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Top 10 draft for pro-wrestlers

By Zach Arnold | December 29, 2005

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In an update to our post (Drafting wrestlers for a new company), Ivan Trembow has a new post today revealing what Pro Wrestling Torch readers voted on for their Top 10 draft for professional wrestlers. In my eyes, here’s a money quote from Ivan’s post:

Edge is in a constant cycle of being punished by WWE management in part for being a younger, fresher, and more talented version of Vince McMahon’s son-in-law.

When Edge recovers from his injury, I imagine that most wrestling fans will remember that Edge has delivered world-class, four-star matches when he has been put in a situation where he is called upon to do so. In the last year in particular, he has also evolved with his smarmy heel promos to the point that he is now one of the best promo guys in the entire business. In addition to playing the arrogant jackass heel, Edge is also capable of turning it up a notch and delivering extremely intense, impassioned promos, as seen on several occasions this past summer. I expect to see Edge ranked even higher next year.

No, Edge has not pushed higher because:

  1. His promos have been pointless and boring.
  2. He has absolutely zero babyface or heel charisma at this point.
  3. He’s not that great of a singles wrestler without some sort of gimmick.

Plus the fans have rejected him. They think he’s a legitimate scumbag. Edge’s heat went down with Matt Hardy’s heat, which should tell you who ended up being more significant in that feud/program in the grand scheme of things. Both Edge & Matt Hardy ended up being damaged goods in WWE. Unsalvagable would be a harsh term to use, but it’s pretty close to how to describe both men’s career in WWE is at this point (for better or for worse).

Topics: Pro-Wrestling, TNA, WWE, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Top 10 draft for pro-wrestlers”

  1. Chuck says:

    The WWE crowds think Edge is a legit scumbag because most WWE fans don’t know the exploits of most of these rasslers. Wrestlers cheat on their girlfriends and wives all the times. Women in wrestling have cheated on their wrestling boyfriends with other wrestlers on many occasions. How do you think CM Punk and Tracy Brooks hooked up? Don’t get me wrong, I am all for one to have more morality in pro wrestling, and the world in general. But as long as there are ring rats out there willing to have sex with wrestlers, wrestlers will constantly cheat on their girlfriends or wives.

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    You’re 100% right.

    Edge may be a “victim” for the fans lacking knowledge on some of the seedier aspects of the business, but he did bring the situation upon himself — and in his case, the real-life and storyline rival (Matt Hardy) seemed tied together career-wise in terms of their fate in the company right now.

    With that stated, I’d be careful right now about saying anything about CM Punk – legally and ethically. Maria might be reading this. 🙂

  3. Chuck says:

    Zach wrote:

    [With that stated, I’d be careful right now about saying anything about CM Punk – legally and ethically. Maria might be reading this.]

    Naw, I wouldn’t worry about that. I would worry about CM Punk saying how much of a meanie I am in his MySpace for making fun of him! 😉

    Seriously, I am a CM Punk fan, but damn the dude can be a mark for himself.


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