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PRIDE 9/10 Saitama results

By Zach Arnold | September 9, 2006

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Click on full-post link to read results. Special thanks to Burning Spirit for specific match times. A more detailed report of show results can be found here. The claimed paid attendance was 47,410. Post updated at 6:30 PM EST on 9/10.

  1. Evangelista Cyborg defeated Yosuke Nishijima in R1 in 3 minutes, 24 seconds with a choke hold for the referee stoppage.
  2. GP Semi-Finals: Mirko Cro Cop defeated Vanderlei Silva in R1 in 5 minutes, 26 seconds by KO from a left high-kick for the knockout.
  3. GP Semi-Finals: Josh Barnett defeated Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira after 2R by a 2-1 judges’ decision.
  4. GP Reserve match: Emelianenko Alexander defeated Sergey Kharitonov in R1 in 6 minutes, 45 seconds by KO (after the referee stopped the fight due to a rush of punches).
  5. Ricardo Morais defeated Lee Tae-Hyun in R1 in 8 minutes, 8 seconds by TKO after Lee’s ring seconds threw in the towel after a doctor check for blood (cut).
  6. Kazuhiro Nakamura defeated Yoshihiro “KISS” Nakao after 3R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  7. Mauricio Shogun defeated The Snake in R1 in 5 minutes, 29 seconds with a soccer ball kick for the KO.
  8. Ricardo Arona defeated Alistair Overeem in R1 in 4 minutes, 28 seconds by submission.
  9. GP Tournament Finals: Mirko Cro Cop defeated Josh Barnett in R1 in 7 minutes, 32 seconds by TKO (stoppage after Barnett tapped).

This Sankei Sports article claims that a re-match between Mirko and Fedor is resurfacing for New Year’s Eve in Japan at Saitama Super Arena. Also in the article, Josh Barnett is quoted as saying that Sunday night was “Mirko’s night” and that there was nobody who would have beat Mirko at all with the version of “today’s Mirko.” Barnett said that he tapped after getting poked in the eye, and that Mirko apologized to him afterwards. He also stated that Mirko has invited him to practice training with him in Croatia. Barnett said that overall he was happy with his performance, specifically in the fight against Nogueira. Barnett is scheduled to work the 10/21 Las Vegas PRIDE event. The event will broadcast live both on US PPV (inDemand) & Japanese PPV (SkyPerfecTV) with no tape delays.

Rudimar of Chute Boxe said that Silva would be alright (after his fight with Mirko), even though Silva went to the hospital afterwards for precautionary measures. Nogueira stated that he was unhappy with the judges’ decision in his fight against Barnett.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 20 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

20 Responses to “PRIDE 9/10 Saitama results”

  1. PizzaChef says:

    HOLY SHIT…Wow. I never expected CroCop would do that to Silva.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If that kick had’nt slipped off silva’s head Mirko would have broke his neck.

  3. YEO Jong-Hoon says:

    – Crocop overwhelm Silva. Silva didn’t show anything.

    – I think Josh Barnett / Antonio Rodrigo is match of the year so far.
    (except a little silly judgment)

  4. PizzaChef says:

    What was with the crowd booing Nakao vs. Nakamura? I missed it. Was doing chores around the house -.-;

    Spoilers here…..And it smells of Chuck (if you’re anti-Chuck that is)

    It wasn’t a KO. Barnett yelled “OH SHIT!” and tapped. And one guy showed a screenshot to me and Mirko’s fist wasn’t closed. People are already screaming “EYE POKE OF DOOM” and stuff.

  5. YEO Jong-Hoon says:

    – Congratulation! Cropcop! Cropcop finally won the TITLE at his birthday.
    Crocop showed his tear at awards ceremony. It moved.
    (I can’t wait Crocop vs. Fedor II!!!)

    – Although Barnett lost, He proved he is one of the best fighter in the world.
    Good job Barnett!

    – I give my thumb slightly up for GP final. 3 GP Match were great. But rest sucks.

  6. Liger05 says:

    Barnett v Nog was great. Fantastic fight.

  7. YEO Jong-Hoon says:

    PizzaChef >>
    What was with the crowd booing Nakao vs. Nakamura?
    : Because it was SUPER BORING MATCH. I heard Japanese hate
    fighter like Nakamura, Takimoto because of boring style.

  8. Donut62 says:


    Look at that picture, and you can clearly see that it is Barnett’s hand, covering his own eye. Unless Mirko has mutant extendible wrists… Barnett said nothing about eye pokes afterwards, and that Mirko kicked his butt and deserved to win.

  9. kaku says:

    just returned to my home from saitama arena. it was a great show. nogueira-barnett judging was very tight, not necessarily wrong.

    poor silva. we were cheering him, but once his right eye became getting swollen, we were all saying that he will not see the left high kick. then pow!

    lots of audience but i don’t think there were 47,000, or whatever was announced.

