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UFC President Dana White’s defense of Tiger Woods

By Zach Arnold | December 17, 2009

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I’m catching up on some video clips from the past few days and one of them was this gem. It was footage of Dana White in Memphis, Tennessee for the UFC 107 event and he addressed the media while wearing a Tiger Woods hat.

“Leave Tiger woods alone. Leave him alone. What he does at home is his business… or anywhere else.”

In a one-on-one media interview, White later says in the clip the following.

“That guy’s the biggest two-faced jackass I’ve ever heard talk in my entire life. (Jesper Parnevik.) Whatever his name is. He’s a douchebag. You think Tiger’s wife is upset that he introduced them, you know? I doubt it.

I don’t even watch the news or listen to anything and I’m hearing it, it just gets old, man, leave the kid alone, he made a mistake, we’re all humans we make mistakes, let him fix things in his life and take care of his family. We love to build people up in this country and tear ’em down, man, that’s what we love to do.”

Parnevik, who White refers to, is a golfer who became famous for introducing Elin Nordegren to Tiger Woods, as Elin was Parnevik’s nanny for some time. After the Woods serial infidelity scandal started to break in the media, Parnevik made comments about what she should have done to Tiger.

I swear that I didn’t time this post to run on the same day that there is a report that Woods and Nordegren are getting a divorce in the near future. Nor did I time it to coincide with bookies taking bets on spread levels in terms of how much she will get in a divorce settlement, either.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “UFC President Dana White’s defense of Tiger Woods”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Tiger Woods is a big baby. He throws temper tantrums out on the golf course. I also believe it will soon be found (my opinion) that he was taking either steroids or HGH. One of his doctor’s is being investigated for it right now by the feds.

    It has always amazed me that a guy like Alex Rodriguez has been bashed by the media while a guy like Tiger has been praised. They are very much the same guy. Awesome at their sports, womanizers, and both publicly mentioned in reference to PED’s (A-Rod has already been confirmed).

    Not sure why Dana White took this media issue to defend such a guy. I think it’s great if Tiger can get so many girls…. But why get married if that is who you are? He’s a scumbag.

    The real issue on this topic is how the media is talking about. If Tiger Woods took a putter to his wife’s car after he found out she was cheating… He would be getting bashed.

    She is no saint here. Likely knew about the affairs but enjoyed the lifestyle. Typical gold digger….

  2. Fluyid says:

    I don’t think that Dana White would have defended OJ, but what do I know?

  3. The Gaijin says:

    “Tiger Woods is a big baby. He throws temper tantrums out on the golf course. I also believe it will soon be found (my opinion) that he was taking either steroids or HGH. One of his doctor’s is being investigated for it right now by the feds.”

    A doctor of Tiger Woods is under investigation, so in your opinion Tiger was taking steroids or HGH. But of course, Brock Lesnar is cleaner than driven snow, regardless of the fact that he was arrested with boxes of the stuff (HGH) in his car.

  4. Robert Joyner says:

    Dana showing up at the press conference in a TW cap gave me visions of that old internet meme photo of the girl in the bikini on the beach doing the handstand…. sad commentary on the mma media that someone actually took the bait..

  5. Zack says:

    “Tiger Woods is a big baby. He throws temper tantrums”

    Says the guy who made a big deal about leaving a website only to return several days later. LOL

  6. Alan Conceicao says:

    Who cares? I might be upset if Dana was defending Chris Henry trying to assault his girlfriend. That might offend me. There’s lots of relevant questions to ask him. This really isn’t one.

  7. Grape Knee High says:

    For once, I agree with one Dana’s loudmouth comments.

    Considering the high rate of infidelity and divorce in the US, there sure are a lot of hypocrites out there who are calling Tiger a scumbag.

    As far as PEDs, go, so what? Get back to us when Pettitte and Giambi get crucified. Oh wait, they haven’t, as most of the many Yankees who got caught with a needle in their asses did not. Clemens would have been forgiven if he weren’t such a douche about the entire thing.

    And A-Rod has always been hated, steroids or not. Hilarious that a Yankees fan could possibly cry victim.

  8. jr says:

    Dana will do anything to get more interviews

  9. klown says:

    I’m with Dana on this one!

  10. H3R0 says:

    Tigers fair game. If Tiger wants to sell his products, show off his kids during a tournament, or do magazine covers, it means that he is a public figure.

    If he wants privacy, stop showing up on covers, commercials, interviews, and stop playing golf. So don’t bitch about privacy because when you’re the biggest athlete in the last 20 years. Media, rightfully so, is pouncing on Tiger and he deserves this.

    Damn pussy cat, just run and hide…we never really knew Tiger, but we know he runs when things get tough. What a guy!!

  11. IceMuncher says:

    “Considering the high rate of infidelity and divorce in the US, there sure are a lot of hypocrites out there who are calling Tiger a scumbag.”

    Yep. 75% of people admit to having cheated on a significant other, although the number of people who admit to cheating gets cut in half when you consider only marriage.

    It makes it harder to throw someone under the bus for something that most of the people you pass in the grocery store have also done at some point.

  12. Lester-Grimes says:

    H3R0 is correct. There’s a cost to celebrity, fame & fortune. If individuals are willing to put themselves in the public eye, while making millions of dollars per year, their access to any privacy will be greatly minimized or open to public scrutiny. Whether they like it or not.

    After all, we lived in a wired world, where everyone has a portable camera, video or recorder to document such scandals. The viral nature of Internet gossip doesn’t make it any easier too.

  13. The Gaijin says:

    Well looks like renowned ‘roider Sean Sherk is off of UFC 108, another card unholy cursed by injuries. While this injury is legit (large cut over his eye) this guy is in a bit of a funk in terms of making it to fights in good health.

  14. Mark says:

    This should have been handled on his next vlog while screaming “LEAVE TIGER ALONE!!!!”

    As for why he talked about it? It’s just one of those dumb media issue everybody has to weigh in on like Balloon Boy or Sarah Palin being an idiot or Paris Hilton being a ‘ho.

  15. jj says:

    “But of course, Brock Lesnar is cleaner than driven snow, regardless of the fact that he was arrested with boxes of the stuff (HGH) in his car.”

    Wow, that’s awesome work man. Accuse Brock Lesnar of using HGH and your proof is a link to an article that clearly points out it was not steroids? You should be a journalist.

  16. The Gaijin says:

    Nice work READING the article and my post you genius. It clearly states in the article that what he was carrying in his car was “growth hormones” (and not steroids), which I eluded to in my post – you might not have noticed, it was a bit subtle (HGH).

    Thanks for coming out though.

  17. jj says:

    Please. You’re a joke. You’re trying to accuse Lesnar of something pretty serious while offering zero proof.

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