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Tara LaRosa publicly labels Miesha Tate as a clenbuterol user & accuses Tate of slander

By Zach Arnold | March 22, 2011

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The scenario: Tara LaRosa and Miesha Tate have been going back-and-forth on Twitter in a war of words. The Fight Show (audio here) brought the two women on to discuss the heat they have with each other. The host asks each woman to give their side of the story.

Miesha Tate:

“Well, man, we have quite a background, it’s obvious our dislike for each other is, you know, very prominent. You know, it started back in the day, we used to train together, we got along great, you know, she’s kind of an inspiration to me and then I really saw her true colors when we spent more time together and we just don’t have any care in the world for each other at all. I mean, this is not fake by any means. I have a lot of dislike for me and she’s trying to pull out the ‘am I roid-raging now on Twitter’ you know what I mean, I think her freaking big ‘ol jaw would speak more loudly saying that she’s been taking steroids. I mean, I’m just like royally pissed about the whole situation, like how originally, really, you’re going to say that I’m on steroids now? She’s just pulling whatever she can out of her butt and she won’t fight me, period. I’ve agreed to come down to whatever weight, make 125, you know, and then I mean first ‘I didn’t have enough fights to fight her.’ Now that I have enough fights to fight her, ‘I couldn’t make the weight” so I said, OK, I’ll make the weight, I’ll come down to 25. Then after that it’s that ‘I don’t deserve to fight her’ for whatever, I don’t even know, ‘I don’t deserve to make a dime off of her name’ or whatever, so it’s just one thing after another. She’s dodging me and that’s that. I say let’s settle it in the cage.

“I’ve been trying to fight her for a while now.”

Tara LaRosa:

“I stated, pretty clearly, I said ‘you want to fight? meet me in Yakima.’ No cameras, no money, no publicity, no rounds, no time, just you and me and she won’t because she’s all about the money and attention. That’s the only reason why she’s in the sport. You know, I started training in Yakima back in probably maybe April of 2006, March-April 2006 and she would come in-and-out. She would be in there for like a day or two and then leave for three weeks. It was just an absolute pain in the ass, you know, to have somebody that was just dipping in-and-out and didn’t really care, wasn’t into the sport, she was taking up mat space, taking up our time and it was really annoying and, yeah, the girl was a lot heavier back then. She’s still heavier now. She probably walks around in the 140s, close to 150. She’s not a small chick. I’m not saying she’s FAT, I’m not taking a STAB at her that way. No. But… I’m 125, I’m a natural 125’er and I think her last two or three fights have been against much smaller chicks at 125 when, you know, she walks around in the 140s. I mean, c’mon, let’s get real here. If you want to look at her record, all of her wins have come against girls who have either kind of crappy records or they’ve been a lot smaller than her. The two losses that she has have come against girls that are her size or have winning records, so I mean her track record speaks for itself. She did come down to 135, she was fighting at 145 when she first started out, I guess, and I mean she’s trying to tell me that she’s the same size as me and she’s 125 pounds. She’s never made 125 pounds. She’s never been below 132, so I don’t understand what she’s talking about, how it’s going to be so easy for her to make that. Another seven pounds on top of what she cuts already is a really tough cut, especially for a woman.

“So, the steroid accusation came from a girl that used to train with her who told me that she was on clenbuterol, so that’s makes a whole lot of sense because you can see a change in her musculature in her pictures over recent time. Everybody, go ahead and look for yourself, go check her out her Facebook or check out, I don’t know, just pull it up, search for images on Google, whatever. I called it as soon as I saw her picture, I was like ‘holy shit, her shoulders are huge,’ you know, they’re a lot more rounded like they would be from steroids. And you know what? One of the common injuries for women on steroids are knee injuries, what happens is the muscle gets too big for the tendons and ligaments and it pulls away from the bone.”

For ten more minutes (from the eight minute time mark until the end of the audio), the two women start fighting with each other over the phone. Tara LaRosa practically goes for the jugular here and does so in a manner that is kind of uncomfortable to listen to. Tara accuses Miesha of slandering her in interviews and Miesha says she will take any random drug test to prove that she’s not on steroids if someone wants to pay for the test. The conversation takes some odd turns (not a real good flow here) including a comment by Tara about how once the Strikeforce deal with Showtime is over with that UFC will kill off women’s MMA on a major level and that it’ll be left up to Bellator and other minor promotions to book the female fights.

For those who don’t know what clenbuterol is, it’s a common horse drug used for fat burning. A lot of celebrities and athletes use it even though it’s dangerous because it can cause heart damage that is irreversible long-term. It’s different from another common horse drug used in MMA, boldenone.

I’m not sure if there is a point to all of this fighting other than it’s just fighting and while the two women say they want to fight each other, it doesn’t appear likely that it’s going to happen. So, it’s more of a curiosity to listen to all of this more than anything else since there probably won’t be a payoff.

