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M-1 management team announced

By Zach Arnold | October 30, 2007

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Five minutes ago, Sibling Sports issued a press release announcing who is part of M-1’s management team.

Monte Cox is the M-1 Global President and CEO. Vadim Finkelchtein is appointed to the M-1 Global Executive Committee. Bob Clark is the COO. Joost Raimond will be President of M-1 Eurasia and be appointed to the M-1 Global Executive Committee. Apy Echteld will be VP of fighter development. Brian Patton will be the Vice President of M-1 Global. SFX Media & Events VP Dennis Spencer will be on the M-1 Global Executive Committee.

Topics: M-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “M-1 management team announced”

  1. DarthMolen says:

    Hmm. The Red Devils trainer will be the matchmaker…

    I bet we see a bunch of Red Devils on their card.

    Whatever happened to getting a non-biased, non-affiliated matchmaker?

    I know one right now that would blow Apy out of the water… Gary Marino.

    ‘Nuff said.

  2. michaell says:

    are you crazy? Can you read?
    “Apy Echteld was appointed vice president of fighter development. Echteld, 46, will be responsible for match-making and helping to identify fighters for M-1 Global to sign.”

  3. Great press release, tells us nothing new. They might as well have just told us to rewatch the press conference or go to the M-1 Global website.

  4. It’s just to keep the company in the spotlight. Wheels have to be seen turning, ya know? The most interesting bit of news out of this is the VP of SPX is on the board … who’s to say how big of an involvement SPX is actually gonna put into this though. Still too early to tell, but I’m slowly starting to go from thinking “This thing is gonna fall apart” to “This thing will be around for at least a short while before going down in flames”

  5. That FightMetric site is ambitious, but a little bit silly.

  6. Dan Purcell says:

    Is it just me or is the whole M1 thing just getting more and more slimey with a ton of conflicts of interest?

  7. GassedOut says:

    I’m with you, Dan. The whole thing just feels…off, somehow.

  8. I feel the same way about it, Aaron.

    M-1 isn’t going to need SFX Media & Events if they don’t get a major stable of fighters that aren’t the standard Red Devil guys. They can’t be just M-1 Mixfight, but international. If that’s the case, which is what it is starting to look like, they will sink faster than the Titanic.

  9. white ninja says:

    LOL at Apy Echteld as matchmaker

    not sure how any of this is any different to the M1 mixfight crap that Apy and Vadim have delivered for many years – other than now they will have access to ATT fighters thru Monte

    oops, forgot, they had that in the past as well


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