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WEC 3/6 Columbus, Ohio at Nationwide Arena

By Zach Arnold | March 5, 2010

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Topics: Media, MMA, WEC, Zach Arnold | 41 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

41 Responses to “WEC 3/6 Columbus, Ohio at Nationwide Arena”

  1. Fluyid says:

    Strikeforce sucks.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Shit, Fluyid beat me too it!

    Solid card, which seems to be the norm with the WEC. Interested in all of the main card fights except for Pulver/Vazquez. They both need to retire.

  3. PabloZed says:

    Solid but Jorgensen should be on main card over Bart P. or even Jens Pulver.

    As far as the title fight I am actually leaning toward Cruz because I believe he is a more well-rounded fighter – wrestling, kicks as well as standup. Bowles has knockout power, but Cruz is fast and crafty enough to avoid that. Plus I believe he’s hungry. Finally, because of his looks I believe he is very marketable.

  4. jr says:

    I’d like to see Cruz with the belt. Jens should be in the broadcast booth instead of fighting at this point after losing 6 of the last 7 fights

  5. Oops! says:

    Anthony Pettis/Castillo is going to be a fun fight. To bad it is on the undercard.

    If only Strikeforce had the undercard or the level of talent WEC has I would take them more seriously. Sad but true. Having a weak undercard just scream’s minor league to me.

  6. edub says:

    LOL to the comment above mine. Sounds like a Strikeforce hate comment.

    I think Jorgensen should be main card material after this fight if he wins. Maybe somethink like him and Fabiano.

  7. edub says:

    Good to see Casimir getting a fight with a big promotion too.

  8. IceMuncher says:

    2 fights featuring 4 of the top 5 fighters in the BW division? Can’t complain. Looking forward to this one.

  9. Alan Conceicao says:

    Its a show that won’t appeal to anyone except hardcores (just like…you know, most WEC shows). But so what? Its a good show. The bantamweight fights are great on paper. I love Pulver/Vazquez being a fan of both, and this is the kind of fight they should be in (instead of being wailed on by younger guys).

    • edub says:

      I agree except I think that Torres and Bowles are pretty good draws for casual fans now. Good to see that Vasquez is getting a big name since IMO he actually won his last two fights.

  10. PabloZed says:

    I gotta disagree with you Alan – the two headline bouts should appeal to even the casual sports fan. If you’re channel surfing and happen to catch Torres at work you’re gonna pause and watch even if you don’t know who the fighters are. That is how I was lured in. I was watching some UFC but then I caught Jose Aldo and I saw a mini-Anderson Silva. So I had to of course tune back in to watch his next fight and next.

    The mistake WEC (and UFC) makes is assuming we are jingoistic Americans and only want to watch the Fabers and Matt Hughes of the world even if their skills are waning. I want to see the best fighters and as long as they are offering good fights with top fighters I will watch.

  11. Oops! says:

    edub- I don’t hate strikeforce. I love alot of there fights but when you see 0-2 fighters fight on the undercard is it wrong to say something about it?

    Some of my favorite fighters fight for Strikeforse like a Robbie Lawler or Sarah Kauffmann. love watching fun fights that make sense.

    • edub says:

      ah. my bad.

    • Alan Conceicao says:

      They’re not going to be televised fights. In that case, why even care? Honestly, if I can’t see it, I don’t really give a shit that it happens, and they don’t need to spend money on fights no one will see or give a shit about.

  12. edub says:

    Since comments are closed on the Dream thread Ill put my 2 cents here…
    -I got hated on on 5oz because for the last couple years I have thought Hansen could be a force at FW. Eventhough I think 139 is gonna be a stretch for him I feel a little vindicated. Depending on how the weight cut effects him I think this is Hansen’s fight to lose.
    -Noons vs. Dida is a great fight. I could definately see a stand up war, but I think Noons could pound him out on the ground. That barrage on the ground against Yves Edwards was one of the most impressive things I have seen in MMA.
    -Looks like they just wanted to get Minowa a win. Thats cool with me since he has been in some wars, and he probably won’t ever challenge for a title in any weight class again.
    -Kikuno vs Hironaka and Chonan vs. Nakahara are Meh fights to me. I think Nakahara could have a bright future if he continues to improve.
    What you guys think?

  13. Fluyid says:

    You guys see Liddell lifting weights naked? WTF is up with that?

  14. Alan Conceicao says:

    I’m equally surprised he’s banging Canseco’s old girlfriend. Saw her on Jose Canseco’s A&E special some weeks back; not the brightest bulb.

  15. Fluyid says:

    I got an email telling me about this site:

    Supposedly, some Station employees are organizing to make a big public statement against the owners (or something to that effect).

