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Sengoku 3/7 Tokyo, Ryogoku Kokugikan

By Zach Arnold | March 6, 2010

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Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, Sengoku, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Sengoku 3/7 Tokyo, Ryogoku Kokugikan”

  1. Jonathan says:

    Wow…this card has some unknowns….I know two out of the six people.

  2. Zack says:

    They should just pull a Reed Harris and throw it on PPV.

  3. d says:

    Kiss Nakao vs Sentoryu is going to be downright offensive to watch

  4. smoogy says:

    Diego Gonzales did well in M-1 last year, he is another good WW fight for Gono.

    NoB had reported Eiji Mitsuoka vs. Santos and Kunioku vs. Maximo Blanco… maybe they will now book Blanco vs. Mitsuoka? At any rate, Blanco is a fighter to keep an eye on, if he was in the UFC people would already be falling over themselves to hype this kid up.