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Report: Rampage to fight on 12/27 (UFC 92) Vegas card

By Zach Arnold | September 1, 2008

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From Michael Bisping himself:

“I’ve heard he’ll be facing Wanderlei or Shogun but either way, revenge is the dish that’ll be served up on the night!

“I’m sure whoever he gets in December, everyone at the Wolfslair will be behind him 100 per cent and fingers crossed he’ll get his revenge.”

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Report: Rampage to fight on 12/27 (UFC 92) Vegas card”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Nov, Dec, & Jan are all turning out to be UFC Megacards. This is great. I don’t mind seeing Rampage/Silva 3, despite Silva already being 2-0. I think Silva wins again. He is just a bad match-up for Quinton.

  2. Rollo the Cat says:

    I’d rather see Shogun v Rampage. Just as long as I get to see Quinton’s bloody carcass sprawled out on the Octagon floor.

  3. […] at the Wolfslair will be behind him 100 per cent and fingers crossed he?ll get his revenge.? Report: Rampage to fight on 12/27 (UFC 92) Vegas card | – Your Global Connection to… […]

  4. ttt says:

    just imagine all the excuses he’s got lined up if he loses
    i. deliriousness
    ii. fall out with juanito
    iii. the courts
    iv. the pregnant woman

    i thought rampage was awesome before the forrest fight but he hasn’t reacted well to these tough situations.


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