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UFC press conference about Randy Couture

By Zach Arnold | October 30, 2007

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This will be the open post for all discussion relating to the 1 PM PST press conference UFC is holding on this subject.

Feel free to post story links, recaps, and anything related to this story in the comments section of the post. Also, if anyone manages to capture the audio from the press conference, please let me know. Thanks.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 51 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

51 Responses to “UFC press conference about Randy Couture”

  1. I’ll be liveblogging the whole thing for those of you at work who can’t watch it.

  2. Preach says:

    Anyone else having such weird audio?

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    Fertitta is basically calling Couture a liar…. For Fertitta to come out and say this basically makes Couture look like a complete idiot. Fertitta has more business sense in his pinky then Couture has in his entire brain….

  4. Dr J says:

    yeah, they are passing out the payment checks and payment details proving that they paid randy close to 3 million dollars this year.

    looks like randy will have some more explaining to do.

  5. dice says:

    Oh preach, Dana now admits that he did talk to randy before randy’s press conference.

    So dana orginally said he didn’t talk to randy, now he says he did.

    Yeah, and randy is the big liar here. (don’t even bother pointing out randy was off on his ppv numbers, I was one of the first to do that and I wasn’t off by half a million on my estimate)

  6. Zack says:

    3 million this year? Dayum, Iole was only off by 10 million.

  7. cyphron says:

    So basically Dana and Lorenzo refuted the $2 million per fight offer to Fedor. Tagg Radio…when do these guys NOT make up rumors?

  8. dice says:

    # Zack Says:
    October 30th, 2007 at 1:09 pm

    3 million this year? Dayum, Iole was only off by 10 million.

    Don’t worry, he is still standing by his “source”. It doesn’t matter if the Owner and President of the company say different, or if the fighter in question says different. LOL

    Ps He was off by 7-9 million for the record. Randy was making on average 1.45 million a fight, Iole stated it was 3.25-3.75 million a fight. I am sure he is working on that retraction as we speak.

  9. dice says:

    Cyphron Don’t just be singling out those numnuts at tagg radio.

    If Dana and Lorenzo are telling the truth then apprently mr meltzer has a lot of explaining to do. He stated that the contract was between 1.5 -2.0 million a fight.

    Anybody what to go on record calling meltzer a liar on this one?

  10. Sandra F says:

    Randy’s comments via Sherdog re: the signing bonus (published on the weekend – Money Matters)

    Contacted Friday to clarify his comments, Couture told that the check White referred to was $250,000 he had cashed at the signing of the deal, though he explained it was an advance on a $500,000 post-fight “off the book” bonus that, according to him, the UFC had promised.

    “I’m giving you the same shower room ‘off the book’ bonus that I gave you after the Chuck fight, which was the same amount. I’ll give you half of that money up front and the other half after the fight,” Couture said Fertitta* told him during negotiations.

    “I remember clearly the conversation with Lorenzo (Fertitta) about the signing bonus and all that,” Couture said. “If they’ve gone ahead and somehow made that a signing bonus then I guess, technically, I misspoke myself. But I’m not sure if that’s the case. I only know what I discussed with Lorenzo and what I know the facts were as far as I know.”

  11. Sandra F says:

    In a way Randy is *still* getting shafted, with semantics.

    So now according to Dana and Lorenzo he got a signing bonus but NOT the shower room bonus he thought he did?

    And maybe that’s why no shower room bonus for the Gonzaga fight? Because in Zuffa’s mind they didn’t give him one for Sylvia either?

  12. Zack says:

    Rumor has it he also got stiffed on the tanning salon & Chinese buffet bonuses.

  13. Matt Boone says:

    No audio but a detailed write-up over at:

    Shocked at no love for the Randleman staph infection exclusive or the promoter bitch-fest we got going on as well. C’mon Zach

  14. IceMuncher says:

    Sandra F,

    “Shower room” bonuses are not mandatory. It’s a bonus. It’s their way of saying “Hey, you did a great job, and you deserve more than we’re paying you. Here ya go.” A Randy Couture shower room bonus is not mandatory, especially when he’s making $2.95M for two fights.

