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The Los Angeles Times talks about Frank shamrock vs. Nick Diaz…

By Zach Arnold | April 9, 2009

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… with this headline: MMA fighter Nick Diaz says smoking marijuana is part of his plan

“I can pass a drug test in eight days with herbal cleansers. I drink 10 pounds of water and sweat out 10 pounds of water every day. I’ll be fine.”

The obvious is asked:

What exactly is the point of having a drug test if an athlete knows how to get past it? Drug testing is meant to discourage drug use. Here, we have a headliner for Strikeforce openly admitting his drug use, and sharing with the media methods to get around the testing. Is there any point in even having him take the test after his fights?

Frank Shamrock is the favorite going into the fight on Saturday. In the eyes of Nick Diaz, however, Frank’s career is tainted.

Topics: Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 15 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

15 Responses to “The Los Angeles Times talks about Frank shamrock vs. Nick Diaz…”

  1. robthom says:

    I was told that weed and ecstasy takes 30 days (especially for the levels I’m imagining Diaz has), and that crank/coke takes a week to 10.

    But then I’m no professional athlete so what do I know.

    • alex says:

      it takes the average person 30 days to get weed out ther system but weed stays in your fat and when you train like diaz does you burn alot of fat i myself was a highschool wrester and would lose 12 punds a day and even passed a drug test one day after smoking threw 8 hours of cardio

  2. Fluyid says:

    ^I’ve always heard the same about weed.

    Diaz is (obviously) not smart for saying that stuff. He better hope that they don’t take a hair sample from him. When you talk and boast like that, you tend to make yourself a target.

  3. Zack says:

    I thought weed was stored in your fat cells…given Diaz’ metabolism maybe it moves out faster?

    Then again, I’ve known lots of dudes who are in the armed forces, would smoke week on their weekend leave, take golden seal, then piss clean the next week.

    Good point though, Zach. It really speaks to the bigger issue which is the cycling of roids.

  4. Croatian Strength says:

    I thought the only point of the testing is that he’s not high during the fight, and they don’t care what he’s been up to in the previous weeks.
    Obviously with anything performance enhancing it would be different.

  5. robthom says:

    Thats reminds me of sometime last year when somebody was proposing random tests in between fights. I cant remember the details, I think it might have been CSAC.

  6. spacedog says:

    Seriously, stupid to mention this. However, why are they even testing him? Its not a performance enhancer and it is legal for him to smoke it (thank you prop 215)

    BTW I have to confess my shame. I was goaded into a flame war on another forum. THe subject? who would win, Bruce Lee or Ali (and no it was not sherdog, it was not even a fight forum). Do I have to go say twenty hail Fedors now?

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    There are many things with a doctor’s prescription that are 100% legal to take but not allowed for the athletes. Weed isn’t the only one (depending on the state).

    The idea is that it numbs the fighter so he can take more punishment during the fight. Not sure if I care if a fighter is high or not in terms of it helping him.

    Either way, a fighter should not be getting caught with weed in their system. It is out of your system within a week or two, and a real athlete shouldn’t be putting foreign substances into their lungs so close to a fight.

    And I can’t feel bad for stupid fighters.

  8. Fluyid says:

    “There are many things with a doctor’s prescription that are 100% legal to take but not allowed for the athletes.”

    My experience is that you need to let the commission know about the prescriptions you’re taking. The guy I was representing was on one of those non-anabolic steroids. I spoke with the commission on the phone and provided them with the prescription.

  9. brent says:

    @Spacedog. in a streetfight,or any kind of vale tudo fight, i got bruce lee easily. i still believe that if bruce was still alive and in his prime he would be a legit threat to any mma fighter from 135 to 185. for real. 🙂

  10. Steve4192 says:

    “My experience is that you need to let the commission know about the prescriptions you’re taking. ”

    That hasn’t stopped the commission from scratching two UFC fights because a fighter disclosed he was taking prescribed ADD medications (Adderal).

  11. Fluyid says:

    That sucks.

    What happened in my instance was that I called the commission. It was still about 30 days out. For some reason, they had me talk it over with Dr. Margaret Goodman. She is the one who okayed it.

    This was in 2005.

  12. rainrider says:

    > smoking marijuana is part of his game plan.

    Like it’s generally believed, Marijuana temporarily removes phisiological and emotional obstacles and that helps ND to fight better. If Popeye needs spinach, why not let him have his energizer?

    The problem is, ND cannot get his reflex going without getting himself high on weed. Because of his body frame (long, thin, functional),outstanding athleticism and aggressive personality, nobody has associated the word “slow” with this guy, but in fact, he is a slow reacting person. In other words, he grew up too angry to give things quick and respectful responses.

    Shamrock says he’ll educate Diaz, but I think it’s not necessary. Nobody likes reformed Nick Diaz.

  13. Steve4192 says:

    “Like it’s generally believed, Marijuana temporarily removes phisiological and emotional obstacles and that helps ND to fight better. If Popeye needs spinach, why not let him have his energizer? “

    Using that logic, why not let Karo Parisyan and Paulo Filho have their spinach too?

  14. robthom says:

    “…nobody has associated the word “slow” with this guy, but in fact, he is a slow reacting person. ”

    Well I dont know about anybody else, but I’ve been saying that he’s been looking slow as hell for awhile.
    It was terribly evident in the noons fight. His reflexes didn’t resemble when he fought Lawler at all.

    The pot probably helps his emotional and personal condition, but I wonder if it has actually had a negative affect on his physical skill.

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