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Fight Opinion Radio #78: Oleg Taktarov & Jeremy Lappen

By Zach Arnold | March 10, 2008

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This week, we have two special interviews for you. First, we have an interview with Elite XC matchmaker Jeremy Lappen. Jeremy stops by to talk about the new EXC/CBS deal and clarifies or disproves some of the rumors floating on the Internet about the business aspects of the new relationship. Second, we have an interview with Oleg Taktarov. Oleg stops by to talk about his upcoming Yamma Pit Fighting match against Don Frye and to tell the full story about how he got lost in Africa. Plus, his thoughts on why the pioneers of MMA still appeal to the fans today and why some of the newer MMA fighters are boring to him.

To close out the show, Judge Jeff Thaler makes his return to discuss yet another wacky MMA-related legal situation. On the docket this week is the situation regarding Fightlinker’s now-famous parody about Luke Cummo failing a drug test in Ohio due to too much caffeine intake. On what possible grounds could anyone go after Fightlinker legally for the parody? Judge Jeff breaks down this amusing situation for you.

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Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 13 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

13 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #78: Oleg Taktarov & Jeremy Lappen”

  1. Tomer Chen says:

    Of course, the obvious option for any legal issues for Fightlinker would be to retain the services of Leonard Crabs. Only the finest will do! 🙂

  2. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Fedor is allegedly among the best. So far, Lesnar has not proven that he is among the best, and I think any sheen he had is well and truly gone at this point.

    Coleman may well be a quality opponent for someone in the middle or bottom of the heap, whereas he is not a quality opponent for a fighter who is supposedly the best in the world.

    The best fighter should be fighting number one contender class fighters, right?

  3. The Gaijin says:

    (Based on my understanding of US laws) I’ve gotta think if Larry Flynt can run joke “ads” about Jerry Falwell losing his virginity to his mother in an outhouse, Fightlinker’s coffee enema story is pretty safe under parody laws.

  4. BigMike says:

    Can please make a new fucking commercial? This one stinks and it aint gettin’ any better after the thousandth play.

  5. Zach Arnold says:

    Can please make a new fucking commercial? This one stinks and it aint gettin’ any better after the thousandth play.

    I’m sure they can. You should be nicer about it.

  6. David says:

    Zach, can you not use the description “now-famous” to describe Fightlinker’s attempt at publicity.

    You are a great writer, I lose credit for your accuracy in MMA/Fight industry analysis when you label some publicity stunt as FAMOUS!?

  7. The Gaijin says:

    Well it’s certainly an “infamous” article in terms of MMA-news circles and has gained notoriety as it caused the Ohio State Athletic Commission to come out and make an official comment.

    I don’t think labeling it as famous taints Zach’s credibility.

  8. Sergio says:

    I agree with Gaijin.

    I think the term “infamous” is more appropriate but in no way does this harm Zach’s credibility.

  9. garp says:

    Great interview with Oleg, guys. I followed the news on his voodoo disappearance in Africa avidly back in 2005 and have been waiting for a chance to hear Oleg tell his story ever since. I feel like I still need to hear more but since Oleg seemed to downplay the majority of the drama, until the movie, I guess I have heard all I needed to hear.
    Please do bring him back after the fight with Frye. Jeff, you mentioned he is known for his leglocks but I became a fan of his due to his incredible chin, stamina, and unwillingness to quit. I can’t remember who he fought, it might have even been in the original one-off MARS show, when Oleg fought with blood pouring down his face and eventually submitted his opponent. The bloodloss must have been substantial. Where does that ability to persevere come from? Was that ingrained from the beginning or does that come from his experience in the Russian Army?
    I would love to hear what he thinks of Fedor.
    I would love to hear his thoughts on why his career in Hollywood didn’t grow bigger. He seems upset about never getting a starring role in a Hollywood film.
    What has been more financially lucrative for him? fighting or movies?
    Is his return to fighting motivated by the greater amounts of money available to fighters nowadays?
    Will he make a serious commitment to a return to fighting or is the fight with Frye a one-off? If he is sticking with it, at what weight is most comfortable competing nowadays?
    It doesn’t sound like Oleg is intimidated by anyone. What, if anything, does scare Oleg?
    Is he living in Russia or the US now?
    What’s his opinion on Putin? Kasparov?
    Will he return for another try at Hollywood or is he going to stay in Russia to make movies from now on?
    How was his English before coming to the States for UFC 6? Did he learn the language more before or after that visit?
    At what point did he decide he wanted to be a movie star more than a fighter? or have the two always been mixed goals?
    Will the footage from documentary he was shooting in Africa ever be released? What was his role on that trip? What is his opinion on voodoo and ddid anything on that trip change that opinion?
    Oleg and Ken seem to have had a falling out. Did that occur before or after they fought each other at UFC 7? What went wrong in that fight?
    After everyone but me has fallen to sleep out of boredom I would like to hear his opinion on fighting surfaces in general – the ring vs. the cage vs. the “pit” vs. the circus.
    Thanks again guys. The radio show is always great and is now the only MMA radio I bother with.

  10. ttt says:

    is there a way you can increase the volume of certain interviews? sometimes they are very difficult to hear, lappen was nice and clear but i could barely hear taktarov speak and i felt i missed out on a lot

    otherwise great show!

  11. Zach Arnold says:

    I raised the volume to the level that I could on the Oleg interview without blaring out large levels of static. That’s the trade-off when you level up sound on a bad phone connection.

  12. dulljake says:

    Lol, thanks for clarifying our “legal troubles” for us Zach and Jeff.

    As for the comment about it being famous, or a publicity stunt, we simply aren’t clever enough to have had the foresight to imagine that it would be anything more than a hilarious blip on anyone’s radar.

    We’re just happy that Luke Cummo thought it was hilarious.

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