    Just an fyi, I guess.

    • Steve4192 says:

      Take a look at the name on the banner … Culinary Local 226 and Bartenders Local 165

      Station is a non-union shop and the service industry unions have been gunning for them for years. This just looks like the latest salvo. I’ll bet even money that is funded by UNITE HERE!, who has been feuding with Station for what seems like forever.

  16. 45 Huddle says:

    Zach’s killing his website by closing all of the comments….

  17. Jeremy (Not that Jeremy) says:

    I’m pretty impressed by how full Nationwide looks. I’ll be interested in hearing what the gate was.

    Obviously a better choice than Youngstown.

  18. Tomer Chen says:

    I’m hoping that Pulver does retire and doesn’t Terry Funk his way back from ‘retirement’ to take more unnecessary beatings…

  19. 45 Huddle says:

    Cruz beating Bowles started a string of title changes over the next 2 months.

    Hardy, Edgar, Maia, and Faber will all be champions.

    • Jonathan says:

      Why do you think this? And you mean will start right? You think that this could be the first in a string of title upsets? I think that Penn, Silva, and St. Pierre are more solid champions than Bowles as this was his first title shot.

    • Alan Conceicao says:

      Faber I can believe. I don’t buy the other guys being capable of winning though.

    • Oh Yeah says:

      Lumping Bowles in the class of Aldo/BJ/GSP/Anderson instead of Machida/Brock/SF Champs seems questionable…

  20. IceMuncher says:

    Get a parlay on that, it’ll pay like 500:1.

    • Mark says:

      You’re crazy. The odds of all of the super-strong champions crumbling over a period of 2 months are lower than me beating Shaun White in a snowboarding competition. The only reason I think you think this is because a change of scenery would benefit the UFC’s (in some cases) stale main event scene.

      The only wrestlers who beat BJ Penn are larger than he is. Edgar is not.

      Maia is going to have to quickly discover a striking game to survive Anderson Silva. We’ve seen time and time again the belief that a good grappler can beat him is unproven. He’ll get taken apart standing before it goes to the ground. Everybody likes to forget Silva trains with the freakin’ Nogueira brothers on the ground so he’s no novice.

      What does Dan Hardy have that GSP doesn’t? He can only hope GSP underestimates him and he can catch him sleeping but I doubt that would happen to him again.

      Bowles breaking his hand lost the fight for him. This title change is only slightly more respectable than Belfort beating Couture via cut eyelid. And it certainly has nothing to do with strong champions on their way out. And Cruz came off like a complete douchebag with the “If I broke my hand I’d keep fighting” comment after the fight

      And it’s got to be curtains for Pulver. Please stop. You don’t have what it takes anymore.

      • IceMuncher says:

        I don’t actually agree with 45. I don’t think Penn, GSP or Silva can beat by anyone in their division, and Aldo is probably in that group as well. The rest of the champs are vulnerable though.

        • Miller says:

          If Faber gets too ballsy and stands up like I believe he may he’ll go to sleep.

  21. 45 Huddle says:

    I actually don’t think we will see all of the champions lose. I do think there are some interesting style match-ups happening that could easily create new champions. If Maia gets it to the ground, I could easily see him submitting Silva. Yet nobody is giving him a chance.

    If somehow Edgar is the superior striker…. Which isn’t beyond comprehension with his good footwork and speed…. It could be a long night for Penn who won’t be able to take him down to the ground.

    • Alan Conceicao says:

      No one gives Maia a chance because it starts standing. Maybe if it started inside his guard?

      Edgar is too small and too easily taken down by guys not as good as Penn. He gets run over. The 5-1+ underdog numbers are probably being kind.

      • edub says:

        I think I’m giving a more of a shot to Maia than most.

        Edgar might be the first person with a speed advantage on BJ. If he continues to get better like he has I think he can be one of the best at either LW or FW if he decides to drop down. That being said I think this’ll be the first sub we see from BJ off his back. Frankie has got great great wrestling and I think he can put Penn there. I just think he’ll get subbed when he does it.

  22. Zack says:

    45 Huddle trolling for attention then backpedaling already.

  23. edub says:

    Khalidov vs. Santiago was all you could want from an mma fight except for a finish. Marlon Sandro should hopefully be going up against Hioki soon considering they are the both the best FWs in SRC(and probably the best outside of the top 3 in WEC).

    Maximo Blanco is a bad ass.

  24. edub says:

    Zach you have my email how bout u actually use it let me know why you keep deleting my comments. Is it because I don’t go along with the general opinion of 45 is a troll?

  25. edub says:

    So you leave that. But you wanna take out the stuff about BJ not having as good as wrestling as Sherk, Griffin, Veach, or Maynard. Nice.


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