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WEC 6/7 Sacramento (Arco Arena)

By Zach Arnold | June 7, 2009

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20 Responses to “WEC 6/7 Sacramento (Arco Arena)”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Fantastic Main Card. Wouldn’t mind seeing Manny vs. Franchi on the television portion either. The rest of the undercard isn’t very good.

    I don’t see Faber winning this fight, but it would be the best thing for the WEC at this time. They would get their posterboy a title belt back, and then set up Brown/Faber 3.

    I think Swanson has a good chance at an upset. Despite his loss to Pulver, he is a very good prospect.

  2. Steve4192 says:

    I thought Manny moved to WEC so he could drop to FW.

    Is his match at LW a one time thing or did he just drop down to compete in a shallower talent pool than the UFC LW division?

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    Franchi is a Featherweight, so I would assume his fight with Manny is taking place at that weight class.

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    It was listed at 155 pounds. *shrugs* I was under the assumption it was 145…

  5. Dave says:

    Decent TV card, undercard kinda sucks but I won’t have to watch it anyway..

    I’m not sure who to pick in Faber/Brown. It is hard to count Faber out because he made a dumb mistake against Brown, but then again, nobody should underrate Brown, either.

    I want to see what happens when Faber doesn’t make a foolish mistake against Brown. My gut tells me Faber, but I want Brown to win.

  6. IceMuncher says:

    I think Brown takes it again. Even before that Arlovski elbow, Faber never looked threatening.

  7. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Hey, there’s another WEC today!

    And apparently they’ve decided they only have one weight class now :/

    This is the downside to getting rid of those higher weight classes, particularly welterweight. Now they’re down to one competitive class with two or three high profile fighters. One class that is crazy because of the talent of the world’s best bantamweight by a country mile, and then a weight class that’s never been their real entertainment strongpoint that is an underdog to everyone.

    Still Aldo, Pulver, Brown and Faber on one card should make for an interesting evening.

  8. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I feel crappy for Jens. He went down to what ought to have been a better weight for him and he’s fighting guys half his age who have just kicked his ass repeatedly.

    Hopefully he took home a chunk of change for these fights and he’s got something interesting lined up for his life post-fighting.

  9. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Still thinking about Jens. Uno’s back in the UFC, would a farewell rematch with Uno be viable?

  10. Fan Futbol says:

    Faber-Brown rd 1 was AWESOME.


  11. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Balls much? Hell yeah!

    The first three rounds were fight of the year material. Faber gutted it out for the last couple, unfortunately Brown lost all creativity.

    Crazy crazy fight.

  12. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Wow, look how swollen that hand is. That’s a real broken hand there. Ballsy, ballsy. I have a world’s worth of respect for Faber after seeing this fight.

  13. Fan Futbol says:

    Wow. I could watch those guys fight 100 times. Would have been interesting to see the result if Faber doesn’t break his hand.

    Although Mike Brown seems to simply ignore all physical punishment. He’s a beast.


  14. 45 Huddle says:

    Good night of fights overall. That has to be a record for the number of fights shown on a WEC Telecast. I think it was 7.

    Faber/Brown 2 was very good, but it would have been better if Faber could actually throw a punch the entire fight. Faber seems physically smaller then Brown, and I wouldn’t be shocked to see him move down to Bantamweight. And then his training partner, Benvindez, would probably drop to Flyweight when they open that division.

    I’m really looking forward to Brown/Aldo. And speaking of the Aldo fight, Swanson is either the unluckiest fighter in the world or he completely chokes under pressure. I think it’s a combination of both.

  15. IceMuncher says:

    Great fights. WEC consistently puts on a terrific show.

  16. Zack says:

    Good weekend for MMA. Both cards were extremely entertaining.

  17. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Real fun event. Great pace. Worst announcing i’ve ever heard in the main event. I put it on mute after they said “Faber did a great job escaping” as he got dumped on his face and then mounted.

    I thought Brown handily won all five rounds. Brown vs Aldo should be fireworks.

  18. Ivan Trembow says:

    Great event overall. If that was the last time that Jens Pulver fights, he had an incredible career and he handled himself with honor and class.

  19. jr says:

    Kudos to Faber for fighting through the pain. I hope Jens retires

  20. Ultimo Santa says:

    Wow…a LOT of flash KO/subs this weekend.

    Sad to see Cub Swanson go down in 8 second. I’ve heard a lot about him and was looking forward to seeing him in action.

    Would have liked to see Pulver go down swinging instead of getting caught in a guillotine 33 seconds in. He has so much charisma, and has a unique voice for commentating – I’d love to see WEC use him as an on-air personality.

    And Arlovski getting tagged seconds into his fight with Rogers was a big disappointment too. His boxing was so stellar against Fedor, and I wish I’d see some of it against Rogers but sometimes you just get caught off guard.

    Overall WEC was fantastic, and the main event was of course the highlight. Y

    You have to believe Urijah could have locked on a choke in the later rounds had it not been for the broken hand. AWESOME effort and I can’t wait for the inevitable Brown/Faber 3 in 2010.

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