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Quote of the day from Rampage

By Zach Arnold | July 21, 2006

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In an interview in The Long Beach Press-Telegram (discussing Quinton “Rampage” Jackson leaving PRIDE):

“I left at the right time,” Jackson said. “I think it has a lot to do with karma. They treat people bad. We are the show. The fighters are the show. You have to treat the fighters well. You have to keep the fighters happy and some of the people in PRIDE don’t do that. Now they lost their tv deal and can’t afford to pay their fighters. It’s bad karma for them.”

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Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, PRIDE, WFA, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Quote of the day from Rampage”

  1. Crazy Ryan says:

    Duh ? I could see that coming a mile a way. I’m glad to see him back in the states 😉 – Ryan

  2. Chr says:

    What he says now is not consistent with that he has said in the past. I cant see anything else than the fact that he is trying to find an excuse to make himself believe that leaving Pride was a good decision.

    Sakakibara has said that they didnt want to pay him what he wanted. Presumably because of his lackluster performance in his last fights.

    “now they have lost their Tv deal and cant afford to pay their fighters?”

    Unbelievable. That statement could not lack more foundation.

  3. Chuck says:

    I’m sure if DSE brings “The Black Man” a good offer, he will run back to them.

    There is a saying that goes something like this……”Do not step on any toes, because those toes may be attached to the asses that you kiss!”. This may hold true to Jackson.

    And yes, I am a big Jackson fan.


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