    That’s the problem with giving gifts to people. They start to think they’re entitled to them.

  15. Sheldon says:

    Fightlinker you rule. Thanks for the live blog.

  16. Grape Knee High says:

    I’m still amazed that the UFC is even giving this dispute any airtime. I can’t remember the last time any employer in any sport call a press conference just to continue a public pissing match over a salary dispute.

    Regardless of whether Randy is right or wrong, I think what he is doing will ultimately be healthy for the sport. Many fans have had concerns that Zuffa might use their market share to lowball their fighters. Maybe this will show the other fighters that they can fight back if they think want.

  17. Michaelthebox says:

    Grape Knee High: is that really the message fighters should be getting? I think there is no chance in hell Couture would have resigned if he didn’t have his movies and wasn’t already rich and wasn’t already near the end of his career. He’s probably the only fighter in the world with that specific set of circumstances.

  18. Sandra F says:


    Of course they’re not mandatory! But that’s what Randy thought he was getting. I wonder what his contract says??

    And yes, Randy did point out about fighters starting to depend on those shower room bonuses.

    And Randy probably sees that as an indication of respect or worth in the eyes of the company.

    My experience, when management thinks you are very well paid and have a good deal, you aren’t going to get the extra “shower room bonus” or christmas bonus.

    So yeah, an underpaid Keith Jardine will get one but not relatively well compensated Randy Couture.

    Here’s the big difference though. I don’t watch a PPV to see Keith Jardine fight. Them’s some ugly moves. Like Tim Sylvia, he can’t “carry” a PPV as a top draw … whereas Randy can and has.

    Randy put butts in the seats and made that division exciting again. He presented an intelligent and marketable image for the sport and the UFC. He advocated for the legalization of MMA in various states (in conjunction with zuffa).

    He deserved that money and more …

  19. Grape Knee High says:

    Michaelthebox, that might be true, but if the fighters truly want more say in their pay and their careers, it has to start somewhere. Curt Flood started the era of free agency in American sports this way. Flood lost his legal case, ultimately, but he put the wheels in motion. I’m not saying that Couture’s situation is exactly analogous Flood’s (since it is not), just that Couture is showing the fighters that they can fight back if they want.

  20. dice says:

    # Michaelthebox Says:
    October 30th, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    Grape Knee High: is that really the message fighters should be getting? I think there is no chance in hell Couture would have resigned if he didn’t have his movies and wasn’t already rich and wasn’t already near the end of his career. He’s probably the only fighter in the world with that specific set of circumstances.

    Grape Knee is 100% right in what he said michael, and if you can’t figure that out then you haven’t been paying attention to this situation. Just because not every fighter is in the financial situation that randy is in, doesn’t mean they should just lay down and not fight for what they believe in. It may mean some hardship in the immediate future but the smart ones will realize that there is something bigger at stake here. The fact that if the UFC continues to operate the way they are that fighters will have little or not control over their futures. The balance of power in completely off tilt here, the UFC has all of it and the fighters have little to none.

    Dana’s reasoning for why he shouldn’t have to compensate fighters for their ancillary rights is a good example of this absolute power (and its also a good indicator of how delusional he can be sometimes). Try and find another sport where the owner expects to have full rights to their athletes likeness without any sort of compensation. I have never heard of such a thing in the NBA, MLB, NHL, or NFL.

  21. Ivan Trembow says:

    “Dana’s reasoning for why he shouldn’t have to compensate fighters for their ancillary rights is a good example of this absolute power (and its also a good indicator of how delusional he can be sometimes). Try and find another sport where the owner expects to have full rights to their athletes likeness without any sort of compensation. I have never heard of such a thing in the NBA, MLB, NHL, or NFL.”

