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Quote of the Day: WEC matchmaker loves Youtube

By Zach Arnold | May 1, 2009

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Research & Development in 2009:

“Four years ago I had so many videotapes that I was running out of room to store them,” he said. “But now, since the advent of YouTube, I’ve moved my VCR out and I just spend a whole lot of time on YouTube. It’s indispensable. It’s incredible. Before I had to try really, really hard to find tapes and go through fighters’ reels. Now with YouTube it’s cut way down on the amount of work you have to do to see fighters. A guy gets a fight, puts it on YouTube, sends an e-mail with a link and that’s it.”

Later in the interview, Michael David Smith notes the matchmaker’s attitude (my opinion) of “don’t call us, we’ll call you” in terms of booking fighters.

Topics: Media, MMA, WEC, Zach Arnold | 16 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

16 Responses to “Quote of the Day: WEC matchmaker loves Youtube”

  1. David says:

    “Don’t call us, we’ll call you” is the name of the game in the entertainment industry…

    It allows for leverage in business deals, and is the natural order of supply and demand. Thus, you perform/make the best product possible, and make sure it gets out there! 🙂

  2. ttt says:

    while at the same time the ufc, wec, etc all do their best to remove their fights from youtube…

  3. doem says:

    youtube was working towards being a nearly comprehensive record for mainstream MMA video. Unfortunately Zuffa pulled the plug on that and PRIDE reps followed suit soon after.

    Funny, I spend more money on MMA now as a result of what i was able to see with youtube than i ever would have without it.
    If it was not possible for me to view fights online now I would probably eventually stop watching fights all together. Who is going to trudge to a bar or pay 45 dollars for a pay per view every month?

  4. Zack says:

    Doem…torrents are your friend brotha!

  5. jr says:

    “How are their bodies?”-Dana White to Sean Shelby

  6. robthom says:

    I like to read the comments sections on youtube.
    Its an education.

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    I use torrents for non UFC stuff. Sometimes it is the only choice. I don’t have HDNet.

    Floyd Mayweather is boxing on July 18th on PPV. I was bashed by a few people here a month or two back for saying Floyd would not be boxing on PPV on July 11th (the original date) due to the UFC 100 show already having that slot. I was told that if Mayweather wanted to be on PPV then, he would.

    Looks like I was right. His date was changed to the week after. PPV companies had no incentive putting on two major events at the same time.

  8. Nepal says:


    Why wouldn’t you use torrents for the UFC shows? I have them all on my 2TB external hard drive.

    Zach, btw, once again your comment either misinterprets the author’s meaning or you just purposely type something wrong to try to get people to bite. (Guess it worked).

  9. robthom says:

    I have a 4TB external drive.

    But it doesn’t have MMA on it.

  10. doem says:


    Torrents are too slow for me.
    If im not interested in a card enough to show up to a bar an hour early (to get a decent seat)to watch it then i will usually start to search for the fights at around 12:30AM or 1:00am that night. You most definitely can find a stream for every Main Card fight the night of the fight. If you wait a couple days though all those videos will be pulled…..but they may filter back later when the UFC reps have stopped looking.

  11. 45 Huddle says:

    Why don’t I download UFC’s? Because I order the PPV’s instead. Supporting the sport. I have Showtime now for Strikeforce as well. I don’t have access to the Japanese shows due to Comcast (no HDNet). I tried to get DirecTV, but a neighbors tree is in the way.

    A little off topic, but I really don’t pirate much video content. Most of my music collection is from Limewire. That place is a virus nightmare, but I use a Mac for that. As for video content, I don’t download movies illegally.

    I will download UFC’s I’ve already purchased so I can convert the video to the video format that is allowable on ipods. I don’t do it that often. Only for really good fights. I also download movies I already own in the ipod format. I figure it’s no different then making my own digital copy, just much easier to do.

    I use to buy tons of DVD’s. And I have friends who either have huge DVD collections or download tons of content online. I have found throughout the years that I barely have enough time to watch my favorite TV shows and sports…. That downloading everything becomes pointless and just creating collections for the point of it.

    Plus, there is something to be said for watching an action movie on the big screen or watching a UFC event live on a LCD or Plasma TV. Worth the money and a much more enjoyable viewing experience.

  12. IceMuncher says:

    “Who is going to trudge to a bar or pay 45 dollars for a pay per view every month?”

    Me and about a million other fans.

  13. IceMuncher says:

    “Plus, there is something to be said for watching an action movie on the big screen or watching a UFC event live on a LCD or Plasma TV. Worth the money and a much more enjoyable viewing experience.”

    This. We order the HD PPV on the big screen with surround sound threatening to blow out the windows of the house. With a group of people it comes out to like $5 a person and the experience is worth every penny and then some.

  14. Zack says:

    Would have been nice to have a Sengoku thread…it was a good show. The first two fights were a real weird way to start the card, but overall it was a solid night of fights. From Bellator last night..the Masvidal/Imada had one of the greatest subs of all time in a come from behind fight…heres the end:

    Okay…time for Manny vs Hatton.

  15. Alan Conceicao says:

    Floyd Mayweather is boxing on July 18th on PPV. I was bashed by a few people here a month or two back for saying Floyd would not be boxing on PPV on July 11th (the original date) due to the UFC 100 show already having that slot. I was told that if Mayweather wanted to be on PPV then, he would.

    Oh, 45. Maybe you should bump that thread? I’m pretty sure I said something else too.

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