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Matches added to K-1 Dynamite! show

By Zach Arnold | December 18, 2008

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Musashi vs. Gegard Mousasi and Tatsuya Kawajiri vs. Kozo Takeda… under K-1 rules. Yes, two MMA fighters will be fighting professional kickboxers… under K-1 rules.

Of course, there’s discussion of having a modified rules match for Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Kiyoshi Tamura. At least (I think) know the rules for Joachim Hansen vs. JZ Calvan.

Update (12/11): Add Shin’ya Aoki vs. Eddie Alvarez and Mark Hunt vs. Jerome Le Banner in an MMA fight to the card.

Updated (12/15): You can add the following fights — Semmy Schilt vs. Mighty Mo in MMA rules, Hideo Tokoro vs. Daisuke Nakamura under MMA rules, Yoshihiro Sato vs. Artur Kyshenko under K-1 rules.

Update (12/18): Mirko Cro Cop vs. Choi Hong-Man is now official (under MMA rules). The fight makes sense — a) it’s a freak-show match-up, b) (Kazuyoshi) Ishii has nothing really left as far as resources invested in either fighter (it’s not as if he needs to protect either one), and c) it will likely produce an interest finish. Mirko wins, he gets a heat-up push for Alistair Overeem. If Hong-Man wins, then you can continue pushing him in South Korea. The problem for Mirko is that his past injuries are catching up with him, while the removal of the tumor clearly has taken a physical toll on Hong-Man.

Topics: Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 34 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

34 Responses to “Matches added to K-1 Dynamite! show”

  1. Rictor says:

    And what’s so bad about it? Mousasi wanted to try himself in K-1 so it’s not big of a deal that he’s fighting in K-1 rules. And after all, Musashi and Takeda in this stage of their careers aren’t too difficult opponents for Gegard and Tatsuya.

  2. Paul Horton says:

    Fucking sad! FEG really stinks. They will NEVER be PRIDE and this kind of ridiculousness is EXACTLY why………

  3. This is unheard of! No way that MMA fighters of the past like Minoru Suzuki, Ken Shamrock, Quinton Jackson, or Igor Vovchancyn would have competed in K-1 under KICKBOXING rules….

  4. Danny says:

    mma curmudgeon:
    Suzuki, Jackson, Vovchancyn – ok, but when and where Ken Shamrock fought under KICKBOXING rules?

  5. nobody says:

    Ken Shamrock had a kickboxing match against Frank “The Animal” Lobman on 5/31/1994 for Pancrase. Ken lost in the second round.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    I assume Mousasi is not on the Affliction card. I am less likely to purchase that card now

    Jorge Gurgel was cut by Zuffa. His last fight was FOTN. Which shows being exciting with little talent won’t keep a fighter in the UFC forever. Now they just need to get rid of Lytle.

  7. Chuck says:

    “Jorge Gurgel was cut by Zuffa. His last fight was FOTN. Which shows being exciting with little talent won’t keep a fighter in the UFC forever. Now they just need to get rid of Lytle.”

    Don’t forget about Chris Leben.

    I could actually see Mousasi beating Musashi. It’s not like Musashi vs. Ray Mercer. Right? Right?!

  8. Ivan Trembow says:

    “Musashi vs. Gegard Mousasi and Tatsuya Kawajiri vs. Kozo Takeda… under K-1 rules. Yes, two MMA fighters will be fighting professional kickboxers… under K-1 rules.”

    Wow, that is incredibly stupid of FEG to do that. Also, Jorge Gurgel was cut from the UFC far later than he should have been, and fighters like Chris Lytle and Chris Leben are still under UFC contract as well.

  9. dave2 says:

    “Jorge Gurgel was cut by Zuffa. His last fight was FOTN. Which shows being exciting with little talent won’t keep a fighter in the UFC forever. Now they just need to get rid of Lytle.”

    Gurgel does have talent though no question. He is just too stubborn to use his BJJ gifts. He deserved the cut. Hopefully that’ll teach him a lesson to take fighting seriously. Fighters can’t go in the fight thinking that they’ll have job security if they put on a C-level kickboxing clinic. The UFC should be about showcasing the best within reason. Gurgel should take fighting seriously and get a couple wins in Strikeforce. Then the UFC will probably let him back in.

  10. David says:

    What are Gurgel’s BJJ gifts? Since he has been in the UFC we have seen no slick BJJ coming from him. Franklin uses more JJ than Gurgel.

    “Now they just need to get rid of Lytle.” – I agree, but he has shocked me lately as being a talented mm-artist.

    I don’t know about Liddell Couture IV, that is just silly!

    DONT BASH the FEG’s K-1 vs MMA idea, I like it and it makes for possible legendary fights.

  11. dave2 says:

    I like K-1 but FEG really treats it like a circus and that annoys me. There are plenty of guys in K-1 who have no business fighting there. When I watch a K-1 event, I expect to see the best stand up fighters in the world, otherwise the “1” in K-1 is meaningless. But there are way, way too many sloppy, unskilled fighters under the K-1 banner. FEG may be top dog in kickboxing but this crap makes them look bush league. Japan is one thing. They love their freak shows. But it surprises me that Europe and other places in the world have embraced K-1.