    And you’re never going to hear about that in any other major sport, either, because all of them have something called UNIONS or at the very least some form of collective bargaining, and they would never allow those things without the athletes being compensated for them.

  22. Ivan Trembow says:

    I think Sandra F is correct that Zuffa is now just picking at semantics. At no point have they addressed why they pay their athletes a lower percentage of revenues than any other major sport. Going through the motions of “offering” Couture a title defense even though Couture has said that he is not going to be fighting on the remaining nine months of his Zuffa contract is just legal semantics for them to use when/if they sue Couture (so they can say, “Look, we offered him a fight!”).

    Fertitta, who has a net worth of $1.3 billion according to Forbes Magazine, should be ashamed of himself for this particular quote: “To have Randy use the platform we gave him to try and damage us hurts very much.”

    So apparently Couture owes everything to Zuffa, and never mind the fact that they have made far more money off of him than he has off of them. They spoke of Couture’s inclusion as a coach on The Ultimate Fighter 1 as if it was an act of charity by Zuffa. Actually, no, it was to build to a monster PPV buyrate for Liddell-Couture II, which drew the biggest PPV buyrate by far in Zuffa’s history up to that point, of which Couture and Liddell each made a tiny fraction of Fertitta and White made. They also spoke of August 23rd being “Randy Couture Day” on Spike TV as if it was an act of charity on Zuffa’s part… as opposed to being a vehicle to promote the Zuffa-promoted PPV main event of Couture-Gonzaga which was held two days later, and like almost every UFC PPV these days, grossed tens of millions of dollars.

    It’s also a bit arrogant to think that everything Couture does is part of an effort to “damage the UFC.” Maybe he was just tired of being a top star who was only getting a microscopic percentage of Zuffa’s massive profits, who was tired of what he felt was disrespect from Zuffa, and who was upset about being lied to when he was told that he was the second-highest-paid fighter in the UFC by Fertitta and White.

    Of course, Fertitta could never tell a lie, according to White, who clearly knows where his bread is buttered, and who isn’t doing his semblance of credibility any favors when he says things like, “Fedor sucks,” or “Fedor is a farce,” or, “I don’t give a fuck about Fedor,” or “Fedor never was and is not currently one of the top five heavyweights in the world.” Now, the winner of Bisping-Evans, THAT’S one of the top five fighters in the world in their chosen weight class according to White, who must have a different definition of “top five fighter in the world” that is based more on who is getting a promotional push from the largest MMA company at the moment.

  23. Ivan Trembow says:

    At least now the numbers that were previously leaked to the media, possibly by Zuffa, about Couture’s pay being over $3 million per fight are widely known and accepted to be false, as he wasn’t even making that amount per year according to the latest numbers Zuffa is claiming.

    It said on the Fightlinker report, “Dana opens up by saying he doesn’t like talking about money because most of the fighters don’t like talking about money.”

    Really? It’s only because the fighters don’t like talking about money? It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that open disclosure of salaries as in every other major sport puts all of the athletes on an equal playing field when it comes time for negotiations because they know what their peers are making? It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the fighters might band together and/or demand more money if the fighters were to talk to each other about money, and subsequently find out what their peers are actually making straight from the horse’s mouth of each individual fighter… as opposed to having absolutely no recource but to to take Zuffa at their word when they say things to fighters like, “You’re the second highest paid fighter in the whole company”? It has nothing to do with that? Nothing to do with the fact that it’s precisely that— fighters talking to each other about their UFC paychecks— that led to Couture figuring out that he was lied to in the first place? It’s just because the fighters “don’t like” talking about money?

    That report also quotes Dana White as saying, “There’s 5 large companies here. Just because we’re better doesn’t mean we’re a monopoly.” Wait… I thought that there’s just the UFC and then there’s “all these other rinky-dink promotions that don’t really exist,” as Dana White has said numerous times. Or a show like the EliteXC show in Hawaii, which he said had “lower, lower, lower-level fighters” in the main event.

