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California promoter Roy Englebrecht admits “mistake” regarding Nevada perjury & forgery charges

By Zach Arnold | March 23, 2016

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Things just escalated very quickly for California-based combat sports promoter Roy Englebecht and the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

Nevada, which temporarily suspended both Englebrecht and boxer Zab Judah over allegations of falsified paperwork, revealed more details on Wednesday morning regarding the pending charges being filed against both men.

The pending charges against Roy Englebrecht

Nevada’s Attorney General office claimed on Wednesday morning that promoter Roy Englebrecht not only committed perjury regarding paperwork he filed on behalf of Zab Judah but also claimed that he was guilty of forgery and violation of state law regarding possession of Judah’s social security number to put on the fighter’s application form.

According to the Athletic Commission, Englebrecht was summoned to meet with Executive Director Bob Bennett on March 10th regarding the commission’s investigation into back child support that Judah allegedly owed. That investigation supposedly revealed that:

The commission claims that Englebrecht was notified of Judah’s back child support owed and asked to find a replacement fighter for the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center event that was scheduled to air on CBS Sports Network. A replacement fighter and promoter could not be found in time to save the show.

According to the AG’s office, Englebrecht supposedly admitted to Bob Bennett that he had filed licensing paperwork on behalf of Zab Judah and that 1) he had not only forged Judah’s signature but 2) also put the fighter’s social security number on the paperwork.

What was not addressed at Wednesday’s meeting by either the athletic commission or Roy Englebrecht was motive as to why Englebrecht, rather than Zab Judah or Judah’s manager, filed the licensing paperwork with Nevada in the first place.

The athletic commission requested a continuation on the temporary suspension of Roy Englebrecht until a formal complaint is filed against Englebrecht. That complaint will supposedly allege that Englebrecht committed multiple specific intent crimes of moral turpitude.

Under oath at Wednesday’s athletic commission hearing, Englebrecht gave testimony without an attorney speaking on his behalf. Englebrecht did not dispute the pending allegations brought against him. Englebrecht stated that he damaged the trust between him and the athletic commission.

“I damaged that trust and failed you.”

Englebrecht said that he would “accept full responsibility.”

“I made a mistake. It was poor judgment.”

The problem for Roy Englebrecht is that perjury and forgery are specific intent allegations, not general intent crimes of mistake.

After accepting the preliminary allegations made against him by the athletic commission, Englebrecht went into a mini-stump speech about being a 70-year old fight promoter with an extensive 31 year history of promoting club shows all over the country and never once bouncing a check or screwing over regulators.

“I feel I am a true fight promoter.”

The Attorney General’s office stated that they would issue the formal complaints against both Roy Englebrecht and Zab Judah in the coming weeks and allow them due process to formally respond to the charges. It is expected that formal disciplinary hearings against both Judah & Englebrecht will take place in May.

Nevada’s athletic commission excoriated Englebrecht on Wednesday morning, asking how they or other athletic commissions could trust his word or the word of fighters working with or associated with Englebrecht in the future given his admission of both perjury and forgery in the Zab Judah case.

The major shoes to drop soon

  1. Will California honor Nevada’s temporary suspension of Roy Englebrecht?
  2. Will California honor Nevada’s formal suspension of Roy Englebrecht after May’s disciplinary hearing? Englebrecht has events coming up in April, May, and June. A formal suspension of Englebrecht would cost both he and the California State Athletic Commission significant cash in lost revenue.
  3. When Englebrecht is suspended by Nevada’s athletic commission, will the California State Athletic Commission allow Englebrecht to run events under the rent-a-license Promoter-In-Name-Only scheme that we often see in action for Southern California fight events?

Last week, we requested formal comments from both Englebrecht and the California State Athletic Commission regarding Nevada’s suspension and neither camp responded to our requests.

Topics: Boxing, CSAC, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “California promoter Roy Englebrecht admits “mistake” regarding Nevada perjury & forgery charges”

  1. Chris says:

    So Judah’s fight is canceled and now he has less money to pay child support. Ok…. I guess he shouldn’t have lied.

    • rst says:

      Dont worry, his baby momma’s will still get paid out of the tax payers pocket, and the welfare state will still get their administration fee for it.

      The welfare state doesn’t need Zab Jubah. If he blows his own brains out tomorrow, they’ll still make their profit, and theres always more were he came from.

  2. rst says:

    “…also put the fighter’s social security number on the paperwork.”

    The funny thing about social security numbers (not funny haha), is just imagine how many people have access to your name and social security number. I must have filled out hundreds of applications at every potentially illegitimate storefront operation with my name and social security number when I was a teenager. And hundreds of other people did to. All those applications are probably in a back room file cabinet today, forgotten about and available for anybody to get heir hands on.

    Let alone anybody who takes your SS on the phone to turn on the heat at your apartment, the DMV, etc, etc…

  3. […] a March 23rd meeting regarding an extension of a temporary Nevada suspension, Englebrecht admitted under oath that he was guilty of the charges being presented against him. The 3/23 meeting was not a […]

  4. […] attorney, former Nevada Gaming Commissioner Joe Brown, was reading what we wrote carefully because he cited our remarks in front of the Athletic Commission on Wednesday. Brown made the citation to note that Roy had created his own problem in presenting a robust […]


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