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Fight Opinion Radio #89: The state of MMA outside UFC

By Zach Arnold | August 30, 2008

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Consider this a group therapy session, as we spend this week’s show trying to figure out what the landscape of the MMA business is outside of UFC. Warning: You may get very depressed and fast. We discuss virtually every issue on the table and also talk about which newcomers to the sport have ‘superstar’ potential to perhaps transform or dominate the industry in the years to come.

Special thanks to Caleb of The Fightworks Podcast.

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Topics: Affliction, DREAM, Fight Opinion Radio, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, Sengoku, UFC, WEC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #89: The state of MMA outside UFC”

  1. Razzle says:

    Geez, I never listend to fight opinion radio before – you guys are so depressed. No exciting match ups in September? Ouch.

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    Listen to some of our past shows for a better feel.

    The tone on this show, specifically, is reflective of a viewpoint a lot of people inside the business share right now.

    Notice that we did like the WEC show in Florida coming up. Other than that…

  3. Razzle says:

    You did like the WEC card, I didn’t remember that from the first listen.
    UFC 88 looks good to me – all the main card fights hold some intrigue. As for the main event, it’s not the strongest, but Chuck fighting a top ten guy is pretty relevant – which makes it exciting to me.

    I wish you guys would have gone into detail about what you like about the WEC card.

  4. Rollo the Cat says:

    Seems like Caleb only cares about BJJ. Out of all the fights and fighters on the Atlanta card, he was most excited about Palhares.

    The UFC has had some average looking PPVs in the past, but all of these cards coming up are excellent on paper. I don’t see how anyone can’t be interested in them. The state of the business is another matter.

  5. Tim Lee says:

    what is the title of the song that you guys use to end the F.O. Radio show?

    thank you


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