    I also think this exchange sums up perfectly how seriously (or not seriously) the UFC took the concerns that Couture expressed to them directly a few weeks before he announced his resignation: “Question re: did they feel like he was serious when he said he’d retire if he didn’t get to fight Fedor. Lorenzo said “We didn’t really think he would retire.””

  24. Michaelthebox says:

    dice, I’m not responding to you because I decided you’re a troll a while back.

    GKH: I understand what you’re saying, but I think if fighters decide to fight for their rights NOW, they’re going to be destroying their careers. Any individual fighter who decides to make a big deal is going to end his UFC career and the UFC will keep going with nary a hesitation. The only way to enforce the UFC to increase pay scale is with a union. Curt Flood and baseball was a very different situation. MLB had a true competitive monopoly, UFC does not, whatever kneejerk UFC haters like to think.

    When a competitive monopoly is created, a talent monopoly is also created. If all of MLB were to go on strike, there simply is no replacement for 90% of the talent in the majors right now. If the entirety of the UFC went on strike, probably 80% of their talent could be replaced within a year. There are simply too many good fighters still in the minor leagues or in other major promotions who would kill to get in the UFC, or would cheerfully take the payraise the UFC would offer.

    MMA fans like to say that it should be about the fighters, not the organization. But the UFC really is about the organization more than it is about the fighters, which is why it is so damn successful. If the UFC fighters banded together and went on strike, the UFC would much rather fire them all and replace/develop new talent, than allow the union to cripple their growth. A union will only be effective when the UFC is so dominant that no replacement talent can be found.

  25. Michaelthebox says:

    Woah Ivan, you wrote a book.

  26. The Gaijin says:

    ” 45 Huddle says:

    Fertitta is basically calling Couture a liar…. For Fertitta to come out and say this basically makes Couture look like a complete idiot. Fertitta has more business sense in his pinky then Couture has in his entire brain….”

    And this basically sums up your tunnel-vision, take no prisoners Zuffa love right here. You’re a complete ignoramus.

  27. white ninja says:

    while i can understand Randy’s frustrations it seems to me that this whole situation could have been handled better.

    the interests of a fighter and promoter are totally misaligned – the more more the fighter gets, the less the promoter gets. this of course leads to conflict. this is something that Vadim and Monte Cox and red devil and ATT fighters are just about to find out. if you’re doing rinky dink shows like Vadim and Apy have done until now, its less of an issue cause you’re keeping your fighters active and some money is better than none. But when you’re talking about an organisation, things change

    both randy and the UFC are diminished in the eyes of fans from this whole experience – and just to chuck this one in as well, so is Fedor

    how interesting is fedor v couture now?

  28. The Gaijin says:

    More like Zuffa “doesn’t like the fighters to like to talk about money”.

    Openly disclose the money that everyone is making and suddenly we’ll be able to have fighters bargain FAR more fairly for the money they are actually worth.

    And as for the argument about “fighters don’t deserve/aren’t entitled these bonuses” – well then that would defeat the arguments of DW and all his sycophant (45 we’re looking directly at you) followers that fighters don’t need to make as much $ per fight b/c they’re supplemented by these “bonuses” and “endorsements”.

    Let’s not even get on the topic of Zuffa owning the rights to fighters likenesses w/ zero compensation to said fighters…what a joke.

  29. Grape Knee High says:


    Yes, I would agree that the fighters who fight back would be playing with their careers in balance. But it does take that kind of sacrifice to make an impact. The people who pave the way will reap the fewest benefits.

    However, I don’t know if I entirely agree that the UFC would not suffer in the short- or long-run. IMO, the business of MMA is still based on star power — witness the reported PPV rates for events without the names Liddell, Couture or Ortiz — and I don’t know that Zuffa can just replace their current stars with a snap of their fingers. Even their second-tier stars like Hughes, Franklin, GSP, Penn, Sherk, etc draw, but not *that* well.