  10. PizzaChef says:

    Don’t get me wrong. I like both Mirko and Josh. But I got really confused. If there was an eye poke I would be like…….so conflicted….and end up breaking down and crying for some weirdo reason.

  11. Zach Arnold says:

    Pizza – if you don’t post using your real e-mail address or real stats, the filters on this site automatically dump your posts into the recycling bin. PLEASE use a real e-mail address or else your replies won’t show up here on the posting system.

  12. Shura says:

    The Barnett-Nogueira was great. Both guys gave it their all, and they were always trying to set up subs. I’d like to see a rematch.

  13. Armen says:

    Wow, that show was amazing and totally worth the PPV price. I agree that Mirko looked unstoppable that night, that guy is seriously determined and powerful. Congratulations to him on two very convincing wins. Fedor Cro-Cop 2 is going to be unbelievable.

    I am really shocked that Nogueira could claim anything on the decision. It seems to me that it was a *clear* win for Josh. Josh had a knock-down, a guillotine that was closer to finishing Nog than the armbar was on Josh, and of course the clincher is that the kneebar at the end of the fight would have seen Nog tapping for the first time in his life if the round had lasted another 15 seconds or so. In the replay you could see Nog screaming horribly in pain. Upset with the decision? Please man, you’re great but Josh was greater that night and I was really happy to see how improved Josh was, even given that he gassed a bit. This fight was awesome to watch, the back and forth of it, the tension, the sheer amount of skill on display.

    I thought the Shogun fight was interesting, would like to see Diabate again. And Overeem clearly needs to take a few months off and heal up. Man is he in debt to some loan sharks? Why won’t he lay off the non-stop fights?

  14. Great card.

    Crocop put on a magnificent performance in both his fights. He looked exactly like what he is: A finely tuned machine.

    Fedor/Crocop II is going to be a fantastic fight.

  15. David says:

    Mirko was phenomenal; he made Silva look like an amateur, and then did a much better job against Barnett than Nog did.

    I didn’t understand why Mirko willingly went into Silva’s guard and then into Barnett’s guard when he was so much better than them at the standup, but in retrospect, I think he wanted to prove a point. What was that point? To show that he is truly a complete mma fighter, and that ground fighting doesn’t intimidate him at all.

    That being said, IMO he would have finished both fights quicker if he had just thrown a few punches at the downed fighters and then made them get back up, as opposed to letting them get their wind back and avoid the concussive blows he was dishing out on the feet (I’m not saying he didn’t land any good punches on the ground, but clearly he is much more effective on his feet).

    I thought Nog-Barnett was amazing. I wish they could have gone 3 rounds, and hopefully Pride will give them a rematch, because honestly, there was nothing between the two of them. I thought Nog may have eeked out a very slim decision, but I can’t complain because it was truly too close to call.

    Korean fighters should be banned from mma for consistently being boring. If Pride really wants to embarrass some Koreans, they should at least make it interesting and get some tkd guys.

    Arona is really getting more and more well-rounded. As far back as the Rampage fight I can remember his leg kicks being really hard, which he showed against Silva and again against Overeem. Speaking of whom, is it just me, or are all Dutch fighters terrible on the ground?

    Shogun is really strong and explosive, and he proved that he is well rounded in the sense that if he can’t win it on his feet (ala against Minotoro and against The Snake) that he is more than comfortable on the ground. I have no idea why he would want to fight Coleman again though, who would probably put him on his back and keep him there.

    I hate yellow cards. There should be a warning before a 10 percent purse deduction. It seems like Pride is just arbitrarily giving out yellows to get their money back that they lost when they lost their tv deal.

    Overall a very good show, and it sets up some exciting fights down the line. I would love to see a Hunt-Mirko rematch, and see how big Emelianenko would do against Nog or even Arona…

  16. Donut62 says:

    What was Kharitonov thinking? Seriously, that taunt and the crushing right that followed it was the biggest “What was he thinking?” moment since Nak took off his gi. Sergei should know better than to pull off a dumb stunt like that. And he paid for it with what looked like a broken jaw from the knees.

  17. Godzirra says:

    “Barnett said nothing about eye pokes afterwards”

    He said “he accidentally got me in my eye”

  18. Donut62 says:

    Yup, just caught that Godzirra. He said he didn’t want to get soccer kicked because he couldn’t see, and had nothing left anyways.

  19. PizzaChef says:

    Fedor vs. CroCop won’t work unless CroCop skips the US show. Cause I believe he needs a lot of rest before training for a rematch against Fedor or he’s going to gas early again. Isin’t his foot still…kind of screwed from the infection?

  20. CapnHulk says:

    Definitely Cro Cop’s night.


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