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UFC Fight Night 11 & new TUF

By Zach Arnold | September 19, 2007

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UFN 11 results: MMA Weekly | Sherdog | MMA Junkie | UFC Mania | Bloody Elbow | MMA on Tap | MMA HQ | MMA Madness | Observer | Steve Sievert | Yahoo Sports | CBS Sportsline

TUF reviews/notes: Sprawl ‘n Brawl | Dave Doyle | Steve Cofield interviews Joe Scarola | Fight Report | Game Critics

Steve Cofield says Mark Cuban and Dana White shook hands at the UFN event.

Jeff Hamlin and Luke Thomas break down the action on their latest radio show.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 24 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

24 Responses to “UFC Fight Night 11 & new TUF”

  1. PizzaChef says:

    Good fights so far. Pete Sell, damn I feel sorry for him. He can’t get a damn break. I hope that isin’t a bad omen for how Team Serra did.

    Good job by Nate. And, OMG Herb Dean did a good call for once, WTF.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Some really sloppy fighting tonight. This is good for the casual fans, but I prefer more crisp fighting skills. Both Sell/Quarry & Leben/Martin were ugly fights. But it was nice that both ended in KO’s, because both could have produced weird decisions due to being so close.

    The only fight I have been impressed with is the Nate Diaz fight…. At least he showed some skill…..

  3. PizzaChef says:

    Oh c’mon, it’s ugly but FUN. Dude, just enjoy your MMA. This isin’t a pro wrestling match where you have to do like “OMFG 5 STARZ!” for a table spot.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    I enjoy a technical battle over an ugly fight any day of the week. I’m not hating on the card. It just isn’t my cup of tea. It feels like an IFL card….

  5. D. Capitated says:

    What’s wrong with that? Do you need only absolute top of the line elite level MMA to be entertained?

  6. Zach Arnold says:

    What’s wrong with that? Do you need only absolute top of the line elite level MMA to be entertained?

    Joe Rogan likes to say everyone in UFC is world-class at striking or grappling…

  7. Zack says:

    I was really curious to see the scorecards on the Leben/Martin fight.

  8. robnashville says:

    ditto what PizzaChef said…. I’m enjoying this card immensely. very competitive fights with definitive finishes, entertaining in my book.

  9. D. Capitated says:

    Joe Rogan likes to say everyone in UFC is world-class at striking or grappling…

    A lot of them are. And there’s a lot of elite grapplers that suck standing and elite strikers who suck on the ground. That’s why we watch, right?

  10. robnashville says:

    Rogan also says Chuck has under-rated Jiu- Jitsu skills, if by under-rated he means non-existent.

  11. Zack says:

    Florian is a black belt at punching the back of the head.

  12. 45 Huddle says:

    Is Kenny Florian the luckiest fighter alive?

    1. The Elbow against Leben
    2. The Elbow against Karalexis.
    3. The blown out knee against Thomas.


  13. Grape Knee High says:

    45 Huddle, to be fair, Florian was winning the fight without question up to that point.

  14. Rolo the Cat says:

    Really now, Ken has turned himself into a top LW. Give him credit.

  15. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Hook or crook, Sityodtong does it again. The boys training in Slummaville are doing the dojo proud.


    Chuck has problems just standing up straight in the ring. That interview tonight wasn’t terribly crisp either.

  16. PizzaChef says:

    Wow the new Chris Leben. And crazy Russian sounding guy on TUF.

  17. Lynchman says:


    Florian was looking good. He was winning the stand up and had a couple of TDs.

    Give Florian credit for fighting good and coming out on top.

  18. nick says:

    yeah i got mac danzig winning this one real fast

  19. nick says:

    ooooo sweet sweet triangle on that weak ass

  20. Zack says:

    A kick to the jimmy, an injury, a slew of punches to the back of the head…time for another title shot, IMO.

  21. nick says:

    yeah another title shot…roids ftw

  22. Thomas says:

    By the way Dave Doyle is reporting that Florian won by “read-naked choke”.

  23. Ivan Trembow says:

    “Are you ready to go, f–kers?” Classy as always.

  24. LR says:

    LOL, yeah, no kidding. Dana White loves to give himself the bad boy image, yet he’s supposed to put out a professional image when meeting with agents, etc.

    And even though Florian was winning that fight prior to Din Thomas’s knee blowout, nobody really knows what could have happened. It was really an unfortunate incident for Din.


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