    Who knows, though, maybe you’re right. I guess if Meltzer or someone can shed some light on the eventual PPV buyrates on UFC 78, that will show us exactly how much the UFC needs star power to earn revenue.

  30. klown says:

    The union should be industry wide, not exclusive to the UFC. That would solve the problem Michaelthebox points out. The APF: Association of Professional Fighters. Or UMMA: Union of Mixed Martial Artists.

  31. 45 Huddle says:

    Wow, the Gaijin’s & Ivan’s hate for everything Zuffa is coming out tonight.

    1. Couture signed a contract.

    2. The UFC has payed him above and beyond that contract. They have no reason to do this except for goodwill.

    3. They have proof that Randy Couture LIED about his pay.

    4. you can hear in Fertitta’s voice that as a BUSINESSMAN (and a darn good one), that he felt that Couture betrayed them. And rightfully so.

    5. Couture’s contract is supposed to be kept secret, as is typical with most contracts. Another example of Couture acting irrational.

    Call me a Zuffa nuthugger all you want, but the facts are all there. Zuffa has contractually done everything Couture has signed up for , plus more. Couture has lied about his pay to the public. Couture has released a confidential contract to the public.

    Sorry, but this is all Couture being a complete idiot.

  32. Andrej says:

    Are you being a bit harsh, arne’t you?

  33. 45 Huddle says:

    One more thing….

    Randy Couture has thrown insult after insult towards Fertitta & White. The insults have not been thrown in the other direction. They continue to compliment him in public… Call him their champion…. And just talk facts instead of making it person. It has been ZUFFA who has taken the high road.

    Couture has made almost $3 Million in 2 fights this year. That is fantastic money. He is throwing it all away for what? For more hotel rooms? For more pay? For fighting Fedor? it just doesn’t make sense.

    Remember how I made a bunch of posts about Couture’s character a few days back. I was obviously bashed for it, but I think a lot of what I was saying is starting to become apparent. Even the way they talked about the meeting with Couture. He started it off by attacking them, not going into a discussion. He had his mind made up already. Very strange….

  34. CapnHulk says:

    All this talk of Randy Couture and the UFC and “Hollywood” agents and here I am watching him in an episode of “The Unit.”

    It’s sort of surreal.

  35. The Gaijin says:

    “He started it off by attacking them, not going into a discussion. He had his mind made up already. Very strange….”

    He’s already stated that he had a face-to-face with them prior to his announcement.

    Zuffa’s spin control tactics are awesome, I’m sure they’re glad you’re on the bandwagon towing the company line so dutifully for them. 🙂

    I’m baffled (well not w/r/t you actually) that someone would be so fiercely against fighters exerting their rights. The best part about the shady way that business is done is that “nothing is a guarantee”. The bonuses that are assured by so many as being standard and “guaranteed” but not on the books (i.e. locker room bonuses) can so easily be denied to a fighter and then DW or 45 can rationalize it by throwing their hands in the air and saying its not a guarantee. No fighter ever knows what their worth is compared to other fighters and amounts to strict price controls for Zuffa.

    Couture made $3M for 2 fights based on the claims in their press conference and their use of semantics in trying to discredit him is petty as it comes. Who knows how much money they made off of his back in drawing PPV numbers – and then they slap him in the face by nickel and diming him and offering 5x his salary per fight to other fighters. So what if he signed a contract, contracts are renegotiated during their lifetime to reflect the current market ALL THE TIME, especially when salaries have been sky rocketing for other new signees. It’s not new to sport in any way shape or form, sorry it’s the first time it’s happening to uncle Dana and “businessman (cum mafia crime boss son)” Fertitta.

  36. Zack says:

    What’s funny is Dana has his own Hollywood agent.

  37. 45 Huddle says:

    The Gaijn….

    A long-term contract is typically re-negotiated at some point. Especially if the UFC quadrupled in popularity since the signing of that contract.

    But Couture signed that contract 8 months ago and the UFC has stayed constant, if not been less successful due to their UK run. A contract in Couture’s case is typically never re-negotiated. Ever.

