffling the deck (and reaction to the column)
  7. Column: Ken Pavia on the IFL (a lesson in being careful what you wish for — now that CBS Minutes says the IFL is worth an estimated $150 million USD, the agents are smelling blood for paydays)
  8. Houston Chronicle: UFC plans bigger and better in 2007
  9. Fayetteville Observer: Commando-style workout has cult following (including Chuck Liddell)
  10. Chicago Daily Southtown: Extreme martial arts makes regional debut at Tinley Park Convention Center
  11. GBR (via Livedoor Sports): Next big Shooto event on 2/17 at Yokohama Pacifico
  12. Inside Fighting: Randy Couture denies rumors that he will fight Vanderlei Silva in February
  13. Baltimore Sun: One-on-one with UFC’s Tito Ortiz (long interview)
  14. The Dallas Morning News: Fighting trim
  15. Rio Rancho Observer: The family that sweats together, sticks together (talking about Jackson’s Gym in New Mexico)

Topics: All Topics, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 16 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

16 Responses to “Tuesday media notes”

  1. JOSH says:

    Well there goes all those stupid Hong Man Choi/ PRIDE rumors. I dont think any rumor these last few months have actually panned out.

  2. Allen says:

    I will now formally apologize to K-1 for not making my NYE freaky enough. Choi vs Bobby is just asinine enough to cover all three of the big year end cards.

  3. Preach says:

    I love it how the fanboys at sherdog are reacting to the article with things like “Pride has a new financial backer from korea who will finance their entry into the american market”. It’s always funny to see how they spin things out of proportion. Yes, the guy from Cykan announced on his website, that he wants to work more closely with Pride, and that he’s friends with Fedor, but making him out to be the financial savior of the company is pretty laughable. The man made around 300 million from selling his interests in his former company, that may be true, but the nuthuggers seem to forget that he put most of it (if not all) into his new venture, Cykan, which has about 20 games in production right now (and from what i know only one’s out yet). So even if we’re generous with estimating the budget of every game with 5 mio. (which is pretty low nowadays) that’d be 100 mio right there. And of course let’s not forget that Kim Jung Ryool allegedly stole money off his former company Gravity, and is under investigation for that.

    I don’t know why these people always have to be that delusional. First they thought that Sakakibare would just shake his magic wand, and Pride would pop up in the US, sell out the Pontiac Silverdome and get 20.1 ratings, and now they think that a “small” gaming company will foot every bill from now on…

    On a side note: Where does Choi Hong Man always get his hats? I mean, i already have huge problems finding hats my size (at 6’7″) and his noggin’ is much more enormous than mine. And Bobby, Shonie wants his clothes back…

  4. Ivan Trembow says:

    I’m still so excited by Akebono vs. Giant Silva that I haven’t even been able to mentally process anything else. What a tremendous fight that will be!

    (note in case there’s any doubt: sarcasm intended)

  5. MMA T-Shirts says:

    Wow, K1 really sucks 😛

    As for IFL’s value. I so nearly bought $100 of shares at 3.5… they got as high as 16 and at that point I got the noose ready. I’m now starting to get over it as the price is dropping again. I think they might settle around 9 but I’m no expert.

  6. MMA T-Shirts says:

    Can someone tell me who Ken Pavia is please.

  7. Preach says:

    An Agent, mainly for Tito and the rest of Team Punishment and Falaniko Vitale.

  8. JOSH says:

    God I HATE Sylvia….but that was one HILLARIOUS article.

  9. AS says:

    I don’t think the Pav is actually Tito’s agent. One of the NFLPAs does Tito’s contracts unless I’m mistaken.

  10. Preach says:

    D’uh, so he sells a PS3 on ebay? I know a bunch of directors and actors that sell autographed DVDs and posters of their movies on ebay. Hell, there are Hollywood acresses that sell an evening with them on there. So what’s the big deal? It’s not as if he were a Powerseller, selling a 100 autographed PS3s or Wii’s.

  11. JOSH says:

    Its just the fact that Sylvia can think so highly of himelf. I mean this is the same dude that wears the belt EVERYWHERE he goes AND thinks that Fedor has NEVE dealt with a guy as tall as him….

  12. Mike says:

    If you read that Poughkeepsie Journal piece, you caught an unwitting glimpse into why the main stream media is out of touch. They’re getting all bent out of shape because they accidentally showed a reporter wearing a logo on his clothing for about a milisecond on screen. As if readers are so dumb that they think Scott Pelley was deliberately advertising for Nike. You’d think they’d get upset about more important stuff, like, I don’t know, reporters helping mislead the country into a war. Good grief.

  13. JOSH says:

    Hughes-GSP III may have to be put on hold…

    Sucks and I think Sanchez/Hguhes may not be the best match as it could kill either one of their’s credential.

  14. Zack says:

    I would order the K-1 show on PPV if it was on same day tape delay. I love freakshow fights, and I’m still interested in Sakuraba…plus the return of Kid Yammamoto. Tokoro vs Royler is a cool fight too.

  15. Allen says:

    Yeah, if K-1 could at least have it on by Jan. first or second I would order it, but it will probably show up in April.

  16. Well, it’s gonna show up on torrents a few days later … soooo yeah. I’ll tell you guys all about it :-p


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