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Fight Opinion Radio #74: Judge Jeff Thaler
By Zach Arnold | February 1, 2008

We’re 24 hours away from UFC 81 in Las Vegas, Nevada, and we have you covered with a full preview of this weekend’s event. How much interest is there really in the show? Will Brock Lesnar be able to become a major star? Not only do we have our own predictions, but Caleb from MMA Predictions stops by to talk about which way fans are going in terms of predicting the outcome of the Lesnar vs. Mir fight.
Also on the show this week is the debut of Judge Jeff Thaler. Jeff takes a look at two cases on the Fight Opinion court docket, the Zuffa LLC lawsuit against Randy Couture and Xyience filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding. We cover all the legal angles on both stories and leave no questions unasked.
Plus, we finish off the show with the world-famous grab bag, talking about the death of The Godfather and putting the history of PRIDE into context. Was PRIDE the biggest scam in the history of MMA?
The 74th edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Download this week’s show here.
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With the listenership for Fight Opinion Radio dramatically increasing week by week, we definitely could use your financial support for the Fight Opinion project. If you want to contribute to us in a way that directly helps us out with our web server costs, you can donate directly to our web host – A Small Orange. Please help us out. I will personally contact you and give my sincere thanks if you make a donation.
To contact us for show feedback, you can e-mail any of us on the Fight Opinion radio staff.
- Zach Arnold – [email protected]
- Jeff Thaler – [email protected]
Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Japan, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, PRIDE, Pro-Wrestling, UFC, Yakuza, Zach Arnold | No Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |