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News and notes leading up to Margarito vs. Mosley

By Zach Arnold | January 24, 2009

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The LA Times reports that the show will have close to 20,000 fans in attendance. This, despite the fact that Mosley is a +275 underdog on the sportsbooks.

As far as the media is concerned, BALCO might be the biggest star heading into this fight. As mentioned in the LA Times article, Mosley is not interested in talking about his testimony to a grand jury made a couple of years ago in regards to what his relationship with Victor Conte was. Rest assured, Mosley can count on the fact that nothing serious has happened punishment-wise to Evander Holyfield when Sports Illustrated claimed he got HGH under the name “Evan Fields.”

Mosley had to use a second attempt to make weight for the fight.

Meanwhile, Oscar De La Hoya will supposedly be at the Affliction MMA show at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California. There may be some empty seats for that show, unlike the boxing fight at the Staples Center. (Affliction hopes to get 10,000 people or more in Anaheim — how many college-age kids can afford $450 USD tickets?) The LA Times reports that if Andrei Arlovski defeats Fedor, then Arlovski will head to boxing. Nothing says loyalty to MMA and to a promoter like proclaiming that you will go to another sport after you win a headlining event in the sport that made you famous in the first place. So, who will be Arlovski’s promoter if/when he boxes? Golden Boy. No wonder De La Hoya seems interested in the Affliction show.

Topics: Affliction, Boxing, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “News and notes leading up to Margarito vs. Mosley”

  1. Fluyid says:

    Go Canseco! Beat the hell out of Bonaduce!

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    I think Oscar is overestimating Arlovski’s appeal. He could probably try and promote a MMA Fighter vs. Boxer, but I can’t see it doing huge numbers in the states.

    I was gonna be cheering for Arlovski, but if he just wants to move himself to boxing, I hope Fedor wipes the floor with him.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    More lies from Affliction, and more of the MMA Media just going along with it. From

    ““We have a good chance to have back-to-back $2-million gates,” Englebrecht told “Ticket sales have picked up this week and we are looking forward to a great show.””

    1. The first show only did a $2 Million gate after Affliction purchased over $500,000 of their own tickets.

    2. It is highly likely that the same will happen in this case. Without a source from the arena, why even publish this garbage?

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    I remarked earlier this week about Affliction buying their own tickets and then either giving them back out as paper or discounted.

    Given what’s happening right now in the US economy, it is very difficult to see a young crowd (which is what MMA attracts) putting up $300 or more to go watch Gilbert Yvel vs. Josh Barnett. It’s just not going to happen. The boxing show, for crying out loud, had better ticket prices and because of it managed to sell out.

  5. Jeremy says:

    As of yesterday, you could still buy groups of 12 in every price range. If Affliction is going to buy them, they better do it quickly.

    At the risk of sounding jaded, if they suddenly have 10k folks in the stands, the tickets were bought up by Affliction. I can’t see 8000 folks suddenly buying tickets.

  6. Fluyid says:

    I really, really, really hope that Affliction ends up being a successful promotion. I don’t think it’s going to happen.

  7. H says:

    As an MMA fan, does this not give me more reason to cheer for Fedor?

  8. liger05 says:

    Cant see how Suger Shane can win this fight. Margarito is just to strong and will break Mosely down. I think Mosely will be stopped by about the 9th.

  9. mr. Roadblock says:

    I think Cotto showed how to beat Margarito. Use sped early to pepper him and move away. Cotto used too much energ early. Shane needs to beat margarito to the punch then move. He can’t get stuck on the outside on he long end of margaritos jab. If he can get margarito out of rhyhm and land power shots mosley will win. He is a cagey veteran.

  10. liger05 says:

    Cotto for 6 rounds was brilliant but problem is you cant keep moving that much without the legs just giving up. Not to mention he nailed Margarito with some big shots but Margarito just kept coming forward and couldnt be slowed down. I dont see how Mosley can hurt Margarito and I cant forget about Sugar Shane’s last fight where he was awful and really should of lost.


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