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UFC’s Dana White: Movie director in South Boston

By Zach Arnold | December 3, 2008

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The Boston Globe has an article today talking about a Mob Scene in Southie, which refers to filming of Dana White’s two-hour TV pilot that he’s filming based on the mafia scene in Boston. There are some unintentionally humorous quotes by White in the Globe article, including this gem:

And don’t even get him started on NBC’s ill-fated organized-crime series “The Black Donnellys.”

“You see that? The kids looked like [expletive] Abercrombie & Fitch models,” he said. “If they ever tried to extort money from you, you’d kick the [expletive] out of them.”

Extort money? Bad guys? Why am I mysteriously reminded of UFC’s deal with Dream Stage Entertainment for the PRIDE assets? Wasn’t PRIDE a tarnished brand in Japan due to yakuza allegations? How about that lawsuit in Las Vegas court against DSE right now?

“I’m pushing the envelope big time,” he said, “but I want to make sure we’re delivering what we’re selling.”

Maybe the UFC President can make a movie about the rise and fall of PRIDE on Spike TV, since revisionist history will probably claim that UFC brought them down… right?

Friday is D-Day in Las Vegas court in terms of a discovery conference in the PRIDE FC WW Holdings LLC vs. DSE lawsuit.

It’s hard being the UFC President, filming movies, and dealing with wild and crazy antics on The Ultimate Fighter.

Topics: Media, MMA, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “UFC’s Dana White: Movie director in South Boston”

  1. Ivan Trembow says:

    Being more successful than Vince McMahon has been in his non-wrestling ventures should be a pretty easy mark to exceed.

  2. wastey5678 says:

    I still think that buying PRIDE was all about stifling the competition. If they took a loss, it was worth it to them to prevent another company from using the PRIDE name to build their organization.

  3. rob enderle says:

    I dont ever want to hear anyone from the UFC say that some athlete or other org is ’embarassing’ MMA like EliteXC did by promoting Kimbo as the real deal when he was nowhere close to being ready to fight against rounded MMA fighters.
    The Kimbo experiment was a con job but it did its job by bringing the internet generation over (which is what the network cares more about).
    TUF on the other hand defines ’embarassing’ from the opening credits to the stale premise and the fact that most people have nothing really to say no matter how much you edit.
    TUF is not live. It is EXACTLY what the UFC wants mainstream americans to see.

    This is the age of the internet, satellite dishes and PPVs, where you can watch MMATV online 24/7. I dont NEED to see who the next Patrick Cote of the UFC will be. At the very least I can just google to find the 4th rate fights they produce.

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