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The MySpace Phenomenon

By Zach Arnold | December 25, 2005

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I am fully willing to admit this – I do not understand the appeal of MySpace. Yes, I have always been one who has valued the power of networking online and “community software” as Jeff Jarvis puts it. However, for the life of me, I do not understand why MySpace is so appealing.

Nonetheless, it would be bad business on my part to ignore the concept of MySpace. Therefore, I am going to attempt to try to compile static pages (two in total) with MySpace links for both MMA fighters and pro-wrestlers who are online. This will be a massive undertaking considering the following factors:

  1. I have no idea which accounts are going to be real or fake.
  2. It could take me literally days and weeks to try to compile a super-large list of names. And it’s highly unlikely that I’m going to find help for this task.

Therefore, the comments are opened up on this post so that if any of you inside (or outside) of the industry know of or have MySpace accounts, post your submissions here. I am mainly looking for people inside the business who use MySpace so that I can compile a directory resource list for everyone to access.

This could be one arduous, tireless mission. However, the MySpace phenomenon cannot be ignored any longer.

Topics: All Topics, MMA, Pro-Wrestling, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “The MySpace Phenomenon”

  1. Zach Arnold says:

    I found “Playboy” Buddy Rose through Caden Mathews… how could you not love the “Blowaway Diet” that he made so famous?

  2. Christine says:

    Matt hardy has one it’s real cuz it has a pic of him holding a sign.

  3. Chris says:

    Caden found out that Buddy Rose is not the real Buddy.


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