    Not to mention that if Couture wanted more, he could have always signed a contract for more or fought for another organization. but wait…. He wasn’t worth more because he really didn’t deserve that title shot anyways…. Oops, wait…. That’s another thing… The UFC allowed him to get a title shot he didn’t deserve. Nice way to repay them…..

  38. 45 Huddle says:

    As for bonuses, I work in an industry that the bonuses are EXPECTED. However, there are certain times when people just don’t get them. And I’m talking about people not being able to afford their mortgages because of this. Those are real problems.

    In the real world, a bonus is just that…. A BONUS!! If a person doesn’t get one, they have nothing to complain about.

  39. lynchman says:


    You don’t have any issues with Zuffa, do you? I don’t see you write too many things that are not attacking them.

    I did not get the impression that they were saying they did Randy a big favor by promoting him, I think they were responding to the accusation that the UFC never promoted Randy. That is clearly not true.

    Randy stated (around the 7 minute marker) that he had made around 500k in ppv money.

    The UFC handed out paperwork that showed that number at 936K. That is a damn big difference. They also stated to have cancelled checks for around 900k of that.

    Randy said he talked to the fighters, he also mentioned Mirko as a guy that is making more than him. That is not true. Mirko has a larger downside but does NOT get a percentage of the ppv. Is Mirko making a million plus per fight? No.

    To me, this seems like a very unfortunate case of hurt feelings and miscommunication on both sides.

  40. dice says:


    I am a troll?

    Go ahead and give me an example of where I stated something that had no truth and was designed to upset someone and I will never post here again.

    You obviously haven’t been reading my posts here lately. I put up a link to an article by Adam swift talking about how unhappy UFC fighters are with contracts to prove my point, A WEEK BEFORE RANDY RESIGNED.(I got it from this very site)

    I guess I could tone it down on how harsh I am sometimes. But when we have guys like 45 posting around here, it can often be difficult.

    Its real easy to just call someone a troll without addressing their statements. I have noticed that people tend to do this when they don’t have a leg to stand on, its just an easy way out.

  41. Jonny Mudd says:

    How can anyone believe a word Dana White says when he totally has proven himself to be nothing if not a total LIAR. Look at his statements on Fedor. Either Dana was trying to make the dumbest deal in history for a single fight or he is saving face, but looking like an idiot in his attempt to lie out of a tricky situation for him. Look at his response to the idea that the UFC conducted its press conference last week in order to ‘screw’ Randy’s press conference. He lied again. How can he expect us to respect the UFC under Dana White as a legitimate sporting organisation when they CLEARLY are run by a man with zero ability to manage his own fighters, let alone TV executives/the media without looking like a retard and whos bad decisions has cost the UFC millions this year alone…

  42. 45 Huddle says:

    Dana White’s credibility might be shot….

    But Lorenzo Fertitta’s credibility is still in marvelous shape. The fact that he not only came to this press conference, but then provided pure facts to dispute Couture’s claims…. Basically trumps all else that went on…..

    Lastly, I would greatly disagree with the fact that Dana White has cost the UFC Millions. The HBO Deal was not done because THE FERTITTA’S couldn’t come to an agreement with HBO. To even think for a second that Dana White isn’t just a mouthpiece for those negotiations… Get real…. The real brains behind that operation is Lorenzo. And if he was comfortable with the HBO Deal in the end, it would have been made.

  43. Roots says:


    You don’t have any issues with Zuffa, do you?”


  44. Ivan Trembow says:

    “Randy Couture has thrown insult after insult towards Fertitta & White. The insults have not been thrown in the other direction.”

    Really? I could have sworn that Couture simply said that he felt White & Fertitta lied to him, and I could have sworn that White said that Couture and other top UFC fighters are like “bitches in a beauty salon.” Perhaps I imagined that like I imagined everything else.

