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By Zach Arnold | December 29, 2005

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I want to thank some people who helped us out in setting up the new web site and giving us ideas of how to integrate tools for interactivity.

First and foremost, Joe and Wiggly at Smart Wrestling Fan are tremendously smart people when it comes to technology and multimedia. Wiggly helped me try to create a RSS/XML feed for the Puroresu Power web site a couple of months ago. That helped spawn the Fight Opinion site in the grand scheme of things.

Second, a tip of the cap to Adam Underhill who is a brilliant mind for his age and has great creative ability. He helped designed our site logo and also is helping out by adding some posts to the site.

Third, a well-deserved thanks goes to Adam Summers who acted as a soundboard for me to bounce ideas off of in creating the web site.

With the thank yous out of the way, I now turn to you. On Christmas Eve, I wrote a post about what I felt the advertising campaign would be like for the web site. The reality is that, right now, we need your support. Whether it is word-of-mouth advertising, posting links to some of our posts on message boards, instant messaging your best friends to tell them about our sight, we are in need of your help on this front. When I first started Puroresu Power 5 1/2 years ago, I started the project from nothing. I scratched and clawed my way into making that site into what it is today. However, that site is about news that I post. It’s not necessarily a community atmosphere. To this day, 92-95% of all the traffic on the Puroresu Power web site is generated by people typing in the URL or clicking on a bookmark. For the Fight Opinion web site, I would like to see every one of you reading this to make sure that you post a link to the Fight Opinion web site at least once online. Whether it’s on a blog, a message board, a comments section, or during an instant message chat session, please help us spread the word about this web site.

In order to help out in promoting link exchange, I will create some graphical buttons that you can use to place the Fight Opinion link on your web page or blog (or message board). The best way you can help us out in the long-run is by telling everyone you know about Fight Opinion. I make a promise to you that there will be daily news & opinion posts on this web site, and I hope that in return you give us your trust and loyalty to be able to take our opinion seriously and be willing to participate by giving us your comments or feedback to each post.

We are open to any and all suggestions as far as where you think we should spend money on buying ads on various Internet sites. Or any tips for us to obtain sponsors for this web site. Just post your suggestions in the comments section of this post.

If you are in a fortunate situation (monetarily speaking), check out the link on the right side of the page that has the header Please Donate! One of the great things about Fight Opinion being hosted on A Small Orange is that ASO gives you, the reader, the option of contributing to this web site by helping us pay for the server costs. You can be assured that if you make a donation to this web site through that link, that any money you donate via PayPal to ASO Will be strictly used for the maintenance costs of this web site.

One final note – make sure to read all of the posts on this web site (if you can). The page displays the last 12 posts, so you will be likely surprised to see the amount of posts already in the site’s monthly archive. You can either use the calendar on the bottom right sidebar to pick a day to read posts from, or you can scroll down to the bottom and pick the previous entries link. There are some really good posts so far. I highly encourage you to read them.

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