  12. Chuck says:

    Speaking of Gurgel, it looks like he signed with Strikeforce. Strikeforce put out a press release about it.

    Speaking of Strikeforce, when the hell is Cung Le fighting again?

  13. Vic Mackey says:

    What kind of modified rules are being discussed for Sakuraba-Tamura?

  14. jdavis says:

    “What are Gurgel’s BJJ gifts? Since he has been in the UFC we have seen no slick BJJ coming from him. Franklin uses more JJ than Gurgel.”

    Well that’s what people are talking about, he is a black belt with numerous tournament wins in BJJ but for some reason we never really see him use it in his UFC fights.

  15. dave2 says:

    Exactly jdavis. I said that Gurgel doesn’t use his BJJ gifts in MMA, which is technically true. How does a man with a BJJ black belt, multiple BJJ tournament wins under his belt and has pupils the likes of McLovin Dustin Hazelett (his BJJ is really slick) NOT use his BJJ in an MMA fight? Gurgel has said in the past that he wants to be exciting and have fun in MMA so that’s why he stands. Does he not consider BJJ fun? It’s such a disappointment.

    Gurgel is doing a disservice to the sport by putting on C-level kickboxing instead of showcasing his jiu-jitsu skills. When the UFC has so much crappy, sloppy striking, it reflects badly on the sport. I would love to see more talented strikers in MMA. Andrei Arlovski teaming with Freddie Roach is great and if breaking into pro boxing is going to improve Andrei’s boxing skills, I think that’s great for MMA. But we don’t need more C-level kickboxing. Boxing purists often point to the C-level kickboxing and use it as proof that UFC is a joke. And quite frankly, it is to an extent. I feel embarrassed when I try to convince others that MMA is so great and then they see poorly skilled displays like that.

  16. Dave says:

    Do you guys follow kickboxing? Both Musashi and Kozo aren’t exactly at high points in their careers.

  17. Erik Tollefsen says:

    Dynamite always have weird matchups, just the way it is, you would think none of you had ever seen them do this before.

    I personally am interested to see how Mousasi does in K-1 against Musashi, not so much with Kawajiti though. Mousasi is now planning to compete in ADCC, K-1 and MMA, that is crazy, talk about being well rounded.

  18. Bryan says:

    Haven’t both Genki Sudo and KID Yamamoto competed in MMA and K-1 rules fights in the past and had some of the most exciting fights on the cards? What is the big deal here? This is nothing FEG has not done before and I for one am looking foward to both these fights.

  19. Chuck says:

    Wasn’t New Japan wrestler Manabu Nakanishi in a few K-1 style matches some years ago? He did miserably and he definitely doesn’t have a striker style (he is a power based wrestler).

  20. Zach Arnold says:

    Nakanishi faced TOA The Samoan Machine and got brutalized.

  21. liger05 says:

    Will Sakuraba v Tamura have no closed fist strikes?

  22. ttt says:

    sweeeet additions!
    jz vs viking and aoki vs alvarez will be worth watching on its own merit

  23. urbanraida says:

    And to add to the excitement gentlemen Wikipedia has listed Cro Cop vs….Hong Man Choi for Dynamite! And I thought HMC couldn’t fight any worse than he did last week against Sefo.

  24. […] Oh, and by the way, Aoki vs Alvarez is also listed on the site. I assume that one is official now as well. (Via FightOpinion) […]

  25. Chuck says:

    Schilt vs. Mighty Mo in an MMA match? Why? And Le Banner vs. Mark Hunt in an MMA match? Those two fights make ZERO sense (especially Hunt/Le Banner).

  26. sprewell says:

    JLB wants to fight MMA. He has a history with Hunt. Fight makes sense.

    Schilt wants to fight MMA. It’s better to ease him back into it than give him someone who would tool him.

    Nakamura vs. Tokoro should be an awesome grapplefest

  27. Rob says:

    Schilt X Mo really makes no sense to me. There K-1 fight was stupid, and i expect this fight to be stupid. That being said Schilt via triangle, lol. Kyshenko X Sato will be awesome. And Tokoro X Nakamura will SWEET!!!!!

  28. skwirrl says:

    From what I understand Mo can actually wrestle a little bit so Schilt may have problems getting him down. If this is true than Mo can close the distance close and bang on the inside. I think it will be interesting. JLB vs Hunt will be epic with the 4 oz gloves.

  29. The Gaijin says:

    Wait…didn’t JLB break/injure his arm like a week and a half ago?

  30. Rictor says:

    It was a minor injury. His manager confirmed that JLB will fight on Dynamite!!

  31. Rob says:

    Why does everybody call this a freak show fight? HMC would give most top 10 HW’s fits.

  32. Chuck says:

    “Why does everybody call this a freak show fight? HMC would give most top 10 HW’s fits.”

    Well, yeah, any dude over seven foot with at least a hint of talent would do that. He’s hardly “good” but he’s not awful. And this is a freak show fight. I’m not saying it won’t be good, but come on!

  33. The Gaijin says:

    HMC looks like absolute shit since he had the tumour removed. And he was not good to begin with.

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