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Today’s chalkboard (7/10/08)

By Zach Arnold | July 10, 2008

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  1. Dan Wetzel (Yahoo Sports): Competition sends Dana White back to basics
  2. Luke Thomas: I love Dana White’s ruthlessness
  3. Florida Today: MMA hits Brevard County (Joe Silva is quoted)
  4. Florida Today: MMA sheds violent image (with quotes from Marc Ratner)
  5. Jason Macdonald: Brutal scoring – MMA judging right now is so ridiculous, and something needs to be done about it
  6. The Baltimore Sun: Q & A with Tim Sylvia (‘I think judges have to take classes and know more about MMA.’)
  7. USA Today: Russian Emelianenko brings big reputation to the States
  8. International Herald Tribune (NY Times family): UFC wants Europe next
  9. WEC HP: Jamie Varner ready for first title defense in August
  10. The Houston Chronicle: Andrei Arlovski is going to have Freddie Roach in his corner for Affliction event
  11. Sherdog: Final notes from the Akasaka Fight Festival
  12. Total MMA: July 9th radio show with Lee Whitehead (I command you to listen to the show)
  13. USA Today: Brandon Vera looks ahead, with recent past in mind (interview)

Topics: Affliction, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, UFC, UK, WEC, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Today’s chalkboard (7/10/08)”

  1. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:


  2. Iain says:

    I too command everyone to listen to the Total MMA radio show. It’s truly excellent.

  3. GassedOut says:


    NO…okay, I have to listen now..

  4. Rollo the Cat says:

    Jason MacDonald said he was “expecting a split decision”???? How is that Jason? Do you know what a split decision is?

  5. judging IS horrible but unless commissions stop placing boxing judges in mma bouts it wont improve.

  6. Mike says:

    That was “back to basic” on the Yahoo headline, as in basic cable, not “back to basics.”

  7. samscaff says:

    Maybe I just noticed this and I’m behind the times….

    But what the hell is up with Zach Arnold’s trash-piece on the “destruction” of Pride FC.

    “Maybe 5 people on a message board care about Pride.”

    What the f*ck is that? Youre making yourself look like a food buying into the whole Dana-White-created Pride vs. UFC non-existent competition.

    This is a pure slander article and talk about losing credibility. I used to defend your ultra-critical Pride FC articles, but this is just ridiculous.

    Talk about kicking a dead dog. Literally.

    Youre “articles” are garbage.

  8. Zach Arnold says:

    But what the hell is up with Zach Arnold’s trash-piece on the “destruction” of Pride FC.

    “Maybe 5 people on a message board care about Pride.”

    What the f*ck is that? Youre making yourself look like a food buying into the whole Dana-White-created Pride vs. UFC non-existent competition.

    You’re referring to this article, right here.

    Read it again – maybe five people on a message board currently care about PRIDE. Not five people during PRIDE’s peak, five people now.

    The larger point about UFC slowly but sure re-writing the history books and PRIDE’s legacy continuing to get tarnished is a viewpoint that a lot of people agree with now. They sure as hell didn’t buy it two years ago, but today the scene has changed in many ways.

  9. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Re-write is kind of harsh, I think.

    I don’t think that UFC has been exactly throwing Pride guys to the wolves. They tried giving them “build up” fights at 205 and except for Rampage, they were losing them or squeaking them out. Then they gave Hendo two belt fights off the bat (you kind of had to, since he had belts to defend) and he lost both of them.

    I am not aware of anyone who thought that Forrest would beat Rua, and I think that, UFC text voting aside (which was shocking to me), knowledgeable people expected that Forrest would lose to Rampage as well. In fact, I seem to recall there being some consternation about how UFC was setting Rampage on the shelf just to fight Forrest when there were viable contenders that he could be fighting (and presumably beating).

    The after the fact bluster coming from Dana, on the other hand, is what it is.


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