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DREAM vs. Sengoku announced for Dynamite 12/31 Saitama Super Arena event

By Zach Arnold | November 25, 2009

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Color me shocked, except I’m not. Double main-event will be Masato in his retirement match against Andy Souwer and Hidehiko Yoshida vs. Satoshi Ishii. That’s at least the current plan at the moment, anyhow.

The story on Ishii is that he’s currently in Las Vegas training, so he wasn’t around to do media interviews.

The plan is still, apparently, to do 18 ~ 19 matches on the card. Possible matches being floated around include Mizuto Hirota vs. Eddie Alvarez, Akihiro Gono vs. Hayato “Mach” Sakurai, Sanae Kikuta vs. Kiyoshi Tamura, and Yoshihiro Nakao vs. Mirko Cro Cop.

As far as the impact on the American MMA scene is concerned, it’s probably minimal at best. With that said, Strikeforce has a big show on January 30th in Florida and given the co-promotion that exists between Strikeforce and DREAM, there may be some foreign talent who choose to work on the NYE show instead of the 1/30 Florida event.

Topics: DREAM, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Sengoku, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “DREAM vs. Sengoku announced for Dynamite 12/31 Saitama Super Arena event”

  1. Ivan Trembow says:

    Eddie Alvarez vs. Mizuto Hirota would be a phenomenal fight. Sanae Kikuta vs. Kiyoshi Tamura, not so much…

  2. BM2 says:

    Someone please, don’t let them book Saku vs Misaki~!

  3. Coyote says:

    Alistair Overeem vs Arlovsky/Silvya

    please, please, please.

  4. Anders L says:

    Cro Cop? I thought he was fighting in Australia?

  5. Wolverine says:

    Zach do you know anything about this?

  6. smoogy says:

    “WVR head Inamura’s only comments were an insistence that parent company Don Quijote was still involved with the promotion and was devoted to supporting it into 2010. WVR said it already has plans in place to continue promoting in the new year.”


  7. urbanraida says:

    I was looking forward to Dynamite, but not any more. Hopefully it will do well but Masato vs Souwer should be awesome.

    I’m hoping that Kid vs Watanabe gets made as well as Aoki vs Kawajiri and that will liven things up a bit but so far I’m underwhelmed.

    Will Overeem be ready after his exertions on Dec 5th? Badr Hari has said he will never fight again on NYE….I’m wishing for some FEG suprises. Crocop WTF????

  8. Zack says:

    We won’t know the real card until two days before. Regardless, I’ll be watching. Stoked HDnet is showing it.

  9. Safari Punch says:

    Any chance Nick Diaz fights on this show?

    I don’t see too many Strikeforce guys being used by FEG in this talent exchange scenario. I understand there is an abundance of fighters now with WVR in the mix, but I’d think they would be represented.

    This is Japan’s biggest show of the year and this card should be absolutely stacked. If Strikeforce can’t free up some guys like Diaz and Jake Shields – to at least make them available – this can’t help the FEG/Strikeforce partnership.


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