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Your cliff notes guide to keeping up with UFC’s four April events

By Zach Arnold | April 2, 2014

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Event: UFC Fight Night from Abu Dhabi (Friday, April 11th on Yas Island)
TV: Internet

Event: UFC Ultimate Fighter Nations Finale (Wednesday, April 16th in Quebec City at Colisée Pepsi)
TV: Fox Sports 1

Event: UFC on Fox 11 (Saturday, April 19th in Orlando, Florida at Amway Center)
TV: Fox broadcast stations

Event: UFC 172 (Saturday, April 26th at the Baltimore Arena)
TV: Fox Sports 1/PPV

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Your cliff notes guide to keeping up with UFC’s four April events”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    The first two card are weak.

    The FOX card is decent but why no title fights on FOX this year? Seems like a waste…

    The PPV could be stronger if they had fewer cards this month.

  2. klown says:

    The Fox card is pretty good – arguably better than the PPV.

    Once again though – how awesome would it be if there were 2 stacked cards this month, instead of 4 medium-to-bad cards.

  3. rst says:

    Thats a good win for Country.
    But he looked the same as he ever does.
    He’s dangerous but he’s fairly predictable and not really expanding his repertoire.
    He’ll never win the belt, but he puts on fun watchable fights.
    Nelson/Gonzaga or a Rothwell rematch is something fun to watch and worth a PPV slot.

  4. klown says:

    Nog was out on his feet. I know it’s a tough call for a ref to stop a fight when one guy is still standing. But it wasn’t necessary to have Nog knocked out cold like that.

  5. rst says:

    Kennedy and Bisping both looked good, no big loser there.
    Kennedy did look kind of stiff and tiring though.
    I kept thinking that his physique although impressive may have been getting in his way.
    He’s gonna have to look like he’s got more gas and little bit more limber if he’s gonna hope to crack that top 3 IMO.
    It was a good win though, congrats to him.

  6. rst says:

    Friggen Verdum!
    The guys as good as the best of them when he feels like it.
    He should have been a undisputed HW champ years ago, if he was always THAT Verdum.
    But all he ever seems to be satisfied with if proving that he’s plenty capable to throw a wrench in things,
    and after getting a title shot I fully expect him to scootch around on his butt for no good reason or something equally absurd.

    Browne/Dos sounds cool.


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