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PRIDE 6/4 Bushido show in Saitama

By Zach Arnold | May 11, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

The promotion announced Makoto Takimoto vs. Gegard Mousasi (Red Devil International) and Ryo Chonan vs. Joey Villasenor as the first two matches on the 6/4 Saitama Super Arena show. The fighters slotted for the Welterweight tournament are: Akihiro Gono, Kazuo Misaki, Yoon Dong Sik, Denis Kang, Paulo Filho, Phil Baroni, Murilo Ninja, Murilo Bustamante, Amar Suloev, and Hector Lombard.

In addition, dates for 8/26 at Nagoya Aichi Rainbow Hall and 11/5 at Yokohama Arena were announced for the next Bushido shows.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “PRIDE 6/4 Bushido show in Saitama”

  1. Al Yu says:

    I’m actually looking forward to seeing how the ‘Donger’ will do as a welterweight. Hopefully they won’t match him up with someone that will slaughter him.

  2. boofy says:

    zach do you think this will be on fuji tv?

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    I’m not sure. I think a lot depends on if a big name like Gomi appears. Kawajiri is set to appear, but not having Gomi could be a factor.


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