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Fight Opinion Radio #88: Jake Shields, Renato Babalu, & Daniel Puder

By Zach Arnold | August 11, 2008

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A great show for you this week, as we have three high-energy guests on the program. First, Jake Shields stopped by to talk about his latest win (over Nick Thompson), the prospects of facing Georges St. Pierre and how he thinks he could do against GSP, and why KJ Noons vs. Nick Diaz may not happen after all. Check out Jake’s MySpace page for contact information. Second, Renato Babalu joins us (from the supermarket) to talk about Tito Ortiz, the prospects of facing Ortiz, and how training in America has gotten so much better over the last few years. Third, Daniel Puder stops by to talk about his upcoming charity event at The Playboy Mansion on August 23rd. For more information on Daniel’s charity event, visit for more information.

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Topics: Affliction, Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #88: Jake Shields, Renato Babalu, & Daniel Puder”

  1. Matt says:

    Wow, nice show. Hey Zach did you get my email recently? Sorry to use the comments section but I want to make sure it didn’t go in your junk…

  2. Rollo the Cat says:

    What happened to the grab bag? Your ratings will drop because of this.

  3. rhys says:

    Can’t be bothered listening to it, can someone tell me what jake shields said about the possibility of him facing GSP, and how he’d think he’d do?

  4. Matt says:

    He said you better listen to the show or else he’d crush your spine into powder and put it in his bean sandwich.


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