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Seth Petruzelli: I did nothing wrong

By Zach Arnold | April 17, 2009

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After all this time, he can’t figure out why a bigger MMA promotion won’t book him. For someone who runs his own business(es), he’s either obtuse about the MMA industry or he knows exactly what the reasons are but is in denial.

Oh, and he can’t figure out why Scott Smith hates him. I figured out the reason, oh, last November.

Scott who??? Isn’t he the guy who fought Duane Ludwig in KOTC with Vans on his feet???? Scott=clown shoes! Seriously why would you talk crap about a guy who’s trying to do the same thing you do for a living? I have delt with a lot of haters since the fight, I’m used to it.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 18 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

18 Responses to “Seth Petruzelli: I did nothing wrong”

  1. Alan Conceicao says:

    Between losing my contract and being confused with the street brawlin’ Shad Smith, man, Scott must loathe him like no tomorrow.

    Seth is also a dumbass for not taking any money from a smaller organization. Beat a bunch of dudes on the second tier and THEN someone might call you up. Beating Kimbo Slice and then inadvertently putting yourself out of work by blabbing about the corruption of the company as they were within grasp of a deal to save the company is funny enough. Now add on that to think that those things give you cache to demand a big fight is beyond hilarious.

  2. Ivan Trembow says:

    Petruzelli should be thankful that he’s not serving a suspension of 12 months or longer for taking a payoff to keep the fight standing. The Florida athletic commission’s handling of that whole situation was a joke.

  3. Zack says:

    The Shad Smith/Bang Ludwig fight is a classic.

  4. Dave says:

    Seriously, he took a bribe, took advantage of it, and then bragged about what he did and tore the company he was working for apart. If he had turned down the bribe and the fight and reported it, different story. I think EliteXC would have still been in trouble and them going out of business could have happened just as quickly, but at least then he could hold his head high.

    He also has too much pride. Go fight some small fries for two grand, a case of beer and a pizza or try to hook up with somebody in Japan, win a few fights, pad your record, and you’ll get offers.

  5. Ultimo Santa says:

    Elite XC made the huuuuuuuge mistake of putting Petruzelli against Slice in the first place.

    A win for Slice would have meant nothing, but his loss would have been complete annihilation of his mystique (or what was left of it in the eyes of the mainstream). Which we all know is what happened.

    Whether he bragged about the bribe or not, Petruzelli is still a pink-haired, flabby-boobed fruitcake who sound like a moron during interviews. He\’s not marketable and isn\’t even that great a fighter. THAT\’S why he\’s not getting booked.

  6. robthom says:

    I’ve always been a little befuddled by Petruzelli.
    He always seemed to me to have much more talent than his record and career would indicate. But he seems to also have the biggest knack for laying an egg whenever it really counts.
    Its starting to sound like it might be an emotional or psychological issue of some sort. Some people are just a bad influence on themselves.

  7. jmechanic says:

    Ironic that he confuses Scott Smith with the only openly-gay fighter (that I know of), when many (most?) people think that Petruzelli is actually homosexual.

    PS- Dont misconstrue this, I’m not bashing anyone, just pointing out the slight irony.

  8. Dave says:

    Petruzelli really isn’t a bad fighter, exactly. He just isn’t great.

  9. jr says:

    Dear Seth,
    Promoters no likey stool pigeons. Go back to making slush puppies or whatever you do

  10. Ivan Trembow says:

    Dave wrote: “If he had turned down the bribe and the fight and reported it, different story.”

    I agree completely.

  11. Fluyid says:

    Yeah, the combination of taking the bribe and then reporting it was about the worst pair of choices he could have made in that situation.

  12. Mr. Mike says:

    “Petruzelli should be thankful that he’s not serving a suspension of 12 months or longer for taking a payoff to keep the fight standing. The Florida athletic commission’s handling of that whole situation was a joke.”

    What ELite XC should have done was just have Kimbo fight in standing MMA matches. A brawl, basically, which is what most MMA fans want. Witness the dearth of submissions in recent UFC shows, or the Chuck Liddell phenomenon.

    Kimbo made his name fist fighting and, his fame could have still been here if he would have been fighting that way (this time witrh MMA gloves) in every MMA match he’d been in.

  13. Fluyid says:

    The rules don’t allow for that. There are rules that govern MMA matches, rules that govern boxing matches and rules that govern kickboxing matches.

    Each set of rules dictates the permissible glove size.

  14. Chuck says:

    “The rules don’t allow for that. There are rules that govern MMA matches, rules that govern boxing matches and rules that govern kickboxing matches.

    Each set of rules dictates the permissible glove size.”

    Then how did promoters get away with it for Kimbo Slice vs. Ray Mercer and Tommy Morrison’s one and only MMA fight? The State Athletic commissions can and have always make exceptions, like designating the Kimbo/Mercer fight an exhibition.

  15. Safari_Punch says:

    Seth is black balled.

    Why would any promotion take a chance on him ever again? The guy is an absolute idiot who’s big mouth cost a lot of people their jobs and delayed fighters that were under Pro Elite contracts a means of earning a living – when EliteXC was on the verge of being sold to CBS. His big mouth and lack of confidentiality caused hardships to many.

    I hope we never hear or see this moron again.

  16. Mr. Mike says:

    “His big mouth and lack of confidentiality caused hardships to many.”

    Actually, it got the Elite people out of the picture. That’s a positive because they appeared to be in it soley for the cash.

    It led the way for Scott Coker and, Strikeforce, which would appaear to be a much better representative for the sport on network TV. They all want to make money, but Coker also wants to run a respectible business.

  17. Steve4192 says:

    “Then how did promoters get away with it for Kimbo Slice vs. Ray Mercer and Tommy Morrison’s one and only MMA fight?”

    Because those were both unsanctioned events where the promoter can make up whatever rules they want. There was no state athletic commission involved.

  18. Steve4192 says:

    “Actually, it got the Elite people out of the picture.”

    I agree that in the long run it ended up being good for the sport. But in the short run it was very VERY bad for fighters stuck in limbo like Scott Smith and Brett Rogers. I can certainly understand why those guys have no love for Petruzelli.

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