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Fight Opinion Radio: Judo Gene LeBell on Ronda Rousey’s UFC success & stories on the late Billy Robinson

By Zach Arnold | April 2, 2014

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The third episode of the Fight Opinion Radio 2014 campaign can be downloaded right here ( To automatically subscribe to the Fight Opinion Radio podcast, use this RSS link:

Time length of this week’s show: 35 minutes (16 MB MP3)

Our special guest this week: Judo Gene LeBell

For the first time in seven years, we had a chance to visit with Judo Gene on the heels of his 50th anniversary of the famous Milo Savage bout. Head over to Roots of Fight to get merchandise & goods celebrating the anniversary.

This was really a fun interview, as we discussed the influences on Ronda Rousey’s fighting career & examine the level of competition she faced in judo versus the field so far in women’s MMA. Plus, Gene has some stories to tell about meeting the famous Ed “Strangler” Lewis at the LA Athletic Club and how encounters with the late Billy Robinson & Karl Gotch made him into the champion he was and still is.

Special thanks

To Zack Nelson for past & present support of Fight Opinion Radio with music. We hope to work extensively with him and other bands in the future for a step-up in production values for Fight Opinion Radio.

Next week’s guest

Hint: Our biggest interview ever in the history of the program. If you want to know who it is, you have to listen to this week’s show to find out the answer. As famous a name as you could possibly imagine in the world of combat sports with a lot of family stories spanning several decades of activity.

Contact us for feedback and our mailbag

You got thoughts on the show? You got fight-related questions you want us to answer on the show? E-mail us right here and we’ll be glad to spotlight your musings on the radio show. Get on board and be an active participant.

You can reach us on Twitter @fightopinion and @whaledog. Jeff wants to hear from you!

Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, UFC, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio: Judo Gene LeBell on Ronda Rousey’s UFC success & stories on the late Billy Robinson”

  1. nottheface says:

    I love listening to Gene and that Roots of the Fight video is well done but man could they try and be even a little bit balanced in their coverage of that 1963 fight. Milo Savage wasn’t a top 5 fighter. He was a barely .500 39 year old middleweight at the end of his career.

  2. klown says:

    Thanks guys, that was really entertaining. LeBell is quite a character.

  3. […] Ronda Rousey and share stories about the late Billy Robinson. You can find more information and get a link to download the interview at Fight Opinion’s website.  Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleLike this:Like […]

  4. darshana says:

    Awsome buddy. I really love this. Thanxx


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