Topics: Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “Tara LaRosa publicly labels Miesha Tate as a clenbuterol user & accuses Tate of slander”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Women on roids is gross. It turns them into men physically.

    Female MMA has always been a cheap way fir promoters to put on fights. The problem is that it’s sort of like midget wrestling the way it’s treated. Purely a gimmick.

    I won’t be sad when female MMA goes away from the bigge shows. White is right, there just isn’t enough talent. And honestly, the talent that is out there is subpar at best.

    Tate has looked a little more manly in her face and body lately so this news is not a shock….

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Bellator didn’t do a press release for last weeks ratings. MMA Junkie did the research and found out they got 173,000 viewers. Their lowest of the 3 shows.

    Not good to be hovering around 200,000 viewers. I finally watched the show yesterday on my DVR. The fights were fun, but there is nothing pulling in the viewer to watch each week. Not to mention most of their champions are fighting really pointless non-title fights.

    • Zach Arnold says:

      What hurt them was moving the time to an earlier slot on Saturday. I completely forgot about the time change and by the time I went to go watch the west coast delayed feed, it wasn’t on TV. So I missed it.

      • 45 Huddle says:

        They are on early again this week at 7pm to avoid Noguiera/Davis. And then back at their regular time slot. Saturday just isn’t a good day for the show. A Tuesday would have been better.

        • edub says:

          My DVR missed the Razor Rob/LW tourney event while I was in Hawaii. Instead I got to watch a whole bunch of reruns of Bully Beatdown. I won’t be trusting the timeslots too much anymore.

        • 45 Huddle says:

          DVR has been a completely nightmare for Bellator.

          For the first 2 shows, they numbered them…. so it was impossible to set a season recording.

          For this upcoming week, they finally have it without a number….. But they don’t have it labeled as “new”. Which means you would have to have the DVR set to tape both first run and replays.

          So far, I have had to manually record all 3 of the shows…. And this upcoming show as well.

          And setting it up to record one time slot is pointless because they move around too much on a week to week basis.

          I’m a big MMA fan, and even I find this to be almost too much. No way a casual fan can follow it.

  3. Dave says:

    I just wanna say, as someone who was given clen back in the day and did it for a few days, it is the most awful thing ever. If you like your heart beating out of your chest and being pushed into having a fever to the point where working out makes you want to pass out, it is pretty cool.

    I find it funny that this is the ‘big drug’ being dropped as a steroid.

  4. Mizark says:

    Clenbuterol is not structurally a steroid, last time I checked it was classified as a beta-agonist (similar to ephedrine in mechanism but with potentiated effects).

    That being said, there is a possibility thru receptor cross-talk that clenbuterol could activate the steroid signaling pathways. This can be accomplished thru activation of the receptor or coactivator(phosphorylation). This would result in a heightened response to the available steroid.

    Clenbuterol = p.e.d. =/= steroid (structurally)

  5. Robthom says:

    maybe clen-butt-erol.

    Miesha Tates kinda hot.

  6. Vic Mackey says:

    Clenbuterol is a horse drug? WTF are you talking about? You run a tight ship here, Zach.

  7. First off, the Bellator fights last Sat. were hands-down better, more entertaining fights than UFC 128, with the exception of the Jon Jones fight. I only paid $5 to see UFC 128 at the sports bar, and that’s good, because I would have been pissed if I paid the full price for it at home.

    The timing was perfect for me, as I could watch Bellator and the UFC prelims at home, then get to the bar in time for the PPV event. That’s a good night of MMA in my book…

    Second (and more importantly), there are some really gsame fighters in the women’s ranks, and they work just as hard to get where they are, only to be mostly ignored by the big-name (televised) promotions. Take the time to search out some of them (the only way you can see them), and you will see that I am right on this point.

    Megumi Fuji, Roxanne Modafferi, Miesha, Tara, Felice Herrig, every one of them has put on some exciting battles that most of us won’t ever see.

    If they got some TV exposure, there would be more women drawn to the sport, and the ranks would grow. It is a catch-22, where the televised promotions won’t televise them because they can’t get televised!

    We need to support our local fight cards, make some noise to get the current girls some exposure, and then watch the ranks grow. Bellator will have a great chance to corner the Womens MMA market if the UFC cancels the Strikeforce girls’ contracts. I hope they are smart enough to take it…


  8. TV Time Limit says:

    The “Palm Springs” of Washington??

  9. Srhoward says:

    It kinda sad I look up to the both of them hearing them fight gave me head ache. It getting really onying . Some of you guys are sick. The women fighters are just as equal as the men. Also it getting the point where the reporters and them are making me pissed. And I don’t like them as much as I use and thought I did I’m the type of person who was respect for them and wish Anything bad on them but now it like who give a shit if they fight each other and my life will go on either it happends or not or you win or lose

    Not wish any the bad on them I meant because I not that type of a person .

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