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The mass media exodus continues

By Zach Arnold | September 8, 2006

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First, it was the Torch. Now, it’s

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Pro-Wrestling, Zach Arnold | 7 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

7 Responses to “The mass media exodus continues”

  1. Ivan Trembow says:

    The difference in credibility between the Torch and is immense.

  2. Armen says:

    Which is more credible then?

  3. PizzaChef says:

    Didn’t do something simular a while ago and made

  4. Ivan Trembow says:

    The Torch has been a credible news source for pro wrestling since 1987, and there is an entire industry of web sites who make their living from re-wording the news that breaks in the Torch and Observer. The Torch also covered MMA extensively in the 1990s, so there’s no reason to think they’re not qualified to do it.

  5. JThue says: : A domain and nothing more. Never has been, never will be.

    Torch: Pretty reliable, but also about as objective as Fox News. They tend to go very tabloid in their reporting, and even though they’re far above most of the other original news sites, they’re also MILES behind Observer when it comes to reliability and content.

    I’m not sure I want to see these new players report from non-US MMA, as if they do they’ll all probably just get the news from official sites and here anyway.

  6. Ivan Trembow says:

    The Torch about as objective as Fox News? Are you serious? The Torch has lost numerous sources over the years from not being buddy-buddy with friends. If there is one weakness in the Observer, it’s that sometimes he loses some objectivity when he’s friends with someone (ie, Bret Hart). And how is the Torch more “tabloid” in its reporting than the Observer? If the goal is to “not be tabloid” by saying things politely and dancing around issues instead of bluntly saying whatever it is they have to say, the Torch does far more dancing around the issues than the Observer does. The Observer will just say something bluntly while the Torch will try to say it nicely and word it politely.

  7. Lynchman says:

    Interesting comments. I stopped reading the Torch years ago because I felt the there was a lack of objectivity in some of the writing. Certain groups and people would be called on things while others would get a free pass for the very same things.

    Keller and crew could have changed since I gave up on them.


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