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PRIDE Online Vote Results; Gomi Takes MVP 2005

By Adam Underhill | December 29, 2005

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In an online vote on the official PRIDE website, "The Fireball Kid" Takanori Gomi took MVP Of The Year 2005 ahead of his PRIDE lightweight tournament final fight against Hayato Sakurai on 12/31. A ceremony was held in his honor at a Tokyo hotel on 12/28 where he was presented with a trophy. Gomi was also promised a cash gift from DSE after Nobuyuki Sakakibara suggested that the trophy was too small, and was a terrible prize!

Takanori Gomi took first place in the official online vote, with Mauricio Shogun taking second and Fedor Emelienenko taking third. Gomi also won "Best Bout" with his fight against Kawajiri on 9/25 BUSHIDO 9. Emelienko Fedor vs. Mirko CroCop from 8/28 in Saitama took second place while Mauricio Shogun vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira from 6/26 PRIDE GP Round 2 in Saitama took third.

Topics: Adam Underhill, MMA, PRIDE | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “PRIDE Online Vote Results; Gomi Takes MVP 2005”

  1. Chuck says:

    Good, Gomi deserves it. Pride Shockwave should kick all sorts of ass. Gomi vs. Mach should be an excellent fight.

  2. Luke says:

    I would agree. Gomi was a monster this year. I really became a big fan of his this year. I hope he wins against Sakurai on NYE.


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