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KJ Noons vs. Yves Edwards

By Zach Arnold | June 15, 2008

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Then the Diaz brothers got involved

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 25 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

25 Responses to “KJ Noons vs. Yves Edwards”

  1. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    When the highlight of your night is watching a washed up Japanese fighter kick some Melvin in the balls three times in one fight, you know it’s been a bad night.

    I am never watching an Adrenaline or EliteXC show again.

    Maybe Dream.4 was better, but I couldn’t stand the thought of staying up for another five hours to “watch” it and listen to that shrew warble fighters names all the while.

  2. Dedwyre says:

    I do not like the Diaz’s. I’ve disliked Nate since almost the first time I saw him on Ultimate Fighter. Unless it was a work, Nick deserves some harsh punishment for this, and for coming in eight pounds overweight. Ridiculous.

  3. Garret says:

    They took a script right from Vince McMahon. They shot a Pro Wrestling angle!

  4. Pontus says:

    Man is it just or does Diaz look very very slow.
    It seems like hes fighting in water.

    And I hate this prowrestling shit with faked feuds etc.
    (Although in Nick Diaz case I dont know if hes faking it.. he seems to hate almost everyone.)

    I just wish people would appreciate fighters like Jon Fitch more who just wants it to be like any another sport.

  5. Ultimo Santa says:

    I know! I HATE this pro wrestling shit too! Because pro wrestling and MMA are NOTHING alike, in any way, whatsoever.


    Not at all.


  6. Chuck says:


    About the way Diaz fights. Well, he always fights like that. He is a damn good mechanical fighter. Great submissions, decent punching skills, but as I said, he is mechanical. He is pretty much a robot in there. He never fights with “burning rage” (don’t want to sound tacky saying burning rage) and he never fights with emotion. And he never leaved first gear as a fighter. Look at the way he punches. His punches are nice, stiff, pepper-like shots that work to set up bigger shots. Almost like how Alexis Arguello used to fight (I am NOT comparing their skills. No way can anyone do that). But Arguello used to always open up with the big shots after his small peppering shots. Diaz stays with the peppering shots and……that’s it. He never leaves first gear. He never has a fire lit under his ass. Besides all of that he is a dman good fighter.


    Why does Diaz deserve punishment for the pull-apart? Sure he instigated it, but it was Noons who charged at him. Oh, and on another note, I want to strangle Mauro Ranallo by his balls! God he was annoying with his stupid puns last night. “There is high times. High NOONS tonight!” Ugh…

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    EliteXC is one big black eye on the sport.

  8. D.Capitated says:

    So, what you’re basically saying Ultimo is that people who want MMA to be a legitimate sport are wrong? Maybe I’m confused, but wanting an actual sport to model itself after other actual sports instead of a fake sport that is considered entertainment for the scum of the earth would probably be best for all involved, other than perhaps people who are primarily interested the aforementioned fake sport….

  9. Zack says:

    A lot of you take shit way too seriously. I watched EXC with about 8 other people and everyone was entertained. Go back to your organizational ball suckling. You act like these other orgs are so bad for the sport when the UFC’s main promotional model, TUF, is a showcase for drunk B or C level fighters to destroy a house every season and act like children.

    It was nice to see Ninja come back strong. It wasn’t so nice to see Yves get rolled, but maybe KJ is a breakout star. It will be interesting to see who his next fight is. Herman is also a good HW prospect. Waterman is a pretty good test for a HW with less than 10 fights.

  10. Matthew Watt says:

    “I know! I HATE this pro wrestling shit too! Because pro wrestling and MMA are NOTHING alike, in any way, whatsoever.


    Not at all.”

    Yeah I know, one is a actual sport, one is a soap opera for men.

    Look, to say that mma and wrestling do not have some ties is incorrect and false. We all know the history in Japan, and the recent addition of Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashlie to the mma scent. That said, the parallels do not run as deep as some of you think. One can say that mma and football have a lot in common since a lot of football players are joining the mma circuit, or also hockey too since a couple of goons are starting to capitalize on their image with mma pay-cheques or by watching Dan Henderson fight (dude is a straight up hockey-brawler). How are these relations any different then the mma and pro-wrestling angle?

  11. Zack says:

    …because TUF & UFC’s surge in popularity is partially due to the RAW lead in for the first season of TUF.

  12. Rollo the Cat says:

    “or also hockey too since a couple of goons are starting to capitalize on their image with mma pay-cheques or by watching Dan Henderson fight (dude is a straight up hockey-brawler).”

    I was planning on just lurking today, but could you explain this comment?


    I’ve talked about Nick Diaz before. The guy has extreme intrinsic movement. Most people in our society are just the opposite and use too many big muscles too often. His way of moving is actually more natural than most athletes who rely on strength and speed at the expense of natural (and healthy) function.

  13. cyph says:

    Last night’s EliteXC proves that there are plenty of new and exciting fighters that the UFC doesn’t have a monopoly on. As long as EliteXC signs and builds young fighters like these, build them properly without creating artificial stars and ridiculous weight classes, they have a future.

    As for the feud, I don’t think it’s manufactured at all. The Diaz brothers are a bunch of immature little pricks. I’m not surprised they pull a stunt like talking trash and flipping off Noon’s father.

  14. The Gaijin says:

    Guaranteed this isn’t a work…like cyph said, the Diaz’s are absolute “thug life” meatheads.

    People need to get their heads checked and quit harping about what an abomination EXC is and how its ruining the sport. What a crock, we can see right through you.

    Read Zack’s above post 100 times over before you post your rants again.

  15. The Gaijin says:

    Where was your abhorrence and abject disgust for the actions of Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock in the fight that “made” the UFC into the juggernaut it is today? Three fights all with the same variation on the build up.

