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Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 22 (The Return)
By Zach Arnold | July 21, 2006

We’re back (hopefully on a normal schedule) this week with a brand new Fight Opinion show, as the entire crew (Rob Sayers, Luke Nicholson, Erin Bucknell, and Zach Arnold) discuss the latest news stories in MMA. We have an overlook on the UFC vs. PRIDE interpromotional battle, a preview of the WFA Los Angeles PPV (which, sadly, was taped before Kimo was suspended), a review of UFC 61 and preview of upcoming UFC events, and a roundtable discussion (including topics such as the war between K-1 & Bob Sapp, and American legislation that could ban placing online bets for MMA fights).
The 22nd edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Here are your options for listening to the show:
Broadband (MP3) | Dial-up/Streaming
Or you can use the great flash player to listen to it streaming (without having to use an external program). Check it out (down below).
[audio:http://www.fightopinion.com/podcasts/foradio-7-21-2006.mp3]Podcasting Links
- iTunes subscribers – click here.
- Yahoo Podcast subscribers – click here.
- Podcast Alley subscribers – click here.
With the listenership for Fight Opinion Radio dramatically increasing week by week, we definitely could use your financial support for the Fight Opinion project. If you want to contribute to us in a way that directly helps us out with our web server costs, you can donate directly to our web host – A Small Orange. Please help us out. I will personally contact you and give my sincere thanks if you make a donation.
We are looking for new sponsors. E-mail me if you are interested in having both site & radio show ads.
To contact us for show feedback, you can e-mail any of us on the Fight Opinion radio staff.
- Zach Arnold – [email protected]
- Rob Sayers – [email protected]
- Erin Bucknell – [email protected]
- Group e-mail account – [email protected]
Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, Japan, Luke Nicholson, Media, MMA, podcasts, PRIDE, Rob Sayers, UFC, WFA, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
Really great that you’re back guys 🙂
Miller hasnt faught Sincaid by the way, that is a different Jason Miller… (this isn’t my special knowledge or anything, I’m just getting this info from Sherdog Fightfinder).
p.s. “I agree” 🙂
Welcome back guys 😀
Regarding the announcement of Silva fighting Chuck at UFC 61, I experienced the exact same thing Rob did. Not one person I watched the event with had any idea who he was.
You guys asked… “What does the UFC have to gain from this?”… FANS!!
You said it yourself, this is a fans wet dreams come true. They did this for the fans of the sport.
It’s always the same thing on all the boards. People get upset and rag the UFC for looking out for itself when they don’t actually name “Pride” by name, what they pay fighters, etc etc. So they actually put themselves on the line and do something for the fans and… people bitch and wonder why they’re not looking out for themselves. It’s never enough.
Agree with Kevin about the moaning aspect… However, they aren’t going to JUST do something for the fans, are they – it has to make good business sense too.
My thoughts
– Chuck is 38 and pretty much on his last legs. They need to replace him sooner or later AND make the most out of him now, whilst they still can.
– The UFC will get props for this in the general MMA media / world / fans.
– At the end of the day, UFC fans ARENT going to jump to Pride anyway, even if they do find out that they have some of the better fighers… The UFC has infinitely more exposure and FREE TV, which is what builds and keeps the brand loyalty. People might switch over to Pride if it was just as accessible but in no way is that the case.
If Chuck loses the next MMA on TV will be an UFN and people will settle happily back into watching average MMA with little knowledge of what else is out there.
My only slightly out there thought regarding this as a business deal… I wondered whether UFC could have in some way purchased shares in Pride as part of a deal in which they give them this free publicity prior to their US debut. It’s an unlikely situation but I thought it would make sense… Pride needs money/investment, UFC needs fighters > UFC invests in Pride in exchange for fighters… pretty simple.