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Sengoku 9/23 Saitama Community Arena

By Zach Arnold | September 23, 2009

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Event reports: Sherdog | Bloody Elbow

Kevin Randleman, Jorge Santiago, and Michihiro Omigawa were announced today for Sengoku’s 11/7 Tokyo, Ryogoku Kokugikan event.

Update (9/14): Sengoku announced that Satoshi Ishii’s debut will take place on 1/3 against Hidehiko Yoshida. Ishii will not debut at the promotion’s 11/7 Ryogoku Kokugikan show.

Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, Sengoku, Zach Arnold | 19 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

19 Responses to “Sengoku 9/23 Saitama Community Arena”

  1. Zack says:

    Tetsuya “Helper” Yamada

    Awesome nickname…is this some lost in translation “diet butcher” shit?

  2. smoogy says:

    Zack, the name refers to his dayjob as a social worker (in some capacity). He was previously the “Super High School Student”.

    Thompson vs. Hornbuckle is a nice surprise, and should be designated as an offical WW #1 contender fight or something. Yamada vs. Blanco is a great example of how Sengoku is rapidly cultivating blue chip talent with their system of cooperation with promotions like Pancrase and ZST.

    The way the card is booked so far, I’d guess that this will be the last Sengoku before they join with a new TV partner.

  3. jr says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb and predict they won’t disclose the attendence figure for this event

  4. Ivan Trembow says:

    This looks nowhere near as good as their previous card.

  5. Cho says:

    The date of the event will be decided this month.

    Ishii provocatively said: “I’ve respected Yoshida since I was young, and it’s a good thing that I’m able to fight him. To be able to nail the tip of his chin with my punch is also a good thing.”

    Yoshida said: “I think this is a good chance to teach (him) about the degree of difficulty of MMA, I want to teach him that.”

    WVR PR Kokuho said that there is a possibility that the name of the event will be changed from the new year event and onward (will they change SENGOKU or the name of their new year events? Possibly a demand from a TV station they have acquired?) to a name which has popular use in the world (popular use around the world, something English like DREAM? What word do people know almost regardless of where they live?). The name change and date might be announced at SENGOKU X on September 23rd.

    Kokuho also said that next Sunday (the 20th) on TV Tokyo there will be a SENGOKUG! special from 16:55 to 17:15 (4:55 PM to 5:15 PM). The special will be about SENGOKU’s Judo Top Team (Ishii, Yoshida, Takimoto, Izumi).

  6. Alan Conceicao says:

    Looks like they’re going with New Years.

    I woke up real early to watch this, and honestly, I could have stayed in bed. I was hoping for a lot of quick finishes about midway through so I could get in another nap before I had to get ready for work, and that actually happened. Still, not anything anyone needs to go out of their way to see.

  7. Robert Poole says:

    Unrelated to the topic above but Rampage says he is retired?

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Nick Thompson’s career has really been on a tailspin lately. Not only is he losing, but he is getting finished too.

    Would like to see Hornbuckle fight some of the better UFC guys.

  9. 45 Huddle says:

    As predicted by a few….. Brett Rogers is creeping up the rankings due to his upcoming bout against Fedor. He is currently at #6 at Sherdog. Do those people have no shame?

  10. Cho says:

    do you have no shame when you nutt hugg the ufc huddle?

  11. Jonathan says:

    The people at sherdog also ranked Kongo as the #6 heavyweight after he beat Cro Cop.

    Rankings mean very little

  12. 45 Huddle says:

    My potential hugging of one’s nuts does not make my point any less valid. Fighters who are about to fight Fedor are constantly ranked higher and higher. It is a bad trend that lacks basic logic skills.

  13. Wolverine says:

    I believe Junior should be above Rogers, but apart from him I don’t see anyone who should be ranked above Brett. Carwin and Velasquez don’t have a win of Arlovski caliber and Couture’s last win was more than 2 years ago.

  14. Jonathan says:

    I have no problem with Rogers being ranked where he is, but I do have a problem with rankings in general.

  15. Cho says:

    Seriously 45 quit bitching. There is not a dam thing you or anyone can do about it.Your like a 4 year old little kid crying cuz he or she does not get there way. And beside I could name some fighters who got undeserved rankings but you don’t see me crying a river.

  16. 45 Huddle says:

    You are the emotional one on this issue.

  17. Cho says:

    yeah sure 45. weak comeback

  18. Ivan Trembow says:

    Awful officiating. Blanco punches Yamada five times in the back/spine, and the referee rules Blanco the winner by TKO? Give me a break. Yes, Yamada’s head was outside of the ring (which is why the cage is a better fighting surface than the ring), but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s open season on punching a guy in the back/spine.


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