  45. Michaelthebox says:

    klown: I don’t know if such an idea would work, but I wouldn’t have any problem with it, as long as it is industry wide. Forcing only the UFC to deal with a union when it isn’t a monopoly both wouldn’t work and isn’t fair to the UFC.

    The Gaijin: Can you give me some examples where contracts are renogotiated upwards without giving the company some benefit in return? I know that in baseball, contracts are never, ever renegotiated upwards unless the team gets some benefit to it. Couture seems to be demanding more money without the UFC getting something in return, which I can’t imagine happening in any sport.

  46. Michaelthebox says:

    GKH: I didn’t mean to insinuate that the UFC wouldn’t miss a single one of their fighters. But if any individual fighter quit, the UFC would move on, it would hurt them a bit but they’d be fine. Most of the non-headliners they wouldn’t even notice were gone.

    If the entire organization up and went on strike, it would hurt the UFC bad for about a year before the ship is righted again, but they’d do alright and get back on track within a few years. I think it would be a better move for the UFC in the long run than actually giving into the fighters.

    Hell, I’d fire them all, and I actually support the fighters. I simply think that the crappy pay the UFC gives now will benefit fighters much more in the long haul, BECAUSE the UFC relies so much on their brand. The sport of MMA isn’t anywhere near the likes of boxing or hockey, but the UFC does such a good job that it is comparable to boxing. They obviously spend a crapload of money in developing the sport in new areas and continuing to build stars. Long run, the sport will be much healthier if the UFC is able to invest tons of money, rather than paying it all off to the fighters.

  47. Grape Knee High says:


    I would say we mostly agree on this issue, except that I think MMA is still a very immature sport with very fickle casual fans. If, hypothetically, 80% of the top fighters went on strike for an extended period of time, I wonder if the UFC would be able to survive that.

    I guess I’m wondering who would pay for cards that most likely wouldn’t even have the middling drawing power of Bisping/Evans? Even now I’m wondering how little UFC 78 will draw.

    That said, while I fully support the fighters’ ability to ask for more money, I also support Zuffa’s aims at salary minimization. Right now, as a growth company, they — and the sport of MMA — are probably better off, as you said above, of being able to reinvest their profits rather than paying the fighters enormous sums of money that many of them are not demanding yet.

    I’m kind of in the middle of the salary debate. Dana White is a bit of a scumbag and I actually think fighters should continue to ask for more until Zuffa actually says “no” to them, but at the same time, I don’t think we should ignore the in-ring sponsorship money these fighters get in terms of total compensation.

    (And, let’s face it, this in-ring sponsorship money is the real reason many fighters have not started complaining yet. Rich Franklin is salaried for, what, $18,000 per fight? I’m sure he earns over a $1 million a year; if not that, then close to it. Stephane Patry was on record as saying that GSP would gross $1 million in 2006, mostly from endorsements. This is sponsorship money the fighters simply would not be able to earn outside of the UFC. On top of that, these odd NFL comparisons come up, but the NFL also tightly controls what brands the players must use on the field and allows no on-the-field personal sponsorships, even to the point of controlling what sideline staff wear to games.)

  48. Stang says:

    Ivan, I’m with you on everything you said. All the questions you raise and bring up are ones that the media should have asked today and I was extremely disappointed no one had the balls to stand up and ask the tough questions…piss poor in my opinion.

    The UFC is going to spin it whatever way they want and the jackass sitting in the middle of that table is the spin doctor. He contradicts himself so much it makes me sick to listen to anything he even says. The whole Fedor is this and that is a far cry from desperately trying to get him just weeks ago. And to say we were just getting him for Randy, LMFAO at that one. Alot of money and trouble just to throw his “buddy” a bone.

    I don’t and will never buy any of the bullshit that balded headed jackass is trying to sell. I hope Randy, Fedor, and M-1 come “burn the house down”

  49. dice says:


    I don’t think rich is making anywhere near that in sponserships. In fact it was just reported that he quit xyience due to non payments, and they were one of his main sponsers.

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