    Kicking chairs at each other and getting involved in multiple pull aparts, going on tv shows to promote the fight and degenerating into “f%ck you”, “no, f@ck you punk bitch”. Flipping the bird at each other in the cage and donning “Ken Shamrock is my BITCH” t-shirts…

    The company president calling everyone a “pussy”, “bitch” etc. etc. and getting involved in Vince McMahon vs. employee feuds with a number of major fighters. Does Stern, Bettman, Selig or Goodell ever behave in a manner such as that? That type of thing’s not a black eye for the sport?

    I’m sure 45 can come up with a way to explain why those type of things aren’t and only this was.

  16. iain says:

    i love the diaz brothers. no way do they fake anything.

  17. Matthew Watt says:

    “or also hockey too since a couple of goons are starting to capitalize on their image with mma pay-cheques or by watching Dan Henderson fight (dude is a straight up hockey-brawler).”

    What I meant by this is a that a couple of guys who are hockey fighters (aka “goons”) are starting to parlay their notoriety from on the ice to paycheques in a mma fight. Steve Bosse comes to mind, and another guy who fought on a MFC kid I think was a hockey goon. And me saying that Dan Henderson is a hockey brawler is homage to his style. The dude throws like he is in a hockey fight. Not saying he sucks (love watching hendo), just how he looks.

  18. Matthew Watt says:

    “I’ve talked about Nick Diaz before. The guy has extreme intrinsic movement. Most people in our society are just the opposite and use too many big muscles too often. His way of moving is actually more natural than most athletes who rely on strength and speed at the expense of natural (and healthy) function.”

    I am not to sure if Nick has that great of natural, inherent-like movement. When I see someone like BJ Penn or GSP, to me their abilities to change levels, being flexible while having great strength (look at the position GSP was in when stopping Koscheck, just pure athleticism), that to me seems like the intrinsic movement you are speaking about. I got to go with Pontus on this one. Nick does look like he is fighting in water a bit, ala Ed Herman.

  19. Rollo the Cat says:


    Athleticism and intrinsic movement are usually opposite. Athleticism is usually associated with speed and strength. Intrinsic motion is almost by definition slower and less powerful, but often noticeably more graceful.

    Intrinsic movement is about using smaller muscles over bigger ones, btw. When instructors of BJJ or other martial arts tell students to use “less strength and more technique”, what they actua;;y mean is to use more intirnsic movement, whether they know it or not. Use smaller muscles more.

    GSP and BJ seem to have a decent balance between the two, but still more on the athletic side. This often comes fom training as a pro athlete, where people are trading off natural movement for short term gains in the sport.

    Diaz looks like he is fighting in water and that is exactly how people who have a bias toward intirnsic movement move.

    Sorry if it isn’t clear. I work in this field and could talk forever about it. I am trying to whittle it down to the basics.

  20. Matthew Watt says:

    I kinda see where you are coming from, but to me athleticism in a lot of cases is not solely speed and strength. True athletes do have some speed and strength at what they do, yes, but the combine it with the intrinsic movements, whether in mma, hockey or football. Elite athletes seem to have movement that as if they are walking on air, the grace you speak about.

    I see where your intrinsic movements are coming from though. My only concern is that you are saying that these athletes are trading off short term athletic gains for lost of intrinsic movement. How can you prove that intrinsic movement has a far greater benefit over the course of an athletes career? I would just like to know if you have any articles I can read on it i guess. Thanks for chatting.

  21. IceMuncher says:

    Sounds like a really bad trade-off. Give me athleticism any day.

    Also, I don’t see how you use different muscles to do the same movements. Every muscle performs a specific task. Most of the small muscles perform small specific tasks, like rotating in a certain direction. Even if there is variation based on the style of punching, it would be negligible compared to the contributions of the big muscle groups that are responsible for most of the locomotion found in, for example, a straight right or a right leg kick.

    Everything I know about kinesiology points to Nick using the exact same “large muscles” that the other guys are using, except with a bias towards slow-twitch muscle fibers rather than fast-twitch muscle fibers, most likely due to his marathon training.

  22. Ivan Trembow says:

    I said it when TUF 3 was airing and I’ll say it again now: That kind of low-class garbage has no place in this sport. Save the worked pull-aparts for pro wrestling.

    And Gaijin— While this worked pull-apart didn’t feature the company president in the middle of it, grinning while presumably thinking of the millions of dollars he was going to make off of Ortiz and Shamrock, it was a worked pull-apart nonetheless.

  23. Leslie says:

    “I watched EXC with about 8 other people and everyone was entertained. Go back to your organizational ball suckling. You act like these other orgs are so bad for the sport when the UFC’s main promotional model, TUF, is a showcase for drunk B or C level fighters to destroy a house every season and act like children.”

    Thank you. This is entertainment and all you cry babies will be watching the next time Diaz fights anyway, because if you don’t you’ll lose your “hardcore MMA fan” card and just be another clueless TUFfer/Zuffabot who should be on sherdog. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  24. The Gaijin says:


    The Diaz brother’s are KNOWN retards – one of them continued a fight in a hospital ER. I think it’s pretty safe to say they didn’t require much, if any, “working” to start this up.

    Also, am I the only one that finds it amusing/ironic that EXC is being called a “black eye” and “garbage” over this brawl when in reality it was a UFC promoted fighter who instigated the entire thing (allegedly throwing a water bottle at Karl Noons Sr.) and was also completely visible and active in the bird flipping and gang sign throwing?? As an ambassador and representative of the UFC how does this not reflect just as badly on them?

    Maybe he should be subject to some type of discipline as a contracted UFC employee for sulling the image of the sport they’re so worried about protecting, unless it’s nothing more than lip service every time they mention it.

  25. Mariel C says:

    Matthew Watt, are you from NY?

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