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UFC 93 (1/17 Dublin) fight card line-up

By Zach Arnold | December 2, 2008

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As it stands right now:


Main card

Update: Here is an interview with Marcus Davis in The Irish Times.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 29 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

29 Responses to “UFC 93 (1/17 Dublin) fight card line-up”

  1. cyph says:

    I’m glad they moved Mendes up to the main card. This is a classic Pride card but I’m sure the haters will crucify it for not having a title fight.

  2. The Gaijin says:

    Classic PRIDE card? Please. At least the “classic PRIDE card” would have had most if not all big names fighting, regardless of who it was against.

    “Name-value” wise this is not their best card. Shogun and Coleman might have been “household names” in Japan due to their years of fighting there, but they’re having a “PRIDE grudgematch” that probably 20% of the fans have any clue about.

  3. D.Capitated says:

    So, uh, cyph: I thought classic PRIDE cards typically sucked? Does that mean….

  4. Fluyid says:

    Wow, I was reading the first part to say “main card” at first. I was stunned until I re-read it and saw that it was the undercard.

  5. Pontus says:

    I hope they bump the Siver – Mohr fight off the main card.

    I would much rather see PaulHarris – Horn or Lytle – Davis.

  6. cyph says:

    D Cap, this is exactly that: a show case card with a mismatch to reintroduce a star. However, Franklin VS Henderson fight does change the contender picture, so in that one aspect, it’s better than a Pride card :-).

  7. D.Capitated says:

    …yeah. Well, at least we can all agree this show sucks on paper, since it does.

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Belfort/Lindland is on board for Affliction now (according to MMA Junkie). I think the addition of that card puts me buying Affliction over UFC 93 (if I even buy one of them).

  9. Zack says:

    I still think Hendo vs Franklin is a great fight. I’m so glad they finally made that matchup.

  10. Jeff says:

    Davis/Lytle and Palhares/Horn is on the main card.

  11. The Gaijin says:

    Refresh my memory – Franklin vs. Henderson is at 205 right?

  12. The Gaijin says:

    Davis vs. Lytle – “ultimate (kick)boxing” – ugh, a little something for the mutants I guess.

  13. D.Capitated says:

    Gaijin, who cares how good the fighters truly are? Its the UFC! That gives them illusory quality that demands $44.95. Just clap like a neanderthal when they start winging wild overhand rights. It’ll be swell!

  14. The Gaijin says:

    Re: Lytle vs. Davis

    Haven’t they gone on the record as saying they’re going to “be men” and keep the fight standing?

    To each there own, but can a commission [I realize there isn’t one in Ireland] do something about a fight that would for all intents and purposes be a unlicensed boxing match with 4oz. gloves??

  15. Fluyid says:

    “Re: Lytle vs. Davis

    Haven’t they gone on the record as saying they’re going to “be men” and keep the fight standing?”

    I think it’s a step beyond that, actually. I think Davis essentially said that neither would be a “pussy” and take it to the ground.

  16. Fluyid says:


    Here’s the quote I was looking for from Marcus Davis:

    “We’ve both been like, ‘I respect you, respect what you do, but a fight between each other is money in the bank,'” said Davis about a fight with Lytle. “I basically said, ‘Yeah, let’s do it and the first guy to take the other guy down is a pussy.'”

  17. The Gaijin says:

    In the end, far be it for me to criticize liking the wild brawls – being that I’m a huge Wandy mark, but still…I feel like it’s different (it’s not)!!

  18. D.Capitated says:

    Oh, there’s a difference. Wanderlei Silva was/is a great fighter who inspired wild brawls in guys who didn’t get involved in wild brawls. Davis and Lytle are guys who get in wild brawls with fighters that are sorta good and get beat up by fighters who are at the top and just below top tiers.

  19. Ultimo Santa says:

    Davis and Lytle are trying to talk up their fight to generate interest, and create excitement for the fans?

    Someone has to step in and stop this madness.

  20. D.Capitated says:

    God forbid someone grapple though. That’s where the excitment always ends. Surely Lytle/Davis as subpar kickboxing will push this event into the stratosphere for buyrates.

  21. ilostmydog says:

    Negativity from you two? I would have never suspected it. :p

  22. The Gaijin says:

    I’m not being negative…just firing off some musings to generate some conversation.

  23. cyph says:

    Zuffa must have ran over D Cap’s dog in another life.

  24. I like this card. Old guys, Dennis Kang, and a great fight on top. What else could you need?

  25. Ivan Trembow says:

    ““We’ve both been like, ‘I respect you, respect what you do, but a fight between each other is money in the bank,’” said Davis about a fight with Lytle. “I basically said, ‘Yeah, let’s do it and the first guy to take the other guy down is a pussy.’””

    These kinds of quotes are sickening and are yet another example of the glorification of C-level kickboxing within MMA.

  26. ilostmydog says:

    Well, they’re both ex-boxers who have never exactly shown a great propensity to take opponents down, so why would would they start now (which really makes one wonder why they would even need a gentleman’s agreement to avoid it).

  27. Ivan Trembow says:

    Chris Lytle actually has a pretty good ground game; he just doesn’t use it very often anymore because his employers have demonstrated to him that they prefer C-level kickboxing over ground fighting. This is demonstrated first in the fact that he’s still employed by the UFC with his record in the UFC, and it’s reinforced when he’s actually rewarded for it with “Fight of the Night” bonuses for fights like his most recent one. In that fight, Lytle could have won it a lot quicker and a lot easier if he had taken the fight to the ground, but instead he kept it standing, won a very close judges’ decision in a sloppy kickboxing battle, and was rewarded for it by getting the Fight of the Night award and bonus.

  28. ttt says:

    agree w/ Ivan ^

    when the article was posted here about fixing fights and how UFC was promoting low grade kickboxing over actual MMA, the author was thorougly ripped. but it’s pretty clear that Lytle can make more money standing and banging then actually trying to win the fight the best way he can. i guess it was his “lesson” after his snoozer with Matt Hughes.

  29. cyph says:

    Yeah, the UFC never gives SOTN bonuses to Demian Maia either. They must be encouraging everyone to stand and fight. Or perhaps these two clowns know they’re better on their feet than they’re on their backs. Hmmmm…


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