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Oscar equals buyrates

By Zach Arnold | May 12, 2006

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By Zach Arnold is reporting that the Oscar De La Hoya vs. Ricardo Mayorga boxing fight last Saturday night drew 875,000 PPV buys.

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2 Responses to “Oscar equals buyrates”

  1. Mr.Roadblock says:

    Oscar v Mayweather next. I don’t care about Floyd Sr. This fight makes sense and it’ll make dollars. Plus it’ll give Floyd the rub to be a big PPV guy.

  2. Tomer says:

    Oscar said in interviews that the only fights he really cares about at this stage and is considering as his retirement fight is Felix ‘Tito’ Trinidad II & Floyd Mayweather Jr. I imagine, however, Tito will have little interest in returning after getting embarassed badly by ‘Winky’ Wright and wants to keep his 1-0 record over Oscar. Floyd would anyway be the definitive fight for Oscar at this point considering most people consider Floyd the #1 Pound-for-Pound fighter in the world and going out win or lose against him would hold more value than beating a Trinidad who was badly exposed as a one dimensional fighter with no second gameplan in his last fight.


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