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Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 18 (Writer’s Roundtable)

By Zach Arnold | May 12, 2006

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This week’s one-hour show is presented by, a brand new web site focused on the fight scene in the Golden State.

Rob Sayers has a special segment this week with amateur fighter Tim Moore. Ever wonder what it’s like to be an amateur fighter? How do you get into the fight game? What kind of training and traveling is necessary to build your career? Find out all of the answers.

Rob hosts this week’s writer’s roundtable features Tomer Chen and Zach Arnold talking about:

  1. The IFL going public. A move with a purpose or a useless move?
  2. The UFC shows interesting in shifting some programming to HBO. Positive or negative?
  3. Is Royce Gracie really a draw in the year 2006? How will newer MMA fans (created from The Ultimate Fighter show) react to Royce?
  4. The Kameda Brothers draw big TV ratings in Japan. Can boxing knock off MMA from New Year’s Eve TV programming?

To close out the show, Erin Bucknell has a quick show review of last week’s WEC show that she attended. Is Mike Kyle the next Gilbert Yvel? Find out our thoughts on this week’s show.

The 18th edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Here are your options for listening to the show:

Broadband (MP3) | Dial-up/Streaming

Or you can use the great flash player to listen to it streaming (without having to use an external program). Check it out (down below).


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We are looking for new sponsors. E-mail me if you are interested in having both site & radio show ads.


To contact us for show feedback, you can e-mail any of us on the Fight Opinion radio staff.

Message board thread on the show.

Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, MMA, podcasts, Rob Sayers, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 18 (Writer’s Roundtable)”

  1. […] Rob and Zach of Fight Opinion have dedicated this week’s episode of their Internet radio show to the folks at MMA California. You can check it out here. […]

  2. Luke A. says:

    I was wondering why there hasnt been any coverage of the ACF event in Denver where Mark Kerr was supposed make his return last weekend?

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    [I was wondering why there hasnt been any coverage of the ACF event in Denver where Mark Kerr was supposed make his return last weekend?]

    Expect this to be addressed on next week’s show. I’m working to see if I can get a guest for this one.

  4. Tomer says:

    Wes Sims via “I told you so!”. 😉


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